Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 53 Namor is captured

In the United States, if your friend or neighbor was fine one day and suddenly disappeared without a trace the next day, leaving no trace behind, then please don’t panic, they just heard something they shouldn’t have heard. Content, they saw things they shouldn't have seen, they will be fine, they were just taken away and shot for five minutes, just five minutes.

This was the case for Patton, but he had the strength to escape on the way to being shot.

The story started a year ago. At that time, he was still "cultivating in seclusion" at the circus, making money to save some money for his wife.

The circus came to a certain coastal city to perform. One night, Barton went to the beach to practice archery as usual. According to him, it was a unique secret that Jie She taught him. Practicing it in the dark could enhance his eyesight.

Then, he saw something he shouldn't have seen. A large group of people are hunting a mutant.

According to Barton's understanding, that person should be a mutant. Barton has been working in the circus all year round and has been exposed to all kinds of religions. Barton is no stranger to mutants.

He is so powerful that he can break a tree as thick as a thigh with a wave of his hand; he can control the water flow, and with a roar, a huge wave will rise from the sea and hit the enemy; and he can also fly! Barton saw him flying into the air and destroying several helicopters with the spear in his hand!

More than two hundred soldiers armed with various weapons fought with him for more than ten minutes, but except for the loss of dozens of lives, there was no result at all!

"Oh? Is this person really that powerful? Was he caught later?" Eric asked casually, squinting his eyes. He had already roughly guessed who the mutant was. Super physical fitness, water control, flying, spear weapons... Still on the beach, who else could be there besides Neptune Namor?

"He was caught!" At this point, Barton patted his chest with lingering fear. "Later, the group drove out two strange cars with a large disk on the roof. They put the disk on Aimed at the mutant, and then made a very harsh sound, and the mutant was knocked unconscious directly! "

Eric's expression suddenly froze. This seems to be his fault again? The weapon Barton mentioned is 100% the sonic tank produced by himself...

"Then how were you discovered?" Eric asked with concern, forcing his expression back to normal.

"Well, I was also unlucky. I was hiding it well, but the soldier controlling the disk sneezed, and when his hand shook, the weapon swept me away..." At this point, Barton had a look on his face. anger.

It's really unjust that the gun was lying there!

"Later I found a way to escape, but they still pursued me. I was forced to have no choice but to hide. I hid for a year!"

"How can you be sure they are soldiers? What characteristics do they have?" Eric is now very concerned about the origins of that group of people. Could it be a military operation to obtain the sonic tank produced by Alice Industries? If that's the case, then Barton will be in trouble.

"They wear uniforms, are equipped with standard weapons, and their actions are organized. They must be soldiers! As for their characteristics, well, they have an eagle-shaped logo on their clothes!" Eagle Eye is indeed an eagle eye. Even in the dark night, he still Can see these small details clearly.

Eagle logo, S.H.I.E.L.D.! Also, with the power of SHIELD, it is really easy to get a few sonic tanks. But why does SHIELD want to capture Namor?

No, maybe it's not S.H.I.E.L.D., but HYDRA! Eric immediately thought of Alexander's disgusting face.

"Mr. Eric?" Barton saw Eric lost in thought and called him softly.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Eric came back to his senses, suddenly stared at Barton and asked, "Why do you believe me so much? I only asked one question and you told everything?"

When Barton heard this, he smiled bitterly and pointed to the five feather arrows at his feet, "I can't beat you."

Taking Barton back to New York, Skye now has a driver, bodyguard, thug, fighting teacher, and mascot...

As for Patton's trouble, now that he knows it was Alexander who caused it, it is no longer a trouble.

Eric called Alexander's office and told him directly: "Barton is my man, don't cause trouble for him again in the future!"

Then, Eric held off the phone without waiting for Alexander to reply, making Alexander furious. But in the end, he endured it. Barton was just an insignificant person, and there was no need to fall out with Eric because of him.

At the same time, Alexander also thought about a deeper level. Is Barton the Eric's person before or now?

If it was before, then why did Eric's men appear at the scene where he captured Aquaman? Could it be that Eric has been sending someone to monitor his actions? So, in addition to Barton, is there also an undercover agent sent by Eric around him? Is Eric already planning to seize his power?

If it was just now, then why did Eric save Button? Is it for information about Neptune? Or to deal with yourself? Or is there some secret hidden in Barton?

It has to be said that people in high positions think very fast. Less than a minute after the call was hung up, Alexander had already had a lot of thoughts popping up in his mind, and every one of them was well-founded and well-founded. All made him worried.

Alexander has troubles, and so does Eric.

Why was Neptune Namor, this grumpy guy, captured by Hydra? Will he be sectioned for study or tortured? To save him or not to save him?

Eric touched his chin and thought carefully. It took him a long time to make up his mind. Save!

Aquaman is the king of Atlantis. He has been missing for a year. Atlantis will definitely send people to look for him. If they find out that the surface people have captured their king, then a war is inevitable!

Since we want to save him, we have to find out where he is. Eric directly contacted his undercover Garrett, but the answer he got was that he didn't know.

Garrett didn't even know about the arrest of Namor, let alone the place of detention.

In desperation, Ike had to ask Professor X, the "world's strongest online search system", for help again. When Professor X heard that Namor was missing, he also realized the seriousness of the matter and put on the brain enhancement device without saying a word.

"Eric, your guess is right. Many Atlanteans have come to the shore. We need to rescue Namor as soon as possible!"

"The world's strongest online search system" is really not covered. It found Namor's location in minutes and passed the address to Eric.

Eric frowned when he saw the address, "I didn't expect it to be here! What a trouble!"

Thanks to the book friends Future and Weibi for the reward!

By the way, I originally planned a lot of Aquaman's plots, including the Atlantis plots, but considering that many friends don't know much about Aquaman, I deleted most of the Aquaman plots... Well, the vampire plot still has the Blade Trilogy, although it is not very popular, but some people have read it, but Aquaman, there are only comics...

So it's better to write less, leaving only a transitional plot...

Finally, please collect, comment, and recommend! !

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