Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 50 The Eternals and the Abnormal

Eric came to his laboratory, put the slender hair into the instrument that had been prepared, and detected it skillfully.

The instrument started slowly, and Eric stared nervously at the computer screen. The entire set of instruments here was designed by him personally. He knew very well that it would take at least four or five hours to complete the entire test, but he didn't want to leave even half a step.

Because this test result will be related to his future.

One million years ago, a team of Celestials came to Earth to conduct genetic experiments. At that time, early humans had already been born. Based on the variability of human genes, the Celestials created two types of human descendants, the Eternals and the Abnormals.

The Celestial Group implanted a sleeping DNA synthesis into the bodies of abnormal people. This synthesis will one day undergo benign mutations, allowing them to acquire a variety of powerful abilities.

However, the evolutionary effect of the abnormal people was not ideal, so the Celestial Group destroyed the abnormal people. That attack directly caused the sinking of Atlantis. Some of the surviving abnormal people sank to the bottom of the sea with Atlantis. Became the ancestor of Neptune Namor. The other part of the survivors who stayed on land are the ancestors of mutants.

Speaking of the Eternals, they can use the energy of the universe, are infinitely powerful, will not get tired, will not get sick, are immune to toxins, almost nothing can affect them, and are very powerful.

Later, the Eternal Ones split into two groups due to a civil war, with one group staying on Earth and the other heading to Uranus.

The Eternals who went to Uranus were defeated by the Kree and fled to Titan, the planet Titan, the hometown of Thanos. They are the ancestors of the Titan family.

Later, the Kree came to Earth and discovered traces of the Celestial Group's experiments, so they experimented with the genes of Earthlings and Eternals, thus giving birth to the Inhumans.

And Skye is a member of the Inhumans, the future famous destroyer of worlds, Shock Girl!

Shock Girl, as the name suggests, Skye's ability is shock, which is an extremely powerful ability. At a large scale, the vibrations can cause earthquakes, tsunamis and even tear apart the planet. At a small scale, the microscopic level of any substance is constantly vibrating. If Skye has enough strength, he can destroy or control any substance.

According to string theory, everything in the world is produced by the vibration of strings. Whether it is matter or energy, existing or non-existent, they are all just ripples produced by the vibration of strings.

Eric's ability is to create and control electromagnetic force, which is one of the four basic forces of the universe and one of the most basic rules in the universe. However, this ability is also a ripple produced by the vibration of strings. Skye's ability is closer to the essence of the universe than Eric's!

Of course, these things are still too far away now, and Eric does not expect to control the nature of the universe through Skye's ability. He has not even fully developed his electromagnetic power and has only touched the tip of the iceberg.

By controlling one of the four basic forces, Eric's future path has already been determined, which is to integrate the four basic forces and understand the unified field theory.

In all the parallel universes of Marvel, the most powerful Magneto relied on his intelligence to understand the unified field theory, and he was so powerful that he could create a black hole with his bare hands.

Eric believed that he did not have such a strong understanding. He knew that with his little wisdom, he could not even solve the problem of unifying the gravitational field and the electromagnetic field.

Therefore, he needs some external help and appropriate off-field assistance, and Skye's vibration ability is the best assistance!

As time passed, Skye's genetic map was gradually drawn, and test results were generated one by one.

Eric stared at the dazzling data on the screen, calculating silently in his mind. After a while, he closed his eyes in disappointment and let out a long sigh.

"Sure enough, no! Her genes are not activated, and the test cannot yield any useful data. Alas!" Eric had actually expected this result, but he still had fantasies and wanted to see if the instrument he designed could work. Detect what he wants without activating the gene. Unfortunately, lady luck is not on his side this time.

The mutants' superpowers come from the X gene in the body. The X gene will automatically activate when certain conditions are met. However, the Inhumans are different. If they want to activate their genes, they must rely on the Terrigen Mist created by Kree technology. , without Terrigen, the Inhumans can only live their lives like ordinary people.

"Hey, it's a long detour, and we're back to square one! SHIELD, in the end we still need to rely on SHIELD! Just wait, Skye is still young anyway, and can't bear the mutation of Terrigen Mist, I still have time, Not urgent."

The next day, just after dawn, Skye got up, ran to Eric's bedroom without even washing her face, and knocked on the door "dong dong dong".

Eric spent the night researching in the underground laboratory. He was woken up as soon as he lay down. He opened the door sleepily and saw the little Loli standing at the door with an expressionless face.

"Eric, good morning!" Before Eric could say anything, the little girl greeted him first and then turned away, leaving Eric with a stunned look on his face.

"What's going on?" Eric looked at Skye's leaving figure blankly, and vaguely heard a "first sentence"...

"It's your own fault and you will not live!" Eric couldn't laugh or cry. The little girl Emotion was completing the ten-sentence task!

Now that the mission has been completed, he, the NPC, can take off work temporarily. Eric patted his forehead and went back to bed to sleep.

When he woke up again, it was already past nine in the morning. He came to the kitchen in his pajamas and just opened a bottle of Coke for himself when he heard hurried footsteps behind him.

"Eric, good morning!" Skye still had the look of completing the task.

Eric shook his head speechlessly, "Skye, if your ten sentences every day are all this kind of greeting, then our agreement can only be invalidated."

"Why?" Skye was immediately anxious.

"The task of ten sentences is to make you integrate into this family, and even into society in the future. Skye, humans are social animals. If you only live in your own world, what is the meaning of living?"

Eric's words made Skye think, and Eric did not disturb her. For a while, the kitchen was extremely quiet.

"Gurgle gurgle." A strange sound suddenly sounded, and Skye's cheeks suddenly turned red. Eric looked at her belly with a surprised look.

"Eric, do we have anything to eat?" Skye hurriedly said, holding her stomach, and then asked him carefully: "Does this count?"

Eric looked up at the sky speechlessly, rolled his eyes and blurted out one word: "Count!"

Then, he opened the refrigerator, trying to find something for Skye to eat, but found that there was only Coke and beer in the refrigerator...

Uh, how do I usually eat? It seems that I always eat outside... It seems that I need to hire a nanny.

"Skye, what do you want to eat? Let's go out to eat!"

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