Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 646: More progress beyond the Gods!

After Skye's repeated affirmation, the superheroes finally believed that the Beyonder incident was really over, and it ended inexplicably and anticlimactically.

Although it still felt a little unreal, it was good to be alive after all.

The superheroes returned to Earth one after another. Most of them took Doctor Strange's "VIP direct channel". Others who were independent or had personal grudges with the Avengers also found other ways.

Some superheroes who were used to wandering around the world chose to stay on Sakaar, intending to experience the alien customs and decide whether to return home or continue to fight in the stars and sea after having enough fun.

Everyone has their own choices, but the earth remains the same.

The sudden departure of the superheroes caused the crime rate on Earth to soar. Lu Dan almost sent out all the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., whether they were warehouse managers or cooks in the cafeteria, as long as they had received field training, they all went out to catch people!

For a time, the whole earth was in a mess. Lu Dan stared at the monitoring screen every day, his one eye was red, his spirit was tense, and his face was haggard. After learning that the superheroes had returned, he fell headfirst and lost consciousness. Hill was so scared that he almost injected him with Kree serum. After the test was clear that he was just exhausted, he let go of his mind and fell asleep tiredly.

Some of the superheroes were busy. Not only did they have to deal with the smoky earth, but they also had to find time to hold funerals for Captain America and Thor.

Thor turned into light and left. They didn't understand what he said about the sublimation of life levels and the transformation of life forms. They only saw that their former comrades suddenly turned into a golden light and disappeared without a trace. For them, that was death.

Eric has been hiding at home, without contacting anyone, just simply accompanying his family and enjoying the rare warm moments.

"Eric, I know you still have important things to do, but don't you really consider my proposal?" Skye pulled Eric aside and asked for the Nth time.

Eric was a little helpless, gently lifted Skye's hair and tucked it behind her ears, "We have discussed this issue, let's talk about it when I come back."

"But Emma..." Skye hesitated.

Eric smiled and shook his head.

Skye wanted a complete family, for herself, for Eric, and for the unborn little Nina.

She grew up in an orphanage and changed three foster families in two years. If she hadn't met Eric, I'm afraid this record would be even higher. She didn't want her sister to be born in an incomplete family like her, so she always hoped that Eric and Emma could get married as soon as possible.

However, Eric's family knew about their own affairs. The "Transcendence Devouring Plan" was already on the verge of being launched. He would face the entire Transcendence of God. Although the Molecular People were full of confidence in this plan, he was still a little worried.

What if it failed? What if something unexpected happened?

As Fulcrum said, the time he took to complete this plan was calculated in "billions of years". With such a long time, no one could be sure what accidents would happen.

Of course, he didn't want Emma to wait for him for hundreds of millions of years, that was impossible. He just wanted to make sure that the plan was on track, and then he would fulfill his daughter's wish.

"Skye..." Eric was about to say something, but suddenly froze and fell silent.

"What's wrong?" Skye asked nervously.

Eric shook his head, hugged Skye in his arms, and gently stroked her hair, "It's time."

The time has come, and death has just given him confidence. The origin of the transcendent is ready and can start at any time.

The girl in his arms stiffened, and then hugged Eric tightly, "Father..."

"Eric." Emma came over after hearing the news, touching her belly and standing aside.

Eric also hugged her in his arms and kissed her cheek gently, "Wait for me to come back!"

"Dad..." The tender childish voice, with a strong reluctance, gently entered Eric's mind.

Eric touched Emma's belly, "Little guy, listen to mom and sister and wait for dad to come back, understand?"

"Well..." Nina tried to control her emotions, but telepathy still brought tears.

Eric took a last look at his family and disappeared into golden light.


Destroyed, decayed, desolate, everything is full of the breath of destruction.

The smoke on the battlefield seems to be always filled, even in the truce period, it still carries a murderous atmosphere.

"Once you start to merge, the Transcendent God Realm will definitely notice it, and they will understand that the Transcendent has failed!" Death held a ball of white light in his hand, with a serious face, "When the time comes, they will definitely go to war!"

Eric nodded solemnly, "I can start at any time, can you hold on?"

"How could I not hold on?" The God of Stories broke through the air, confident and flamboyant, "We have been waiting for this moment for too long!"

"What's more, we have a secret weapon!" Death winked.

"Secret weapon? What is it?" Eric couldn't help asking again.

Death chuckled but said nothing, "You'll know when the time comes."

"Ha! What a boring and bad taste!" The God of Stories mocked arrogantly.

Eric rolled his eyes and waved his hands, "Okay, okay, now that we're ready, let's get started!"

Death and the God of Stories looked at each other, the latter nodded slightly, waved his hand and threw out a scroll of pages, the pages flew all over the sky, the words on it instantly came to life, turned into golden dragons rushing out of the pages, weaving a book-shaped golden cage in the air, covering this space completely.

Then, the book closed, and this space, with Eric and Death, completely disappeared from the multiverse.

Eric, who was in the book space, felt this feeling particularly strongly. It was a real disappearance, completely cutting off all the cause and effect between this space and the multiverse, even the heart of the universe lost its effect, and could only exert limited strength in this space.

Very good, very powerful! Eric looked around the entire book space with a dim gaze, "I've always been curious, why are you so strong? I can understand that you are strong, after all, you have gathered the power of two universes, but what about Molecule Man? God of Story? What about Franklin? How can they be so strong? Adam Court is just a joke in front of Molecule Man!"

Death covered his mouth and chuckled, "Isn't this simple? Because not only are the Transcendent Gods invading our territory, we are also eroding their power!"

Sure enough! Death's answer confirmed Eric's conjecture. He silently retracted his gaze, but he had another idea in his mind.

After the destruction of the universe, everyone is getting stronger. Molecule Man, God of Story and others are many times stronger than before the destruction of the universe, but when they face the Transcendent Gods, they are still carefully laying out, and the multiverse is still retreating under the attack of the Transcendent Gods.

This shows that the Transcendent Gods have made more progress!

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