Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 65 Chapter 65 Take the orange cat away quickly!

With General Ross opening the back door, Eric and his men were directly taken into the base by an Air Force helicopter.

Under the warm reception of an Air Force colonel, Carol and Nick Fury went to the archives to find information, but Eric stayed in the command post to chat with General Ross. Coincidentally, General Ross happened to come to this base to work today.

"General Ross, I went to Russia last time and brought back two bottles of top-quality Adalong vodka. You must come to my place to taste it when you have time!" Eric smiled and clinked glasses with General Ross, and drank the whiskey in the glass.

"Haha, that's great, Eric, the Highland Knight you gave me last time tasted great!" When talking about good wine, General Ross's eyes narrowed, and his face was full of aftertaste.

"General, it's good that you like it. I'll ask Jennifer to order a few more bottles from the UK. How about we hold a wine party?" Every businessman knows how to cater to the needs of others, and Eric will naturally do better.

"Oh? When? I will definitely be there!" General Ross's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to leave now.

"Haha, General Ross, how about waiting until this matter is done? I just heard that the general's experiment has also made progress. I'm afraid he doesn't have time to come out and play now."

"That's right." Speaking of the experiment, General Ross's excitement suddenly decreased a lot. It seems that his experiment is not going well.

"General, do you know this 'Pegasus Project' that Fury and others are talking about?" Eric observed his expression and hurriedly changed the subject.

Ross raised his eyebrows and glanced at him, put down the wine glass in his hand, and walked to the window with his hands behind his back. "This plan is approved by me. Dr. Wendy Lawson is a very talented scientist. If her light speed engine can be successfully developed, then our air force will be the fastest air force in the world!"

"We are already the fastest now." Eric came over and stood side by side with General Ross, looking at the fighter planes waiting to fly outside the window, feeling emotional.

General Ross shook his head and said, "I'm not talking about the fastest on earth!"

Eric heard this and rolled his eyes and looked up at the sky speechlessly. It seems that you are still thinking about the fastest in the universe? Have you seen the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard? Have you seen the magician's teleportation?

"Did this plan succeed later?"

"No, the plan was terminated," General Ross sighed, "Dr. Wendy Lawson conducted a test flight without approval, not only crashed the plane, but also sacrificed a pilot. If this plan is not terminated, some people will gossip!"

"Look..." A subtle cat cry came, and Eric's hair stood up immediately. A sense of extreme danger made his superpowers instantly work to the extreme.

Evoker! Eric confirmed its identity after hearing a cry. It was a beast ranked among the best in the universe. It would swallow him without leaving any bones...

"General, you still have a cat?"

"Cat?" General Ross turned his head in confusion and saw an orange cat's tail disappearing from the corner. "Oh, that's Dr. Wendy Lawson's cat. It has been living in this base since Dr. Wendy Lawson died. Anyone who sees it can feed it."

Feed it if you see it... I'm afraid everyone who sees it will be fed...

Eric shuddered and repeatedly warned himself to stay away from that thing. He likes furry things, such as kittens, puppies, Skye, etc., but he doesn't want this kind of furry thing that can swallow him in one bite!

Eric and General Ross chatted for a few more minutes, and Carol came back with a file bag in her arms, looking worried. Behind her was Nick Fury, the fearless and lifeless person who never gave up. She was holding the orange cat that even Eric had to stay away from, and she kept petting it.

"Don't tell me you can't see how dangerous this thing is!" Eric approached Carol and whispered.

Carol looked back at the orange cat in surprise, "Is it dangerous? I don't think its energy is high."

Eric immediately understood that this elder sister could only sense the level of energy, and used it as a standard to measure strength! His energy is contained in his body cells, so Carol can naturally sense it, but the energy of the Element Devourer is almost all hidden in the dimensional space in its stomach. Carol can't sense it, so she thinks it's not a big threat.

"Who is the cutest cat? Huh?" Nick Fury was stroking the Devourer desperately. Eric subconsciously stepped back a few steps and stayed away from him. He might become cat food someday...

"Did you get anything?"

Carol hesitated and took out a photo from the file bag. In the photo, two people were shaking hands. Behind them stood a black woman. Behind them, a woman was climbing out of a plane.

Eric put the photo next to Carol's head and compared it back and forth. He was amazed: "Hey, look at this woman who got off the plane. She looks like you!"

"The photo was taken six years ago. I just arrived at Hara six years ago. I lost my memory and only have six years of memory..." Carol's voice was very soft, and her tone was full of doubts.

"Do you still need to ask? You must have been captured and brainwashed by the Kree!" Eric raised his eyebrows and said very confidently.

If it was when she first arrived on Earth, Carol would have definitely loudly refuted Eric's point of view, but now she was also full of doubts in her heart. Facing Eric's "slander", she was speechless for a while.

"Where are you going next?" Seeing that she didn't say anything, Eric put the photo back into the file bag and asked her directly about her destination.

"Louisiana, go find someone, a friend?" Carol's tone was uncertain, and her expression was full of doubts.


The air base was not short of planes, and General Ross directly sent a transport plane to them.

On the plane, Carol kept looking at the photos in silence, Nick Fury kept stroking the Devourer, and Eric and the two soldiers who were flying the plane chatted casually.

The plane encountered an updraft and bumped a bit. The Devourer, who had been lying on Nick Fury's legs, suddenly jumped down, ignoring Nick Fury's call, and jumped directly onto Eric's legs, scaring Eric and almost opening the magnetic field shield.

"Fury! Damn it, how did it come here! Take it away!"

"Hey, man, it likes you!" Nick Fury came over and scratched its chin, "Who is the cutest cat?"

"Damn Fury, take it away!" Eric's body retreated desperately, his eyes fixed on the Devourer's mouth, ready to open the shield at any time.

"Don't do that, Eric, you scared it!" Nick Fury gently picked up the Devourer, "Let's go, little cutie, he doesn't welcome you."

"Who would welcome that thing!" Eric muttered softly, but his hand was not slow. He quickly wiped his leg, grabbed a cat hair in his hand, and put it away.

Thanks to the book friends Future and Rain After Xiaoshanqing for the reward, thank you!

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