Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 636 You are such a clever little ghost! (The fake corpse continues)

negative space.

The superheroes on Earth have already left. Ever since they heard the news from Skye three days ago, they have been gearing up to make a big move. The few superheroes who still have some sense wanted to stop them, but they couldn't stop their angry companions at all. , can only join the counterattack team worriedly.

The superheroes prepared for three days and held back for three days. When Eric opened the space door, they all swarmed out and scattered in the arena, forming a faint encirclement, aiming directly at the Transcendent. Just wait for Eric to break the cup to win.

In the entire negative space, Skye was the only one left, along with a group of bugs.

"Eric? Why don't you let me out!" Skye was anxious. She is a member of the earth and a powerful warrior. She also wants to fight for the earth! What's more, the Transcendent also kidnapped her dear sister!

The Star Eater Bees gathered from all sides, transformed into Eric, stepped forward and patted Skye's shoulder gently, "Don't worry, my dear."

Skye turned back and looked at her father in confusion.

Eric smiled bitterly, "What do you think we have a chance of winning?"

Seeing Eric's expression, Skye was suddenly shocked, "Didn't you mean..."

"I said, we can win, but how much price do you think we will pay?" Eric looked solemn, tapped his fingers, and opened a space door as big as a fist. Through the space door, you can see the superheroes of the Earth. Their faces looked down upon death, "I can defeat the Transcendents, but I can't let them die!"

Skye was shocked, turned around and grabbed Eric's arm tightly, "Dad, what are you going to do?"

Eric smiled lightly and caressed Skye's cheek, "This is the battlefield!"

"You!" Skye's eyes widened, unbelievable that her father actually had to face the Transcendent alone!

"Okay, okay, don't be so nervous. Look, what's here is just a group of bugs. The real me has been hiding for a long time. It's fine." Eric comforted his daughter with a smile, and the space door camera switched to focus on Beyond There is also an Eric there, arguing with the Transcendent.

Skye looked at Eric intently for a moment, and finally sighed helplessly. She knew her father's temper, and she couldn't change the things he decided. "Eric, are you really sure?"

"Of course! If Emma hadn't been in his hands, I would have taken action long ago." Eric said in a very relaxed tone.

Emma! At the mention of this, Skye couldn't help but feel palpitations, "Emma and Nina, they..."

"Don't worry, I have a plan." Eric said confidently.

"What's the plan?" Skye asked hurriedly.

"Ask him directly!"

Skye: "??!"

Looking at his daughter in disbelief, Eric smiled faintly, but changed the subject, "The Transcendent comes from the Beyond God Realm, which is a very magical place."

Skye didn't understand what he wanted to say, but didn't dare to interrupt. While listening to his story, he stared at the small space door. It could be seen that Eric seemed to have an argument with the Transcendent, but unfortunately there was no sound. The picture There was some distortion, and she didn't know what they were arguing about.

"Beyond God's Realm is a universe outside the multiverse, also called the Lightless Universe. The rules there are completely different from our multiverse." Eric curled his lips, as if he was disgusted, but also seemed a little envious, "Beyond God's Realm There is no life, maybe not even matter, there is only energy, no, it is something beyond energy, something we cannot understand, and the transcendent gods exist in a form similar to but beyond the soul. "

"Without life and matter?" Skye found it hard to understand and pointed at the Transcendent, "Then how did he come here?"

"Downgrade!" Eric sneered, "The rules of their universe are theoretically higher than ours. If the transcendent gods want to enter our universe, they must downgrade, lower their level of existence, and change their form of existence. , to adapt to the rules of our universe.”

Skye somewhat understood what he meant, and suddenly said: "It's like if I have the latest version of software, but if I want to load it into an old computer, I have to give it a downgrade patch!"

"That's right!" Eric nodded approvingly. His daughter's talent on the computer was really nothing to say. "They have to be downgraded, but after downgrading, there is a very embarrassing problem. Our universe will gradually assimilate them. ! The most intuitive manifestation is that they have a body!”

Realization slowly dawned on Skye's face.

"With a body, there is a flaw!" Eric continued to explain, "You know, when they transcended the divine realm, they had no concept of life and death at all. The entire transcendent divine race is an eternal existence! But they downgraded to In our universe, we have a body..."

"They can be killed!" Skye continued with bright eyes.

