Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 654: He was beaten silly!

At any time, death cannot go to the battlefield!

This is what the God of Stories told Eric before going to the battle.

Death is the last insurance of the multiverse, and the Ivory King cannot be faced directly at any time.

Eric understood this very well, so the next enemy was his turn.

This was his first time facing the Ivory King, and even his first time participating in a battle of this level.

But he seemed unusually calm, his mind was extremely clear, and in his chest, the Heart of the Universe beat along with his heart, and powerful power continued to flow out, making his body present a ray of blue halo.

The enemy soon appeared, and appeared silently, which was completely different from the previous two high-profile performances.

Just like Chinese people will be face-blind when looking at foreigners, the creatures of the multiverse will also be face-blind when looking at the life beyond the realm of God.

In Eric's view, these Ivory Kings and Ivory Kings all look the same, anyway, he can't tell the difference between his enemy and the previous two.

Eric confronted him in the void and waited for five minutes, but the other party didn't intend to take action.

"Hey, the guy on the other side, are you going to fight or not? If not, I'll go back to collect cotton!"

Eric was talking nonsense, but his attention was not relaxed at all. He stared at the other party closely. As long as the other party moved, he would react immediately.

However, the more focused he was, the easier it was to ignore other places. Behind him, the void silently cracked open a hole, and a completely transparent arm stretched out from it. The arm held an invisible dagger and stabbed Eric's back fiercely.

There was no fluctuation in space. The rule fragments floating in the void were still floating as they should be, without any change. The dagger seemed to not belong to this world, transcending the concepts of space, time, and dimension. Eric could not detect any abnormality at all.

The heart of the universe, the unified force field, the skin of Thanos...

All kinds of defenses were useless to the dagger. It ignored any defense and broke through Eric's back skin, flesh and blood, and went straight to the heart.

Everything happened in an instant. Eric didn't realize something was wrong until his skin was pierced by the dagger, but it was too late. Before he could react, the dagger had pierced his heart and exploded directly in his chest, blowing his entire body into pieces.

At the same time, the Ivory King who was confronting him in the distance suddenly jumped up and arrived in an instant. He put his hands together, and the void vibrated, gathering Eric's blasted body.

Then, he turned his hands in different directions, and the void suddenly manifested two huge millstones, clamping Eric's body in the center of the millstones and grinding it into tiny particles.

In a moment, the millstone disappeared, and there was no Eric in the void. Only some tiny particles were slowly sinking and floating. The Ivory King waved his hand gently, and a space storm blew over, and everything turned into nothingness.

In just a few breaths, Eric was ambushed, assassinated, dismembered, crushed, and his bones were crushed to ashes...

Such a big man, he was gone in an instant.

This is not the end. After raising Eric, the Ivory King was still not satisfied. He waved his hand to cut the space of tens of thousands of kilometers in radius, solidified and compressed it, condensed it into a palm-sized cube, and exiled it in the chaotic time and space.

At this level, it is actually very difficult to really kill the opponent. The Ivory King did not dare to guarantee that he really killed Eric, and could only delay the time when he might return as much as possible.

After doing all this, the enemy hidden in the dark came out. He was also an Ivory King, but he was short, snow-white, and his skin was crystal clear. He seemed not to belong to this time and space. Space storms, rule fragments, etc. can easily penetrate his body, and even the floating trajectory has not changed at all.

He showed his figure, nodded slightly to the tall Ivory King, opened his arms, and his body suddenly spread out, turning into a little starlight and quickly searching in this void to see if there was anything missing.

After a moment, the starlight gathered again, nodded with satisfaction, and raised his foot to disappear into the void again, but the tall ivory king stared at his back and screamed in surprise.

The short ivory king was stunned, and before he could react, a blue light suddenly appeared behind him, and then dyed his whole body blue like a prairie fire. He was immediately struck by lightning, and his body was like a sieve, and he twitched wildly and uncontrollably.

The tall ivory king wanted to help, but he didn't know how to start. He was so anxious that he turned around and saw that the short ivory king couldn't hold on, so he gritted his teeth and shouted to the sky.

This seemed to be a signal. In just two breaths, four strong auras came over, and together with the tall ivory king, the five ivory kings surrounded the short ivory king.

The five ivory kings acted together, and five beams of light shot out of their chests, hitting the short ivory king, and his chest immediately returned to snow-white.

The two colors fought on the body of the short ivory king. The snow-white color with the support group was obviously in the upper hand, gradually regaining the lost ground and forcing the blue color to be left with only the head and limbs.

Seeing that it was in a passive position, the blue side no longer hesitated, used both hands to twist off its head fiercely, and then raised its palm knife to cut off its legs.

Seeing this, the ivory kings hurried forward to restrain the arms, but the blue color obviously knew it, and took the initiative to withdraw its arms and flowed out from between its fingers.

It was not until this moment that the ivory kings saw clearly what their enemies were.

