Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 63: Help from Lu Dan

A new parallel universe was born, which is a big deal for the entire multiverse.

However, in a single universe, only a few powerful bosses or people like Ancient One who have the support of a boss can sense this matter. "Small characters" like Captain America and Eric won't even sneeze.

According to Ancient One, such a big thing will naturally be taken care of by a high-level person. Small characters like them should just do what they should do and not meddle in other people's business.

This is very much in line with Captain America's wishes. For him, returning from the future and spending his life peacefully with his beloved woman is nothing more important than this. For this, he even gave up his honor and faith, and would rather hide in the basement all day long, letting the outside world collapse and crack, and stay with Carter forever.

As for the underground secret room, it was built by Howard Stark for Captain America. Using the power of the cosmic cube, that is, the space gem, a space similar to the pocket dimension was opened there.

After sending Captain America, who was ready to continue being a salted fish, back to England, Eric returned to his villa, opened a bottle of beer and lay motionless on the sofa, his expression becoming more and more bitter.

Before leaving, Ancient One told him another piece of news that he didn't know whether it was good or bad.

More big guys noticed this universe, or noticed him.

The collision of two parallel universes, the birth of a new parallel universe, and the interference of the Life Tribunal all made this newly born parallel universe special.

For some big guys who were bored, this parallel universe was enough to attract their attention. Of course, maybe they just glanced at it, but it was enough to make some changes in the world.

For example, the senior otaku Saitoraq, he was really too bored. He had nothing to do every day and threw stones everywhere. Now he suddenly found a new parallel universe and glanced at it. Haha, there were still his stones in it, so he had to take a good look.

This look was incredible. What did it mean? The silly kid who picked up his stone was not affected by his magic? His character became better and better? Good guy Red Tank? Bah! I am the dimensional demon! The source of evil! There is a good man under my command? I can't afford to lose that man!

So, Juggernaut is embarrassed. Cyttorak is taking back his magic power, and his power is weakening. He may not be able to sense it now, but the weakening speed will get faster and faster until he becomes an ordinary person. No, he can't even be an ordinary person.

Cyttorak's magic has infected him for decades. If it is all taken away, what will happen to him? I'm afraid that leaving a whole body is the best ending.

These are what Ancient One told him, and he also got confirmation from Professor X. Juggernaut's personality is getting better and better, and he gets angry less and less, but his power is constantly weakening.

Professor X thought it was because the food at home was not good, so his half-brother was not full, so he had been giving him extra meals in various ways during this period...

Red Tank was a poor kid. He was suppressed by his "genius brother" since he was a child, and was often beaten by his father. He was mentally distorted since he was a child. He finally encountered a good opportunity, but it was still Cytorak, a pitfall. His IQ, which was not high to begin with, dropped drastically, and he became the stupid look he is now.

Besides, in two universes and three lives, Red Tank was Eric's capable subordinate. No matter how he calculated it, Eric should save him.

But how to save him? Don't even think about fighting with Cytorak. He is a big boss at the multiverse level. Eric can't even stand his eyes, so he can only find another way.

"How about changing his color? Red Tank to Green Tank?" Eric raised his eyebrows, and a bold idea suddenly popped up in his mind. The more he thought about it, the more feasible it seemed!

"Maybe it won't change color. I remember Ross seemed to become Red Hulk." Eric nodded secretly, deciding the future fate of Red Hulk.

"Eric, you're back!" The crisp voice of a little girl interrupted Eric's meditation.

It was still dark when Eric came back. He sat on the sofa for a long time before it was dawn. He turned his head and looked at the door. He saw a cute little girl wearing a bear robe, standing at the door with sleepy eyes. She held the teddy bear in one hand and rubbed her eyes with the other hand. Her smooth little feet stepped on the floor, and her long black and smooth hair was casually draped over her shoulders.

So cute!

Eric's eyes were shining, and he really wanted to hold her and rub her.

"Ahem, Skye, why did you get up so early? Are you hungry?"

"No, I... I haven't slept yet..." Skye pursed her lips and struggled for a while. She glanced at Eric and told the truth.

"You haven't slept yet?!" Eric stood up immediately and raised his voice: "What time is it? Why haven't you slept yet?"

Skye shrank her neck and looked at Eric timidly, "Uncle Barton taught me a kind of kung fu to shoot arrows at night, I'm practicing."

"Barton!" Eric yelled, scaring Skye, tears suddenly rolled in her eyes, and she was about to cry.

"Oh, sorry, Skye, I scared you, it's none of your business, I have something to talk to your Uncle Barton about, can you go back to the bedroom and go to bed first?" Eric coaxed Skye back to the bedroom in a soft voice, and then began a "passionate conversation" with Barton.

Skye slept until four in the afternoon. When she got up, she was startled by Patton with two panda eyes. Her smart little brain knew what happened after a little thought, and she stuck out her tongue at Patton apologetically.

In the next few days, Eric seemed to be suffering from laziness. He stayed at home and fought with Patton from time to time. He also added a lot of cool but useless tricks in the fight. Then he relied on his strong physical fitness to crush Patton, making Skye, an amateur, constantly cast admiring eyes, and his vanity was greatly satisfied.

The nanny and tutor hired by Jennifer arrived one after another, and Skye was sent to the most expensive elementary school in New York. Patton was relieved at this time, because he had to pick up Skye to go to school every day, and panda eyes could easily cause misunderstandings. Eric canceled the daily competition.

Alice Industries has long been on the right track. There are people responsible for the company's major and minor matters. Only some major decisions will use him as the president. Eric has become a complete idler. His daily work is only to be an NPC and let his daughter complete the task of ten sentences a day.

Ten sentences a day, this task is regarded as a top priority by Skye, and he even bought a small notebook for this purpose to record how many sentences are completed every day.

On this day, Eric is still a salted fish, but a phone call broke the tranquility of the villa.

"Eric, this is Fury, I need your help!"

The child suddenly had a fever, and it has only gone down now. I hope he will be better tomorrow...

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