Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 615: Start Summoning

The superheroes were busy again. Although they were only protecting Emma's pregnancy, they were all very motivated.

Because this matter was not only very important, but also very interesting.

Most of them had seen summoning magic. When the Zerg invaded, Doctor Doom created a demon summoning array and summoned a large number of demons from hell. He himself sneaked into hell and has not returned yet. It is unknown whether he is alive or dead.

Compared with the demon summoning array, Doctor Strange and his team wanted to create a magic array to summon Eric. Using magic to summon a person they are very familiar with made them feel very fresh and interesting.

The heroes on the magic side helped to set up the array, the technology side helped to calculate, the agents helped to coordinate, and the irrelevant people joined in the fun. A group of people were engaged in the construction of the magic array with unprecedented enthusiasm.

The magic array was not far from Skye's house. She was a little glad at this time. Fortunately, when Eric built the villa, he chose the suburbs of New York and bought a large piece of vacant land around it. Otherwise, it would not be enough for them to toss now.

Without the noise of the superheroes, Skye's ears immediately became quiet. She sat quietly beside Emma's bed, stroking her hair, and carefully sensing Nina's situation.

Only by feeling it up close can you understand how bad Nina's condition is at the moment.

The energy coming from the depths of the universe is so huge that Skye feels terrified. Facing this energy, she is like a small ant standing in front of Mount Everest, and even looking up makes it difficult to breathe.

Such a huge amount of energy is all stuffed into the body of an unborn child, just like an ant swallowing an elephant... No, it swallowed a planet!

Fortunately, Nina is special enough. If it were someone else, it would have exploded long ago.

These energies belong to Nina in terms of ownership. After all, they are the energy given to her by the universe. As soon as they appear, they are signed with Nina's name, but Nina is too young. Without the help of the will of the universe, she can't absorb and control these energies at all.

The huge energy is destroying Nina's body every moment, but they are also protecting her and helping her repair the damage.

Nina is experiencing a cycle of injury and repair every moment, and every second, she is hovering on the edge of destruction and rebirth.

Her current situation is like walking on a tightrope, maintaining a fragile balance. If she is not careful, she may be completely destroyed by energy. Of course, the entire earth may be destroyed with her.

"Nina, that must be very painful..." Skye touched Emma's belly distressedly, as if he could feel the pain of his sister's constant destruction and rebirth, and his heart was broken.

Skye did not dare to make any extraordinary moves, and did not dare to use any energy or superpowers, for fear of breaking the fragile balance.

This is also the concern of a group of superheroes. With their brains, they can assume hundreds of solutions, but they dare not try. Whether it is the earth or Nina, they are afraid to act rashly and have no way to start. They have to save the country in a roundabout way and make a summoning array to pull the big one back.

Emma and Nina's consciousness were both asleep. This was the credit of Professor X and Jean. They risked their own injuries to soothe the mother and daughter's mental power, let them fall into a deep sleep, and protect their consciousness to the maximum extent.

Skye quietly got up, carefully left the bedroom, closed the door, and raised her foot to teleport directly. She wanted to supervise and urge in person. She didn't want to wait any longer!


The construction of the summoning magic circle was in full swing, and all kinds of precious magic materials were transported here as if they were free.

SHIELD, Star Alliance, Utopia... Dozens of large and small forces were fully operational, all serving Doctor Strange.

Doctor Strange had never enjoyed such treatment, and had never even dreamed of it!

However, he was a person who had experienced big scenes, so he quickly calmed down, waved his hand to tear up the list of magic materials he had originally listed, took a piece of vibranium thin plate, and re-carved and listed it on it with magic.

What? Why use vibranium? Of course, I was afraid that the person who ran to find the materials would damage the list! Of course, the main reason was that Wakanda sent dozens of tons at once, and he wanted to try this metal that was more expensive than gold.

It didn't matter whether it was hard or not, the main thing was that it was expensive...

This time, Doctor Strange listed the top magic materials, some of which he had never seen before, but only read a few words in the magic book.

He was only responsible for making a list, and the rest would be done by others. More than 80% of the superheroes on Earth participated in it, and with the addition of major forces, it would be no problem to turn the universe upside down!

It was not easy to control such a huge energy, and Doctor Strange made up his mind and planned to be extravagant once.

Of course, his reason was also very sufficient. How could a summoning array that runs through two universes use ordinary materials? What if the summoning fails?

The heroes did not doubt him, and scattered with the list of vibranium, looking for it on their own.

Not long after, SHIELD agents delivered the materials. They drove planes and took the highest order of Lu Dan to turn over SHIELD's warehouses around the world. No matter whether it was or not, as long as it looked like it, they took it!

Teams of agents armed with real guns and nuclear bombs carried boxes of varying sizes, surrounded by tanks and armored vehicles, and escorted them all the way to Doctor Strange. He checked them, confirmed that the useful ones would be kept, and escorted the useless ones back.

Next, there were several superheroes on the magic side. They were already proficient in magic and had some understanding of magic materials, so they quickly found what they needed.

Many hands make the fire burn brighter. Soon, several mountains of magic materials piled up in front of Doctor Strange. Mysterio, Storm, Doctor Voodoo and others helped to identify and classify them, while Doctor Strange and Thor arranged the magic circle.

Various magic materials were continuously put in, and a magic circle covering several hectares was quickly built.

The magic circle looked like an illusory pyramid. Runes were carved on the ground with various magic materials, and the shape of a pyramid was projected in the void. The wizards then cast magic on it, wrote runes, and put in materials, so that the illusory pyramid slowly solidified. From a distance, it was shining with golden light and the clouds were shining.

The vision here was too dazzling, and it could be seen clearly in New York City. It attracted many ordinary citizens who did not know the truth to come and watch. If it were not for the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Star Alliance, they would have rushed in to broadcast live.

After a busy day, the magic circle was finally built at dusk the next day.

Doctor Strange looked like a kidney deficiency, holding his waist and staring at the magic circle, full of pride. He believed that from the creation of Kamar-Taj to now, and even for a long time in the future, his magic circle was definitely the most luxurious and largest one!

Skye had been waiting impatiently on the side. When he saw him stop, he hurried forward to ask. After receiving a positive answer, he immediately gave the order to start summoning!

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