It turned out to be extremely tiny parasites, each of them was hideous and terrifying, with sharp teeth, and gathered together like a stream of blue water, seemingly harmless.

An ivory king looked cold, and casually shot out a beam of energy light, trying to destroy the parasites, but the parasites were not afraid of anything and devoured the energy beam in the blink of an eye.

The ivory kings looked at each other in bewilderment. They had never seen such weapons in the multiverse before. Under their gaze, the head of the parasite and the short ivory king had already gathered together, and after a period of wriggling and solidifying, it became a person. Who else could it be but Eric?

Eric's face was solemn, and his eyes swept over the five and a half ivory kings one by one. Suddenly, he punched out, breaking through the chaotic time and space, pulling out a cube, and gently sucking it at the corner of his mouth. A blue light also floated out of it, and it merged with him.

Strictly speaking, his current body actually came from Magneto Marx. But he had previously fed the insects with his body and completely merged with the Star-Eating Bee. Later, he merged with 120,000 soul fragments, which made his soul undergo some changes. Just like the Star-Eating Bee, it was up to him to split or merge.

The body could no longer restrain his soul. As long as he wanted, he could modify every particle of his body at will. After all, they were all Star-Eating Bees, part of his soul.

He didn't expect to be attacked by the dwarf ivory king, but it didn't cause him any damage. Even if he was crushed to ashes, it only split his soul into tens of thousands of pieces. He made a decision immediately and tricked the ivory king!

"I didn't expect six of them to come at once. What a pity." Eric stared at the dwarf ivory king who had returned to normal, and thought to himself that it was a pity. If the other four ivory kings hadn't suddenly arrived, he would definitely be able to swallow that guy whole!

However, he didn't gain nothing. He swallowed the other party's head and two thighs, and he also gained the other party's weird hiding ability, at least he wouldn't be attacked again.

The trouble now is that there are six of them.

"One against six, is there a chance of winning? Yes." Eric muttered, and his body suddenly disappeared.

The six ivory kings on the opposite side had no expression on their faces. The short ivory king didn't even think about it, and spread his arms again, covering his five companions with stars.

The five ivory kings didn't dare to move, and five pairs of eyes scanned the surroundings.

Suddenly, the stars suddenly gathered in one direction, depicting a human figure there. The five ivory kings attacked at the same time, and the brilliant energy beam pierced through the void.

A thin layer of blue light was shot out and collapsed instantly. The five ivory kings hurried to check, but it was just a small group of parasites that had lost their activity.

Just as the ivory kings were distracted to check, a blue halo probed out of the void and turned into a sharp blade to stab an ivory king.

In the void, the stars instantly sensed and quickly gathered towards the blade, not only marking its position, but also temporarily slowing down its speed, causing the blade to have a momentary delay.

Although it was only a momentary delay, it was enough for the Ivory King to counterattack. The Ivory King who was attacked quickly turned around and punched out. The void was immediately broken into pieces, and countless rule fragments were destroyed under this punch.

The sharp blade knew that the sneak attack was hopeless, so it withdrew in time, but it was still left with a small piece. It lost its activity under the fist of destruction and turned into a pool of parasite corpses.

"The enemies are numerous and well-coordinated. It's not easy to deal with them!" Eric was hidden in the void and frowned secretly, "It would be great if someone could support me."

Just when he thought of this, Eric suddenly sensed a familiar breath coming from afar, and his eyes suddenly lit up, "Hey, what you think is coming!"

The Ivory Kings also felt it, and they all looked up and looked into the distance, only to see a huge lightning that penetrated the sky and the earth, heading straight for them.

The two Ivory Kings attacked at the same time, trying to block the lightning, but when the lightning approached, they found that there was something in the middle of the lightning!

It was a battle axe! It was as bright as the sun, dazzling and dazzling, leading the lightning that penetrated the sky and earth, and directly chopped an ivory king's chest, splitting the ivory king in half like a rotten wood!

The thunder and lightning raged, turning into a solid barrier, firmly trapping half of the ivory king's body. The remaining half of the body saw that there was no hope of reunion, and instantly retreated several miles, reluctantly cutting off the connection between the two halves of the body, regenerating flesh and blood, and soon returned to normal, but the breath obviously dropped by half.

Another ivory king roared to the sky and punched the battle axe, but was steadily caught by a palm that stretched out from the lightning.

"Eric, my brother, are you okay? Hahaha!" With a hearty laugh, the owner of the palm walked out of the lightning.

Blond hair, one eye, silver armor, red robe.

Thor was like the god of thunder, with endless thunder on his head. He held the fist of the Ivory King with one hand and grabbed the battle axe with the other hand. He lifted up the half of the Ivory King's body and put it on his shoulder, looking around provocatively.

"Thor, you've pissed them off!" Eric did not show up, but only condensed a clone with no power to stand in front of Thor, looking at this old friend.

He has become stronger again!

