Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 633 Look at Thor, he got it!

"Hulk! Hulk! Hulk!"

In the noisy audience, the voices gradually became unified and deafening, all cheering for Hulk.

"I didn't expect that the green guy would be more popular than me." Thor frowned, a trace of surprise flashed in his single eye, and he laughed at himself, but he was relieved in an instant, "That's right, I remember he once made a big fuss here, hehe."

Thor casually held Thor's hammer and walked into the venue like an apricot garden, not caring about the shouts around him. The wisdom given to him by rune magic allowed him to see through many things, and vanity had long been abandoned by him.

Standing in his position, Thor raised his head slightly and glanced at the stands lightly. Through the window, he could see the scary guy smiling at him.


"Interesting, Thor has advanced to the Rune King state?" The Transcendence looked at Thor with interest.

Eric raised his eyebrows, thought for a moment, and tried to test him. "Rune King Thor, Thor's strongest posture, your illusion can't affect him, what do you want to do?"

"What do you want to do? I didn't do anything!" The Transcendence turned back and sneered, spreading his hands to show his innocence, "We agreed not to interfere in the duel!"

I don't believe you! You old man is very bad!

Eric rolled his eyes and ignored him.

The Transcendence seemed to have opened the chatterbox, and kept talking, "Speaking of which, I think Thor in the Rune King state is the most boring."


"He's too smart!" The Transcendence's mouth twitched repeatedly, and cleverness became the reason for his dislike, "Super wisdom makes his behavior become cautious, always thinking too much when doing things. This is not Thor, but more like Odin! Thor should be a reckless man. No matter what he encounters, he should just go all out!"

So, the audience likes Thor's not very smart appearance.

"Compared to that, I still like Thor who has been promoted to King Thor the most." The corner of the Transcendent's mouth turned up, as if he was recalling something.

Eric's heart suddenly sounded an alarm bell, and he quickly searched his memory and soon found information about King Thor.

King Thor is the Thor of a parallel universe. After Odin fell, he inherited Odin's power, and then his ambition began to expand. He forcibly interfered in the internal affairs of the nine kingdoms, and the impact on the earth was particularly serious. The superheroes on the earth joined forces to resist, but were easily crushed by King Thor.

Thor in that state was cold and tyrannical. He stared at Captain America to death with one look, punched the Hulk with one punch, modified the timeline at will, forcibly reversed the cause and effect, and finally felt dissatisfied and could directly restart the timeline. He was so powerful.

Eric glanced at the Transcendent and frowned. What does this guy want to do? Lead Thor to the king state?

Have to be on guard.

While the two of them were talking, the battle on the field had already begun.

Rune King Thor extended his hand elegantly and made a gesture of invitation to Hulk. Hulk opened his mouth wide, with a few pieces of meat hanging on his back teeth. He roared and rushed forward, his four arms flying in the air to help him control his balance, and he hit Thor like a green missile.

Facing this savage and violent impact, Thor smiled confidently and stretched out his right hand calmly.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, the terrifying shock wave spread out, shaking the audience three times, and a large number of magic runes suddenly lit up on the surface of the arena, suppressing the shock again.


Gao Tianzun's eyelids on the stands twitched wildly. This was the first time he tried to attack, and he activated the magic runes? It seems that his arena can't be saved again.

After wailing, Gao Tianzun immediately became excited again, his face pressed tightly against the glass, his eyes wide open, afraid of missing any details.

He hasn't seen such a wonderful duel for a long time.

Isn't it just a arena? He can afford it!


After a few breaths, the dust settled, and the audience finally saw the scene on the field clearly, and there was an uproar.

Thor's "thin" figure did not move at all!

He blocked Hulk's violent attack with just one palm!

That ordinary palm and the green fist as big as a steamer were tightly pressed together, as stable as Mount Tai. Their contrast was so abrupt and so absurd.

"Hehe." Thor chuckled, retracted his palm, and shook his hand, "You are stronger again, but if it's just like this, you can't beat me, show some strength."

Hulk's face was solemn, and he nodded slightly, "Okay, in this state, I'm really afraid of being killed by you. However, if I transform again, I will lose my mind, I'm worried..."

