Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 480: Such a large cosmic gathering, and you let them eat takeout?

The accidental injury caused by the sword fight forced the Xi'ans to leave first.

Fortunately, it was sword fighting. His combat effectiveness was directly proportional to his self-confidence, both in attack and defense. With that punch, his strength increased several times due to the expansion of his self-confidence, and his defense power also increased several times. When he received the punch, he only fell into a coma due to severe injuries, but it did not kill him. If it were another person, he might not be able to take that punch.

However, it is unknown whether his self-confidence will be affected in the future.

The Xi'ar people left, and Qin finally breathed a sigh of relief. She was not afraid of them, but she just didn't want the Phoenix Force to cause more killings. It would be best for them to leave first.

"How is it? Am I good?" Skye returned to Eric and showed off his achievements to Qin, "Are those Shi'ar people gone?"

"Did you do this on purpose?" Qin asked in surprise.

"Of course, if you don't do this, how can you get rid of those annoying guys?" Skye smiled like a fox, "If you just defeat him, there's no point in going so hard."

"Thank you." Qin looked at Skye gratefully, a different kind of emotion flowing in her eyes.

"Ahem!" Eric couldn't stand it anymore. In order to avoid unnecessary situations, he hurriedly interrupted the two of them with a dry cough. "Let's go see Fury. I don't know how they negotiated." That’s it.”

With the help of Professor It sounds like an organization that actually doesn't make much sense.

Cooperation is actually just what Lu Dan and others say. If those cooperation terms were placed on earth, everyone would fall into the same category, financial assistance...

In other words, technological assistance.

Each of the alien forces that came to watch the ceremony has the technological level to conduct ultra-long-distance interstellar travel. Many forces even own more than one planet. Compared with the earth, they are so advanced!

Of course, this is also because they developed early. If we put the earth and them on the same starting line, it is really not sure who will be ahead.

"I'm really worried now. What if they regret it after the spiritual suggestion time has passed?" Professor X looked at the terms line by line, and became more and more frightened. When he was just negotiating, he was only focused on fighting for more benefits for the earth, for fear that the earth would suffer a loss, but now looking at these terms, he is overstretched!

"It's okay, with Eric here, they don't dare to do anything!" Luo Dan waved his hands nonchalantly, "Besides, these things are basically old technologies that they have eliminated. They are almost useless to them, but they are a timely help to the earth. !”

Qin cautiously leaned over and watched with Professor Can we sign any kind of contract? Why are the aliens so generous?”

Lu Dan smiled proudly, "Loots! Some useless garbage collected during the attack on Kree, as well as the broken spaceship when Thanos invaded, oh, by the way, and the bodies of the four black generals! I sold them Good price!”

"Corpse?" Qin frowned, a little disgusted with the method of braised eggs.

"Of course! There are also those demon corpses. You don't know, aliens are rushing to get them!" Luodan thought he had taken a big advantage and laughed triumphantly.

Eric slapped his forehead and said, "You also sold the devil's corpse? No wonder they signed such a contract."

"What? Compensate?" Lu Dan jumped up in excitement. When it comes to money, he is more sensitive than anyone else.

"It's not compensation, let's exchange it for equal value. They should have anti-mind control devices and were not affected by Charles at all." Eric shook his head, "The corpses of extradimensional creatures are enough to make their biotechnology take a small step forward. ”

"Damn it, you're going to pay a lot of money!" Lu Dan's face changed drastically, and he wanted to catch up with him in a spaceship right now. "To me, if you don't pick up something while walking, it's considered lost! Damn it, why didn't you tell me earlier? I'm going to pay a lot of money this time!"

Skye and Qin hid aside and snickered, Professor X continued to read the terms with a smile, and Eric ignored Lu Dan's complaints.

After the business is done, of course we have to have some fun.

In front of all the aliens, Eric personally used "big magic" to condense the crystal city covering an area of ​​100 kilometers into a crystal castle.

The castle was crystal clear, neon flashing, and beautiful. It quickly attracted the attention of aliens. Many alien nobles ordered their men to note down the style of the castle and build one like this when they return!

It was just a small move, but Lu Dan discovered a new business opportunity. He found Eric and asked Eric to send him back to SHIELD. He mobilized nearly 70% of SHIELD's manpower to bring the world's famous I scanned all the buildings with the surname and converted them into virtual design drawings. I happily rushed back to Titan and set up a stall in the castle.

"This is not an ordinary building. This is the cultural inheritance of the earth and the embodiment of civilization!" Lu Dan thought of the words as soon as his upper and lower lips touched. "These design drawings contain the earth's civilization inheritance of tens of thousands of years. They are treasures of the entire universe! We, the people on earth, have protected these buildings for countless years, and too many ancestors have dedicated everything to them. Now, it is time for them to bloom with the glory of civilization!”

It has to be said that no matter where you are, there are always some people who like to be arty, especially those aliens from ancient families. They just like this. As long as the design is completely different from the architectural style of today's earth, they will buy it at a high price. .

Luodan always looked like he was grief-stricken and crying, as if he was very reluctant to part with those design drawings, but the corners of his mouth that turned up from time to time had already revealed his ecstatic mood.

Setting up a braised egg street stall is just a small episode. What can really attract extraterrestrial visitors is Earth's delicacies.

The castle is very large, but nearly half of it is filled with delicacies from the Earth. These things come from different countries on the Earth and come in various flavors. Every alien can find his or her favorite flavor.

"Eric, how did you do it?" Qin was holding a bunch of candied haws in his hand. It was a bit unbelievable. The sources of these foods cover almost the entire earth. How many chefs would it take to hire?

When Skye heard this, he couldn't help but snicker, "He didn't hire a chef! These are all takeaways he ordered!"

"Takeaway? Which takeaway company can deliver food to extraterrestrials?" Qin was really shocked. Which takeaway company is so powerful? A certain group or something?

"Eric Takeout Company!" Eric smiled as he took a bite of fish-flavored shredded pork and nodded slightly, "Skye placed orders on the Internet at the same time from 100,000 restaurants around the world, and then I used my space ability to pick them up in person! "

Qin was dumbfounded. There is such an operation? Wait, for such a large cosmic gathering, you just let them eat takeout?

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