Eric shook his head, "Their bodies can be killed, but after the bodies are killed, their souls, well, are not souls. They are a form of existence similar to but higher than souls. Let's call them souls. Their souls will return to the Beyond God Realm and then be resurrected without damage, and they will still be immortal.”

Skye was stunned when he heard this, "How come you can't be beaten to death?"

"Almost, so far, there is no solution." Eric smiled helplessly. In the war between the multiverse and the Transcendence Gods, the multiverse was getting smaller and smaller. The strong ones continued to fall, and the parallel universes were withered. However, the Transcendence Gods only needed Returning to the city for free and resurrecting without any loss, Molecule Man finally forced Molecule Man to gather the energy of all the Molecule Man in the multiverse, pull the Transcendent Protoss to self-destruct, and resolve the crisis by dying together.

Of course, this is his "before time travel" memory. There must have been some shocking changes in this universe after Molecule Man's self-destruction, otherwise his chess piece would not have appeared.

"If we can't kill him, how can we save Emma?" Skye asked worriedly.

"I want it directly!" Eric's expression was a little unnatural. "The Transcendent once came to our universe and stayed for a long time. Our universe had a great influence on him. In some ways, he and our universe are Living things are almost the same, such as emotions..."


"Pity, tolerance, sympathy..." Eric said several words in succession, his voice was low, and his face became more and more unnatural.

Skye was dumbfounded. She understood what Eric meant, but she couldn't believe it for a moment. Her father actually trusted the lives of his wife and daughter on the sympathy of the enemy? ? !

"Sympathy, pity, these emotions are always expressed by the strong towards the weak. I have been showing weakness since I saw him. Coupled with some words and expressions, it is easy to evoke these emotions in him." Eric's face returned to calm. , his eyes were deep, and he could see through the space door that the Eric in front of the Transcendent was grabbing his hair and pleading.

"Magnetic fields can control people's emotions, but that's because of the impact of magnetic fields on the human pituitary gland. I've never been sure before whether Transcendents have a pituitary gland, so I never dared to do it." Eric shrugged Shrugging, "But three days ago, I gained a new ability, the ability to tell stories. You know, good stories can always fully arouse people's emotions, right?"

Skye had an "are you kidding me" look on her face, "Do you think this will work?"

When Eric heard this, he laughed and said, "It's best if it succeeds. If it fails, I have Plan B, Plan C, Plan D..."


"But, look! Isn't this successful?" Eric stretched out his hand a little, and the space door expanded rapidly, and an unconscious figure flew in.


"Huh..." After seeing Emma off, Eric breathed a deep sigh of relief, "Thank you!"

The Transcendent raised his eyebrows, looked at the place where Emma disappeared, and then looked at Eric, "Influencing emotions? Interesting ability, I didn't even notice it. I take back what I just said, you are still a little clever."

"Thank you for the compliment. I just want to take care of my fiancée and children."

The Transcendent shook his head, "It's a pity that I have the brains, but my strength is not that good!"

"What?" Eric suddenly became alert.

The Transcendent didn't say much, and thrust his hands forward suddenly. The space in front of him was like broken glass, and a hole was torn out by him. He grabbed both sides of the hole with both hands, and tore it violently to both sides, actually tearing the space apart. Tear apart!

Peering through the broken hole, you can see another Eric looking stunned.

The Transcendent actually tore apart the cosmic barrier between the main universe and the negative space!

"I know you have an affiliated universe, but I've been suffering from the inability to locate it." The Transcendent glanced at Eric in front of him indifferently, stepped into the hole in space, and reached the negative space in an instant, "Unfortunately, you were exposed The location of your last piece of pure land.”

"Pure land?" Eric, who was in the negative space, suddenly laughed, and the shocked expression on his face disappeared. "How do you know this is a pure land and not a Shura field?"

The Transcendent frowned, seeming to feel something. When he turned around, he saw Eric on the other side of the hole explode into dots of starlight, flying on the hole in the space, transforming into a strange seal, filling up the space, blocking it, and finally letting The space becomes silent.

The hole in space was filled, and the negative space and the main universe were separated again.

The Transcendent turned his head and looked at Eric with some surprise, "It seems that you are very confident in your own strength?"