"Don't worry, I'm here." Thor gave Hulk a reassuring look and raised his chin encouragingly.

Hulk took a deep breath, and his four iron fists slammed into the ground, standing still like a statue.

What is he doing? The audience was confused and discussed among themselves.

Thor remained calm and quietly stepped back more than ten steps to give Hulk enough space.

Hulk lowered his head. People could not see his expression, but they could feel his increasingly heavy breathing and his gradually violent momentum.

His body began to tremble, and something under his skin was wriggling violently as if it was about to come out. His bones made crisp sounds and the air around him was vibrating.

"Roar!" Hulk suddenly raised his head and roared to the sky. His body rose again, his two arms wriggled and disappeared, and the color of his skin became richer. In his tall body, it seemed that the power of a star was nurturing. The strongest state of the Hulk, Green Death!

Thor's expression became cautious, even if he was as powerful as him, he would not dare to take it lightly when facing Green Shang.

"Death!" Lu Shang's thinking was very chaotic, without any sense at all. There was only violence and blood in that big green head! As soon as he switched, he locked onto the enemy in front of him, grinned bloodthirstyly, and punched down.

Faced with this punch, Thor finally raised the weapon in his hand. Thor's hammer summoned thunder in the sky, blessing it on the hammer body, and attacked with the Green Iron Fist.


The lightning exploded and the thunder exploded. The magic protective array on the arena flashes sharply and may collapse at any time.

With a dazzling flash of light, the two figures quickly exited from the center of the explosion, slid on the ground for a distance and then quickly stood up.

Evenly matched!

"Roar!" Without defeating his opponent with one punch, Lu Shang became more and more violent and launched another attack before he could stand still.

Thor was not to be outdone. A strong white light bloomed in his one eye, and thunder flashed in his hair. Mysterious magic runes gathered around him. Thunder and magic were blessing him at the same time, making him look greener. The sorrow is even more terrifying.

"Boom!" Another big collision.

This time, both of them instinctively controlled their power and did not fly backwards. One blow was followed by another.

For a time, the field was filled with phantoms of fists and Mjolnir. The raging thunder and terrifying vibrations obscured the figures of the two people, and the audience could not see the specific fighting process at all.

But they don’t have any dissatisfaction, they don’t dare!

Just the aftermath of the battle caused the arena to be filled with cracks and collapsed everywhere. Terrifying abyss appeared on the ground. The magic runes protecting this place were already broken and could no longer be broken.

How could anyone dare to watch such a scene? Sayazi, run for your life! Run as far as you can.

In the entire arena, only Gao Tianzun's VIP room was fine. The Transcendent moved casually, and a layer of light energy enveloped the room. The violent explosions outside did not affect the inside at all.

" arena..." Gao Tianzun seemed to be talking in a dream, his eyes were dull, his mouth opened and closed unconsciously, and he suddenly started to tremble again. It seems that these two people have not yet exerted their full strength. ? If this is done with all our strength, it will no longer be a question of the arena, but a question of whether Saka Star can be saved...

"Quick! Make them stop!" Gao Tianzun immediately jumped up and roared hysterically at the Transcendent and Eric.

It's true that he likes duels, but it's not worth losing his hometown to watch a duel!

Eric glanced at Gao Tianzun lightly, then turned to look at the Transcendent, "How is it? How about a draw in this round? Let the two of them continue to fight, even if the planet is smashed, there will be no winner. "

The Transcendent chirped and chuckled, "It's okay, it's up to me."

After that, he pushed forward with both hands and used a move that Eric was very familiar with.

"Mirror space!" Eric's face turned dark.

The Transcendent didn't care, and waved his hand, "Let's continue watching."

On the field, Lu Shang was really fired up, and his boundless anger caused his strength to rise in a straight line.

Thor's pressure is increasing, but he has his own strategy. The light of wisdom shines in his one eye, and he writes rune magic in front of him in the air, hitting Green Shang.

He had put away Thor's Hammer. At this stage of the battle, the power of Thunder was useless. The strongest blow of Thor's Hammer could not break through Lu Shang's defense and could only cause him a little trouble.

