Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 582: Annihilation of the Zerg, Destruction

Thanos has not been erased!

Doctor Strange connected to the multiverse local area network and asked hundreds of Supreme Masters before telling Eric a very bad answer.

All the Thanos of the multiverse have disappeared, but they were not erased, but completed a journey that left all the Supreme Masters scratching their heads.

All Thanos are gathered in one universe and one time.

Ancient Egypt!

"I\u0026%¥#@...!" Eric was about to go crazy, tearing his hair and letting out waves of hysterical roars, scaring Doctor Strange and all the mages so much that they didn't dare to move.

Some of the Annihilation Zerg who didn't know the truth saw this human being alone and wanted to come over to give him a slap in the face, but Eric roared and punched him, and he punched him into a pulp.

Such crazy and bloody behavior made even the Annihilation Zerg fearful and did not dare to approach Eric anymore, but Eric ignored him and persisted in pursuing him, forcefully destroying the Annihilation in this area with his fists. The Zerg were all beaten to a pulp, and then they calmed down a little.

At this moment, his whole body was covered with Zerg mucus and flesh, and he looked like a hell-killing god who had walked out of the Shura field, which made Doctor Strange and others feel frightened.

"Eric?" Doctor Strange knew that Eric was in something wrong, so he opened a 180-layer magic shield for himself and approached cautiously.

After Eric vented his anger, he calmed down. He sighed and his body shook. A small group of Star Eater Bees covered his whole body, devouring every molecule that did not belong to him, and transformed into a brand new suit. .

"Eric, what happened?" Seeing Eric's changes, Doctor Strange felt reassured.

"Thanos...hey...forget it..." Eric just started, but he didn't know where to start. He sighed helplessly, stepped forward and patted Doctor Strange on the shoulder, "Sorry, I scared you. Let’s clean up the Zerg first, and we’ll talk about other things later.”

Doctor Strange glanced at Eric suspiciously, nodded silently, turned around and flew back to the entrance of the mirror space.

Eric used top speed again and ran all the way to Venus, where the magic core of the forbidden air magic array was placed.

For a magic circle like this that affects a certain range, the magic core is usually placed in the center of the range. Logically speaking, the core should be placed on the sun.

However, the temperature on the sun was too high, and there were not many fixed locations where the magic circle could be arranged. Eric and Thor placed the core on Venus. Anyway, according to the proportions of the solar system, Venus and the sun are not much different.

A magnificent altar stands on Venus. The surface of the altar is covered with dense runes, and a blue gem is placed on the top. It not only emits waves of dazzling shock waves, but also spreads to the entire solar system.

Next to the altar, there was a small table. A middle-aged man sat beside it, staring closely at the chessboard on the table. He didn't even notice that Eric had arrived.

"Max!" Eric stepped forward and patted him, startling his clone.

"Oh, Eric! Can't you take care of the elderly? God, I almost had a heart attack from you!" Magneto Max complained while patting his chest.

Eric's heart was heavy and he was in no mood to joke with him. He pointed at the altar and said, "It's time to end. Are you going to do it or am I going to do it?"

As Eric's multiverse clone, Max immediately noticed that something was wrong with Eric, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Eric shook his head, "Let's get rid of the Zerg trouble first."

Max looked at him deeply and nodded slightly, "Let me do it. This may be the only time in my life that I experience such a powerful force!"

Eric opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but felt it was unnecessary. He smiled reluctantly, took out the Mind Stone and the Power Stone, and handed them to Max.

Marx looked at the two gems solemnly and waved his hand. The chess pieces just placed on the table quietly shattered and turned into a handful of bright silver gauze, which gathered on his right hand and turned into a glove.

Controlling metals is a good job.

He was the first to pick up the purple power gem. The huge energy almost made him explode. Fortunately, his own body was nearby and diverted a large part of the energy for him, allowing him to put the power gem on his gloves with difficulty.

A burst of purple light flashed, and the gems were tightly inlaid on the gloves, showing densely packed runes.

"It's quite simple." Max secretly wiped off the cold sweat, laughed sarcastically, looked at the other mind gem with some palpitations, and then glanced at Eric secretly. Seeing that he didn't respond, he had to carefully twist the gem.

"Huh? Are you okay?" Max raised his brows, a little surprised, and put the gem on his glove again. The yellow light shone brightly, and the Mind Gem was also embedded in the glove, complementing the Power Gem.

"Go!" Eric raised his chin, and Max nodded in understanding and walked up to the altar step by step.

The altar is more than two hundred meters high. Marx walked up step by step, but it only took him less than a minute. Standing on the top of the altar, he had a bird's eye view of the earth and the stars in the universe, as if he had everything under control.

Max took a deep breath and grabbed the space stone.

Without the space gem, the forbidden air magic circle could no longer sustain itself. It collapsed in an instant. The altar was also filled with cracks in an instant and was about to collapse. Marx didn't care. He rose from the ground as soon as his feet moved, floating above the altar, filling the space. The gemstone is carefully placed on the glove.

Half of the Infinity Stones gathered together, and mysterious energy flowed on the gloves. Marx looked up and down, carefully experiencing the changes in the gloves, and a trace of enlightenment slowly climbed up his cheeks.

The Infinity Gauntlet is not complete. Even with the rune magic circle modified by Eric, it still cannot maximize the power of the gloves, but doing some "simple" things is enough!

Marx gently raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

The Power Stone first shone with endless energy to charge the gloves.

The Space Stone then exerted its power, using the energy of the Power Stone to sweep the power of the gloves across the universe.

Finally, the Mind Stone appeared, identifying the creatures of the entire universe and marking the Annihilation Zerg one by one.

"Let's end it." Marx sighed easily.

The mental power far beyond his cognition swept the universe in an instant.

In any corner of the universe, the Annihilation Zerg has nowhere to hide, and is found by this power, and then destroyed.

There is nothing wrong with their bodies, and their souls are still intact, but their minds are all withered and their consciousness is completely extinguished.

This is the horror of psychic powers.

Professor X can use his brainwave enhancer to bring the entire Earth to annihilation in an instant, but his incomplete Infinity Gauntlet can extend it to the entire universe.

With a snap of his fingers, the Zerg is annihilated and destroyed.

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