Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 482: Seems to have been promoted to multiple levels?

Is this, another time travel? Eric looked at the surrounding scenes in astonishment.

Not like it.

He was not a newbie who traveled through time for the first time, he could tell whether he had traveled through time or not.

This was not a time travel, it should be just trapped in the memories of those soul fragments.

But, is this memory a little too real?

The broken eaves and broken walls on the ground, the smell of blood and rot in the air, the gray clouds in the sky, the roars coming from the ears...

Everything is so real.

Just like the war in the Emperor Thanos universe, the final battle between the mutants and the sentinel robots, that tragic defeat...

Eric stayed where he was, the dusty memories in his mind kept emerging, overlapping with the scene in front of him, making him a little confused about which was reality, which was illusion, which was a dream, and which was a memory...

But no matter whether it was real or illusion, there was a breath here, that was despair.

"Magneto, what are you doing! Don't stand there! Run! Run!" A red figure rushed past, shouting in fear.

Eric looked up and shuddered.

That was Tony Stark, the Iron Man, but the originally bright golden-red armor was now covered with rust, filthy bloodstains everywhere, and even many places became dilapidated, with only half of the visor left.

Looking inside from the half-broken visor, the handsome man who once had a proud face had long disappeared, replaced by an ugly face that looked like a mummy.

Zombie Iron Man.

"Damn, it's catching up!" Zombie Iron Man shouted in fear, driving the armor to increase horsepower, but it was still a step too late.

A big hand fell from the sky and slapped Zombie Iron Man to death with a slap.

That hand looked almost the same as an ordinary person's hand. Every texture and every hair could be seen clearly. The only difference was the size. This hand was more than ten meters long, and the arm connecting it was so long that you couldn't see the end at a glance.

The giant hand slapped the zombie Iron Man to the ground, and when it was lifted up again, the zombie Iron Man slowly stood up again.

There is no death in the zombie universe.

Eric had just flashed this thought in his mind, but the scene in front of him suddenly stunned him, because the zombie Iron Man stretched out his hand to him, as if asking for help, but his hand was only halfway out, and his body underwent amazing changes.

Both the steel armor and the decayed body were quickly turning into black yarn. In less than a second, the zombie Iron Man became a pile of black sand.

"Save, save me..." It was not until then that Eric heard the last cry for help from the zombie Iron Man, but he could no longer wait for rescue. His life full of despair and sin had come to an end.

Zombie Iron Man, dead.

"What happened to the zombie universe?" Eric felt his hair stand on end, staring at the giant hand that captured the sky, and his eyes twitched involuntarily.

After killing the zombie Iron Man, the giant hand seemed to have no interest in him, and passed him to chase another zombie superhero. Judging from the style of the uniform, it should be the zombie Thor.

"What happened here? Whose hand is that? Why is he chasing these zombie superheroes?" Questions were born in his mind. Eric wanted to go forward to investigate, but suddenly found that the familiar powers in his body had disappeared. The unified force field, planning power, and space power all disappeared.

There is only one power in this body, the magnetic field.

"Yes, this is the body of the zombie Magneto!" Eric suddenly realized and tried to control the magnetic field. Although it was a little rusty, it was still useful.

When he controlled the magnetic field to make himself fly, the zombie Thor over there had been beaten into black sand by the giant hand.

"Even Thor can't withstand a blow?" Eric's eyelids twitched wildly. Thor's physique was among the best in the entire Earth superheroes, but he still couldn't withstand the power of the giant hand's blow. It was really terrifying.

"Roar!" A terrifying roar suddenly came from the distance, radiating with a terrifying shock wave. Eric hurriedly flew up, but saw a scene that made him even more unbelievable.

Zombie Black Bolt was fighting against another identical giant hand! Judging from his appearance, that roar seemed to have exhausted all his strength, but it couldn't hurt the giant hand at all! The opponent didn't even lose a hair!

Terrible attack power, even more terrifying defense power.

"Ah, no!" Accompanied by a desperate scream, Zombie Black Bolt lost his life.

"Earthlings, Asgardians, Inhumans. Is it a massacre regardless of race? Is it only aimed at Earth, or are there other places?" Eric looked around and found no less than ten giant hands slaughtering zombie superheroes wherever he looked.

He controlled his body to rise quickly, wanting to see who the owner of these hands was, but when he flew over the clouds, he was shocked to find that there was nothing there, and the clouds "grew" these hands!

"Wait, what is that?" Before he could be surprised, a scene that made him stunned appeared above his head.

It was a huge spaceship, but the structure of the spaceship was very special. Thick pipes were arranged in the belly of the spaceship, which looked like human ribs, and the head of the spaceship was a distorted face!

Planet Devourer! His body was transformed into a spaceship!

Such a horrifying and cruel scene made Eric shudder, but before he could recover, a giant hand as big as a mountain suddenly broke through the boundary of the atmosphere and slapped the Devourer spaceship, smashing it into pieces. The wreckage fell into the clouds and fell to the ground.

The giant hand seemed to have discovered Eric's existence. After hitting the Devourer spaceship, it pointed its palm at Eric.

Eric's hair stood on end, and he quickly lowered his body, passed through the clouds, landed on the ground, and hid in a dilapidated hut to catch his breath.

The things he just saw were too shocking, and he needed to slow down.

"Guys, follow me quickly, I found a door, someone opened a door, and you can escape from there!" There was a sudden shout outside the house, and Eric looked over and saw that it was Deadpool, who had only one head and was tied to a small aircraft and bumped around everywhere.

"Hey! Magneto, I see you, follow me quickly! There is a door over there!"

Door? Eric's heart moved, and he remembered what the dead head had said to him last time. That door might be the one that opened for him to travel through the parallel universe.

Go and have a look! As soon as this thought came up, before his body could move, a giant hand that grabbed the sky smashed down on his head!

In the last moment of consciousness, Eric seemed to see a pair of cold eyes glancing at him.

The illusion disappeared, and consciousness returned again. Eric opened his eyes, and Deadpool was still chattering beside him. The dead head fell not far away and did not move.

Eric carefully recalled his experience just now, but suddenly found that his body and soul had undergone some changes.

He seemed to have advanced to the multiverse? !

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