Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 591: Guardian of the Earth

The scourge of the Zerg has put everyone in the entire universe in danger. Most of the forces have retreated to their own territory. Only a few bold caravans shuttle between the stars, and they live in fear every day.

With the news of the annihilation of the Zerg attacking the Earth, other forces in the universe breathed a sigh of relief. They were all glad that they were not the ones being attacked, and at the same time they were a little gloating. Isn't your Earth awesome? Destroy this one and that one, let’s see who will destroy whom this time?

Of all the forces, only the Shi'ar Empire sent a bland declaration of a united front against the Zerg, but that was all. Do you want them to send troops? Sorry, our soldiers are protecting the injured Dou Jian, so we have no time!

Every force, every race, every civilization is selfish, and it is impossible to risk one's life for other unrelated civilizations.

Everyone on the earth understands this truth, so when the Zerg arrived, they did not complain about others, nor did they ask for support in a low voice. They relied on their own efforts and won this almost impossible war by force.

The meeting to snatch the spoils lasted for two days in a row, and finally a rough distribution plan was made.

Although most people were not very satisfied and felt that it should be discussed and studied further, Lu Dan and Skye used strong methods to force everyone to make a final decision.

They had no time to delay.

Since the Zerg entered the solar system, the entire solar system has been completely blocked. No news has been spread about whether the war was won or lost. This was due to the alien detection equipment invented by Mr. Fantastic and other scientists when the Skrull Empire invaded.

With this set of equipment, more than two thousand alien spies were imprisoned on the earth in just one week, all of whom came to inquire about the Zerg.

The news of the Earth's victory cannot be revealed so early. There is no force that is not greedy for the more than 17 billion controlled Zerg, and no force can watch the Earth eat them. Therefore, it is necessary to block the news.

But this time cannot be delayed too long. In a short period of time, various forces lost several spies, and it can be said that they were accidentally eaten by the Zerg. However, as time went by, no news was sent back, and they would always become suspicious.

Seven days, one week in the world, this is the final time limit reached by Lu Dan and Skye after discussion. One hundred and seven billion bugs must be digested within seven days, and then official news will be released to the forces in the universe.

Seven days, two days to allocate, five days to divide, time is very tight, after all, there are too many bugs.

This week was Skye's busiest time, and his total rest time did not exceed an hour. He was either collecting bugs or on the way to collect bugs.

The various forces on Earth were very satisfied with Skye's Zerg breeding ground. After several discussions, they all signed her negative space lease contract, and Skye successfully became the largest tenant in the universe.

Seven days passed in a blink of an eye. Skye used the last few minutes to collect the last batch of bugs into the ring, then teleported back to Earth, fell on the bed, and fell asleep.

These past few days have exhausted him.

Emma walked over gently, carefully took off her clothes and shoes, covered her with a quilt, kissed her lightly on her frowning brow, and then quietly left.

Speaking of which, it was Skye who brought Emma and Eric together. Skye was still young at that time, but she got along well with Emma. The two had a very good relationship, more like sisters than mother and daughter.

Emma also took good care of Skye. After having little Nina, her maternal love exploded and she raised several children as her own. The same was true for Skye. Seeing Skye so tired, she was really Heartbroken.

After exiting Skye's room, Emma was panting from exhaustion after just a few steps. She held the wall and walked to sit on the sofa aside, gently stroking her belly.

Little Nina still didn't move, and a lot of energy was absorbed from her every day, so she had to eat Heisei every day. Three meals a day became six meals a day, and she had to eat four to five meals a day. Personal weight, body shape, which I cared about most in the past, is no longer a concern now.

Eric and Skye also suggested that she let her absorb some other energy instead of just relying on food, but Emma was afraid that directly absorbing energy would cause damage to Nina, so she refused.

"Huh..." After a while, Emma took out a few pieces of chocolate from the bag beside the sofa and ate them. Since her appetite increased greatly, various snacks were placed around the house for her to take at will. While eating, she looked out the window, looking at the sky in a trance.

Ever since she was pregnant with little Nina, there has been no peace in this universe. Eric also told her that Nina has a very close connection with the universe. Is it true that her child is the son of the universe and was "born in response to the calamity" as written on a certain Eastern novel website? ?

Emma rubbed her belly and murmured to herself, "I hope this time I can be more stable, but I don't want any big trouble to happen again..."

The universe has indeed stabilized as Emma hoped.

The Annihilation Zerg were completely wiped out by the Earth, and the Earth seemed to have suffered no damage. This news was so shocking that no one believed it was true.

But both the official announcement from the Earth authorities and the news from the spies have confirmed that this is true.

The whole process of the war was quickly discovered by many forces. They were extremely shocked by the powerful strength of the earth's superheroes. For the first time, they knew that when an individual's strength reaches a certain level, one person can actually form an army!

Captain Marvel, Phoenix, Storm, Professor X...

One name after another was sung in the universe and remembered by many forces in the universe. Their detailed information quickly spread among countries, and most forces began their own superhero creation plans.

As for the earth, they didn't dare to move before, and now they dare not.

More than 17 billion controlled annihilation zerg! Although they didn't see it with their own eyes, the spies saw it, and various detectors also took pictures, and it couldn't be fake.

The earth is just a remote small planet on the third cantilever of the Milky Way, but at this moment, her weight has surpassed an interstellar empire!

Want to move the earth? Think about the Kree Empire, think about Thanos, think about the Skrull Empire, think about the annihilation zerg!

Of course, there is another person, his light, even the earth with the rising sun in the sky can't cover it.

Eric, this legendary name, once again circulated in the universe.

The earth did not conceal anything about the battle process, and the record of Eric was exaggerated several times. In the official announcement, the earth was able to completely defeat the annihilation zerg, and 90% of the credit was Eric. Without Eric, the earth would not have won.

Eric is the well-deserved guardian of the earth.

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