"The incarnation of multiverse time, so this is it!" Thanos twisted his fingers and flicked his hand, and the corpse of Eternity turned into stars all over the sky and scattered all over the ground.

The gods were shocked. Eternity, the head of the five gods of creation, was actually dead?

Easily killed by Thanos with one hand? As easy as killing a bug?

This is a fart! Run!

The demons were in chaos and used their abilities to escape from here.

But Thanos didn't intend to let them go so easily. With a wave of his hand, the space was isolated, and the gods became turtles in a jar.

"Damn it, let me go!"

"I want to go out!"

"Thanos, we have no grudges..."

The demons were ugly, only Big Eyeball, Xisong and other big demons were calm, hiding on one side, looking for opportunities.

The one they sent here was just one of their many multiverse clones. Even if he died, it didn't matter. As long as they could grab the heart of the universe, it didn't matter if all the clones died!

Thanos did not attack them, but chased after the fleeing little demons, killing them.

At this time, Infinity made a move. He twisted his thin waist, and the lines on his body vibrated in circles. The rules of space and dimension swept everywhere, and then suddenly gathered together to surround Thanos.

The endlessly changing space and dimension not only trapped Thanos, but also kept tearing his skin, attracting his energy, trying to extract the power of the heart of the universe in this way.

Thanos was in the center of the vortex, but he was not afraid. He waved his iron fist and punched through the space with one punch. With another wave of his hand, the violent space returned to calm.

Just as he said before, he is everything, he contains everything, space and dimension, he will also, even stronger than Infinity!

Thanos smiled cruelly at Infinity, then turned around and continued to chase those demons.

The mysterious annihilation appeared in front of Thanos very abruptly. Thanos punched impatiently, but missed.

Thanos' fist was full of the energy of the heart of the universe and the breath of destruction, but this punch actually passed through Annihilation's body, as if nothing existed there.

Thanos stopped somewhat unexpectedly, waved his hand, and threw out a ball of strange energy. That was the energy that was contaminated by Annihilation when his fist passed through Annihilation's body. "Non-existence? Interesting! I don't exist either!"

Thanos' body began to become illusory and unreal. The boundary between existence and non-existence was blurred by him, and illusion and reality were reshaped by him.

Annihilation began to have new movements, and non-existent hands pushed out one after another. Strange energies, sandwiched between existence and non-existence, hit Thanos one after another.

Unfortunately, those energies passed through Thanos' body!

Thanos' body no longer exists, more thoroughly than Annihilation's disappearance, and Annihilation's attack did not touch Thanos at all!

"Interesting ability, thank you!" Thanos emerged from the void with a grin, stretched out his big hand to grab Annihilation.

Annihilation's body became more and more illusory, and even the mysterious rag was only a phantom.

However, Thanos's hand still held him tightly!

It was like pulling back from the void to reality. The first half of Thanos's hand was nothingness, but the second half was real. Existence and non-existence were connected without any gap.

Annihilation tried to struggle, but Thanos suddenly exerted force. The power of the Heart of the Universe penetrated into Annihilation's body, forcing him to abandon non-existence and return to existence. Then, he crushed it again.

Two of the five great gods of creation were crushed by Thanos's two hands!

Glancing at Infinity who wanted to fight, Thanos sneered and continued to chase those little demons, completely ignoring the Life Tribunal and other gods.

"Titan! Accept the punishment of justice!" The five British captains moved. They drew the sword in the stone from their waists, raised it above their heads, and shouted an inexplicable oath loudly. A huge force was released from the sword in the stone and blessed them.

Then, the five British captains connected their divine powers according to their special positions, forming an ancient battle formation, and swung their swords in the same steps.

The brilliant sword beams gathered together, like a giant sword, pressing down on Thanos.

Thanos glanced at it and said disdainfully: "Ant!"

After that, he raised his hand and clenched it, as if holding a weapon, and slashed at the giant sword fiercely.

A sword beam that was taller and more spectacular than the giant sword fell from the sky, not only easily tearing apart the giant swords of the British captains, but also splitting their battle formation into pieces.

The remaining gods also took action one after another.

The big eyeball Shumagoras' pupils bloomed with strange light, the cancer of the universe Sithoun muttered a spell, and the snake god Set waved his snake tail...

The god of love sprinkled pink flower rain, the god of hatred took off his horned helmet and hammered his chest, and the god of stories took out a book and turned the pages...

In the whole audience, only Death and Eric were unmoved. Death lay in Adam's arms, enjoying it as if watching a good show, while Eric hid in the corner and tried his best to conquer the heart of the universe.

In all the battles, the gods subconsciously avoided the Living Tribunal, and so did Thanos. Although he had just knocked off one of the arms of the Living Tribunal, he was not sure if he would be the opponent if the Living Tribunal fought hard.

However, it was only a matter of time. When he killed these so-called "gods", he would have enough strength to kill the Living Tribunal!

When killing Eternity, the time rules remaining on Eternity's body actually improved Thanos' control over the Heart of the Universe a little bit!

This made Thanos suddenly realize that these gods of the universe are either the embodiment of the rules of the universe, or they have comprehended the rules of the universe to a very deep level.

Why can't he completely integrate the Heart of the Universe? To put it bluntly, he doesn't understand the rules of the universe enough!

The Heart of the Universe contains everything, but in order to control all these rules, he needs to learn all the rules. This is the only way to be omniscient and omnipotent, and it is also the only way to surpass omniscience and omnipotence.

You haven't even experienced omniscience and omnipotence, how can you surpass it?

Thanos didn't have enough time to master the rules and knowledge contained in the Heart of the Universe, but killing these cosmic gods and absorbing their rules can also improve his own control!

This discovery made him change his plan immediately, no longer delaying time, and going all out. As long as he killed these gods, most importantly, those few gods of creation, his control over the Heart of the Universe will definitely reach a new height.

At that time, even if he still couldn't control it completely, he would have the confidence to fight the Life Tribunal!

"It's just that my love..." Thanos' eyes drifted towards Death. Seeing Him lying in Adam's arms, his face turned cold, but he immediately returned to normal, "My love..."

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