Eric showed a kind smile, "There is no way, there are always unscrupulous people who want to touch my daughter. She still needs some strength or something."

The Beyonder laughed dumbly and looked around, but did not see Emma. "Where did you hide her?"

"Guess!" Eric smiled and returned this sentence to the Transcendent.

The moment Emma was snatched back, she was taken to the animal universe by Skye. This was the reason why Skye was left behind.

The Transcendent's face was gloomy. He couldn't sense the mark he had left. This was incredible!

"Hmph, everything will be clear when I catch you!"

After saying that, the Transcendent raised his hand and shot out a colorful divine light, which penetrated Eric's chest with one blow!

Eric lowered his head and looked at his chest. The wound as big as a bowl really quickly ate away at his body. The Star Eater Bees that made up his body disintegrated into pieces and dissipated into nothingness. Not even Thanos' immortal curse could stop him.

Obviously, the Transcendent does not care about Eric's life or death. Even if Eric is smashed into slag, the Transcendent can still find the information he wants from the scum.

"It's so cruel." There was no pain on Eric's face, and he tsked in his mouth, welcoming death calmly, "Disintegration from the origin of matter and energy is a bit like string theory. This kind of rule is really too big. ...It’s interesting!”

"Hmm? Not the real body?" The Transcendent frowned in surprise, his eyes flashing with divine light, and gradually understood, "Parasite? Interesting, you actually let the parasite devour the real body? What a madman!"

"No madness, no life!" The only remnant of Eric exploded, and the huge energy was instantly released, but it didn't even blow up the corners of the Transcendent's clothes.

However, the Transcendent couldn't be happy at all, because another Eric appeared in front of him.

The Star-Eating Bee devoured Eric's real body. Now, every Star-Eating Bee carries Eric's information. With some other means, Eric successfully deceived the Transcendent's eyes, making him unable to tell which one is his real body.

"Such a test is meaningless!" The Transcendent had no expression on his face, and he pressed a finger lightly. The space where Eric stood was instantly shattered, and Eric also turned into a pile of mosaics.

"How could it be? I think it's quite fun." Eric No. 3 broke through the air and smiled friendly.

"Hmph!" This time, the Transcendence was too lazy to even move his fingers. Eric No. 3 turned directly into a wisp of flame and burned himself clean.

But it doesn't matter, there are still Xiao Si and Xiao Wu...

In this way, Eric achieved the achievement of dying 100 times in five minutes, and successfully experienced the "100 Ways to Die of Eric" VIP luxury package.

When Eric No. 101 stood in front of the Transcendence, the Transcendence hesitated.

"What do you want to do?"

Puzzled, the Transcendence really couldn't figure it out, is it fun to die like this?

Eric really wanted to tell him, it's fun! It's so fun! Just a hundred deaths, but he actually copied thousands of rules, which is much faster than stealing from "his own god"!

Brother, please hit me again!

The Transcendence's face was solemn, and his eyes swept around. Endless parasites were gathering towards him!

"I swallowed 7 billion star-eating bees bred by the Annihilation Zerg, I don't believe I can't squeeze you dry!" One after another Eric condensed and appeared.

One Eric fell, and there are thousands of Erics standing up!

"What? Don't want to fight? Then I'll do it!" Eric 108 suddenly attacked, and a white light hit the face of the Transcendent.

The Transcendent's eyes flashed, and he didn't dodge, but chose to take it with his face!

Eric blinked and watched the white light hit the face of the Transcendent. Half of the Transcendent's cheek disappeared instantly, just like being erased by an eraser, strangely disappearing, and the disappearance range is gradually expanding, as if to erase the Transcendent as a whole.

"Erase?" The Transcendent was surprised, just shook his head, and the disappeared part grew back again, "Ultimate Eraser?"

Eric was horrified. That attack seemed random, but in fact it was the strongest attack he mastered. It was the erasure rule beyond the multiverse. Even Thanos who merged the heart of the universe could be erased. The Transcendent was not hurt?

"No! You shouldn't have this ability!" The Transcendent's eyes suddenly widened, and his face showed a look of realization, "So that's it, copy! You are copying my ability!"

You can see it now? You are such a clever little ghost!

Oh, it’s already the 22nd. I promised to finish it this month. If I don’t finish the photoshoot now, I won’t be able to finish it… What a sin!

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