Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 547: No Step Back

Duels happen every day on Sakaar. The residents here have long been accustomed to duels, gambling, and madness...

But today, the atmosphere on Sakaar was pushed to an unprecedented climax, because Gao Tianzun, the master who has ruled Sakaar for countless years, walked into the arena for the first time!

Gao Tianzun has ruled Sakaar for countless years, but has never participated in any duels in person. This makes many people on Sakaar doubt the strength of this master. Although he has the title of the Elder of the Universe to support him, there are really few people who really obey him.

Today, Gao Tianzun is finally going to "prove" his strength in front of everyone. How can this not make people excited? Moreover, the opponent is the famous Devourer of Planets!

Well, although it is heard that it is a new Devourer of Planets, this does not affect people's passion. The name Devourer of Planets is enough!

"Well, my popularity is so high?" When Eric stepped into the arena, he was a little surprised by the thunderous cheers of the audience. He thought these people were cheering for him, but when he listened carefully, he heard that they were all cheering for Gao Tianzun, and he couldn't help but curl his lips.

Look at Gao Tianzun again, this guy was carried up!

Four members of the Supreme Squadron carried a gorgeous chair and lifted Gao Tianzun high above their heads. The other three led the way in front, and the seven stared at Eric with a fierce look, walking like a dragon and a tiger, with extraordinary momentum. Gao Tianzun sat on it, with a showy face, waving at the audience. That style, that momentum, directly crushed Eric!

Eric narrowed his eyes, this guy is not kind! Well, since you want to compete with this, then come on!

A hazy mist rose from Eric's feet, quickly wrapped Eric in it, and became bigger and bigger.

At the beginning, the audience's attention was on Gao Tianzun and his party, and almost no one noticed Eric's changes until the mist covered half of the arena. They realized that something was wrong and looked at the mist with question marks in their heads.

"Roar!" A huge roar, with boundless air waves, blew away all the fog in the field, and the secrets hidden under the fog were also revealed to everyone at this moment.

It was a hideous 100-meter dragon, each of its scales shone with metallic luster, and there were streams of light flashing continuously, each stream of light carrying a different regular breath, constantly causing changes in the surrounding space and matter.

Its eyes were like two burning suns, shining with dazzling brilliance. Between breaths, two hot air currents gushed out of its nose, and wherever it passed, the space was constantly cracked, and fist-sized black holes were born between the air currents, annihilating...

What kind of monster is this? The breath of destruction made the surrounding audience shiver, but their eyes could not help but move upwards, because above the monster's head, stood a more terrifying existence.

He just stood there calmly, with his hands behind his back, looking down at the earth indifferently, as if a god standing at the end of the world was looking down at the common people.

"Um, Eric, this monster doesn't seem to be on the duel list, right?" Gao Tianzun was embarrassed for a while, smacking his lips, and said dryly.

Eric's eyes moved slightly, his divinity faded, and his humanity returned. He seemed to be thinking seriously about Gao Tianzun's words. Just this tiny movement made the audience feel relieved. The pressure from the look just now was too great!

"That's right, I didn't say I would use this little guy just now." Eric's mouth corners curled up, his toes lifted slightly, and then fell hard, "Then, it has no need to exist!"

With Eric's action, the mountain-like dragon was hit hard, its head exploded in an instant, and its huge body fell to the ground, causing the entire Sakaar planet to tremble.

Eric waved his left hand, and the dragon's body turned into a black mist and disappeared. He hid his hand behind his back and waved with his right hand, "Sorry, I accidentally remembered the wrong rules. I accept the punishment and will fight with one hand! Come on."

"Too much!" Gao Tianzun's face was livid. How could he not understand that Eric was playing tricks on him.

The seven members of the Supreme Team were even more furious. It was already too much for you to fight eight alone, and now you are giving up one hand! This is a naked humiliation!

"Die!" At this moment, there was no need for extra words. The seven members of the Supreme Team and Gao Tianzun attacked at the same time!

Hyperion still used the hot vision to clear the way, and two scarlet beams of light shot directly at Eric.

Dr. Spectrum radiated golden light all over his body, and the golden light turned into an iron fist and hit Eric.

Nighthawk spread his wings and kept shooting with a black technology pistol on his arm.

The Divine Princess waved the war hammer and roared and ran wildly.

The Sagittarius bow was fully strung, and sharp arrows flew over.

The amphibian wielded a harpoon, and waves of water surrounded him.

Six of the seven members of the Supreme Squadron were ready to attack Eric one after another, but there was still one person who was faster than them all!

Fengsu, whose abilities were similar to those of the Flash and Quicksilver, were extremely fast. He had already reached Eric the moment he started, and with his huge kinetic energy and tremendous force, he punched Eric in the face.

Seeing his fist getting closer and closer to Eric's face, a smile gradually appeared on Fengsu's face. No matter how strong you are, what does it matter? As long as I am faster than you, I can defeat you before you can react!

"Go to hell!" Fengsu had a cruel smile on his face, and added a little more strength, trying to get rid of Eric with one punch.

However, just when his fist was still a palm away from Eric, Fengsu was shocked to find that Eric actually smiled!

His eyes, full of amusement and disdain, scanned Fengsu up and down, and finally stopped at Fengsu's belt. The speed belt, the source of Fengsu's energy!

"No!" Fengsu yelled in fear, but it was useless. He could only watch Eric's eyes getting brighter and brighter, and finally released a dazzling light.

Heat vision! He can do it too!

This was Fengsu's last thought, and then there was a burst of pain and endless darkness.

The confrontation between the two happened very quickly, less than a second. Among all the people present, only Hyperion and Gao Tianzun could see it clearly, but they didn't react. When they wanted to make a move, Fengsu had been hit by a heat vision to the edge of the arena, and he didn't know whether he would live or die.

Fengsu's defeat was just the beginning.

Eric's eyes emitted heat vision. After repelling the wind speed, he did not stop. He fought with Hyperion's heat vision and consumed him. At the same time, he slapped down and smashed Dr. Spectrum's light energy fist. Then he waved his hand to easily sweep away the bullets and arrows of Nighthawk and Sagittarius, and then changed his palm to a fist, and punched the Princess of Power and the Amphibian who ran in front of him, and they were seriously injured.

The whole process was easy and natural.

He really used only one hand as he said!

Moreover, he did not retreat a single step!

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