Slowness, weakness, blindness, dizziness...

One after another negative status magic hit Lu Shang. Thor relied on magic to teleport and teleport without any direct contact with Lu Shang.

The current scene is like an absolutely calm magician playing tricks on a pure warrior who has completely lost his mind.

Fly a kite and smash him to death with magic!

This is Thor's strategy.

"Look, what am I talking about! The Rune King Thor is as insidious as Odin! He even has no courage to charge." The Beyonder sighed arrogantly, very dissatisfied with Thor's performance.

"Recklessness does not mean courage!" Eric couldn't help but retort, "If you can defeat the enemy with wisdom, why must you use strength? Thor's performance is much better than before."

"Wisdom? Ha!" The Transcendent snorted disdainfully.

Eric immediately became vigilant, guarding against the Transcendent doing anything else.

The Transcendent seemed to sense it, and looked at him with a half-smile, "Do you think I can still use illusions?"

"Oh? Do you have any new moves?" Eric raised his eyebrows. On the surface, he didn't care, but deep down he was very vigilant.

The Beyonder smiled and shook his head, pointing to the field, "If they keep fighting like this, I'm afraid they won't be able to determine the winner even if they fight for several months, right?"

"How about a tie?" Eric suggested again. He didn't care about winning or losing, as long as it could delay time.

The Transcendent disagreed, "How can that be done? Since it is a duel, there must be a winner or loser! Look at me!"

Having said that, the Transcendent's body trembled, and a strange wave spread, quickly filling the mirror dimension space.

Eric was stunned and looked at the Transcendent in disbelief.

This kind of fluctuation contains a mysterious rhythm, which is the transcendent's understanding of the universe and the transcendent gods' understanding of the rules of the Marvel universe!

He seemed to be preaching!

In this fluctuation, Eric felt that all the rules were clearly visible, just like the feeling when he was in the center of the universe before. Every rule was laid out in the most obvious position for you to pick.

If I can keep this state, I can merge the heart of the universe in one day at most!

Eric roared in his heart, and a lot of his mind returned to his body, and he was crazy about enlightenment. He knew that the Transcendent was making trouble again and interfering in the duel, but he didn't want to stop it, because this was what he needed most now.

The Transcendent glanced at him lightly, not caring at all, with the corners of his mouth raised, looking at the two people on the field expectantly.


Thor also felt the beating of the rules, his eyes were brighter than ever, and the criss-crossing rules made his understanding of rune magic and the power of thunder rise sharply.

The power of Odin from Odin, the power of Thor from his blood, the power of Bor from Bor, and the rune magic from the world tree... All the powers, at this moment, unveiled the final mystery, showing the most real side to Thor, making him eager to watch and learn.

This is an instinctive desire, a desire for power and knowledge, which is countless times stronger than the desire to fight!

The battle with Green Shang? He can't care so much!

Green Shang doesn't care about any rules or irregularities. In his chaotic head, the only rule between heaven and earth is his fist! Seeing that Thor was getting more and more sluggish, he didn't care and went forward to hit him again, smashing Thor directly into the depths of the ground.


He wants Hulk to win? It should be, he said he didn't like the Rune King Thor.

Eric's eyelids jumped, and he broke away from the rules and focused on the fight on the field, intending to save Thor at the critical moment.

"Why, you want to leave? We agreed not to interfere in the duel!" The Transcendence looked at Eric with a half-smile.

Eric was immediately furious, "You call this non-interference?"

"What's wrong with me? I just want to help you understand the rules. I didn't force Thor to learn!" The Transcendence spread his hands innocently.

"You!" Eric's forehead was bulging with veins, but he had nothing to say. He was right. Strictly speaking, this really didn't count as interfering in the duel.

"Don't worry, no one will die in this game." The Transcendence patted Eric's shoulder and laughed.

"Would you be so kind?" Eric said warily.

"If you don't believe me, look!" The Transcendence has been on the field, "Look at Thor, he has understood!"

I found an embarrassing thing. I haven't written for two months. I can't understand the outline I set before...


What did I write before? Let me go and see...

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