After "ascending" from Sakaar, Thor has become reborn in just a few days, and his strength has skyrocketed.

Lightning, rune magic, and the ancestral power of the Aesir have not changed. In his body, there is a power that is familiar to Eric, the power of transcendence!

The transcendental gods invade our territory, and we are also eroding their power.

Eric suddenly remembered the words of death.

"Haha, you're just a bunch of clowns. So what if you provoke them?" Thor laughed arrogantly and threw half of the Ivory King's body to Eric. Eric chuckled and began to devour that half of the body while surrounded by powerful enemies.

This move completely angered the Ivory Kings. They let out a strange roar and rushed towards Eric and Thor.

One-on-six became two-on-six, and the gap in strength was still huge.

Thor wielded his battle ax and stood in the void like a god of war. He fought hand-to-hand with two ivory kings without losing any chance. In the gaps between his strikes, he could also cast a few runes of magic to disrupt the attack rhythm of the ivory kings.

The only person who poses a threat to him is the short man who hides in the void. Even the eyes of the Thunder God cannot see through his elusive ability. Whenever he achieves certain results, a void blade will always appear behind him to interrupt him. His rhythm.

Fortunately, Eric also controlled this ability. He relied on his ability to transform into thousands of people and split his body into three. The two clones joined forces to resist the three ivory kings. The last one continued to hide in the void, like an insidious poisonous snake. Waiting for an opportunity to sneak attack on the Ivory King, but always vigilant, blocking Thor's fatal blow.

The battle situation reached a stalemate, and the Ivory Kings suddenly emitted a strange wave, as if they were exchanging some information, which made Eric and Thor feel alert.

Sure enough, the ivory kings suddenly changed their tactics. One of the ivory kings suddenly exerted force, completely ignoring his own defense. He opened and closed his moves widely, using the method of exchanging injuries for injuries, dragging down two of Eric's clones, and the other two. The Ivory King abandoned Eric and went straight to Thor.

Eric accidentally let them jump out of the battle circle, and for a while he was unable to deal with the desperate Ivory King. He could only watch as four powerful enemies surrounded Thor.

The pressure on Thor suddenly doubled, and he would always receive one or two punches between offense and defense.

An ivory king suddenly took a step back, stretched out his hand into the void, and suddenly pulled out a majestic river. There was no drop of water in the river, but the stars were disillusioned and the universe was reincarnated. He used the river as a long whip and whipped it towards Thor.

Tolkin was flying, roaring angrily, and slashing hard with an ax in both hands.

Under this axe, space shattered, time disintegrated, and the rules turned into powder. It seemed that nothing could stop him. The other approaching Ivory King suddenly changed color and retreated quickly, narrowly avoiding the sharp blade.

However, when this ax struck the river, it was like mud sinking into the sea. It only splashed a little starlight and then disappeared. The long whip disappeared and was about to hit Thor.

Thor frowned and raised his feet to hide, but the two ivory kings behind him punched him at the same time, blocking him in place.

Thor was not afraid of the long whip, and a look of determination flashed in his eyes. Just as he was about to take action, a large crystal hand suddenly appeared from the void beside him, grabbed him by the collar, and pulled him into the void, but it was Ai Rui. Ke saved Thor in time.

But this time, Eric took the initiative to expose his hiding place, and the stars quickly gathered, depicting two human figures in the void.

The ivory kings took action decisively, dividing time and space, trying to trap the two of them to death.

Thor took the initiative to escape from hiding, raised his battle ax high, and a silver light cut through the sky. However, the ivory king holding the river had already integrated the river into the cage of time and space. Thor's ax only shattered a corner of time and space, and it was already gone before he could take action again. Well restored.

Eric appeared, his brows slightly raised, half-smiling, and the two clones outside the time and space blockage suddenly exploded, leaving the enemy behind and disappearing into the void.

Four sharp blades appeared on the foreheads of the four ivory kings almost at the same time.

The short ivory king was obviously well prepared. With one against four, he gathered almost all the starlight and turned it into four small shields, blocking the deadly blades without letting them affect the four ivory kings at all.

A siege seemed a foregone conclusion.

"It's interesting." Eric squinted his eyes and looked around, as if looking for a flaw in the time and space cage.

Endless runes flashed through Thor's single eye, and he finally shook his head regretfully, "No, I can't break it."

"It doesn't matter, I'll do it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the four sharp blades outside the cage suddenly shattered and turned into four clouds of smoke that enveloped the shield, swallowing it up in an instant.

The short ivory king fell out of the void, as if struck by lightning, his body almost turned into nothingness.

The face of the last free Ivory King changed drastically. Without thinking, he grabbed the arm of the short Ivory King and channeled his divine power.

The short Ivory King's face had recovered a lot, but he showed a strange smile, which made the Ivory King who helped him recover feel like he was dead.

"Sorry, I'm undercover!"

The short ivory king suddenly opened his arms, hugged his comrade tightly, opened his mouth and bit his neck fiercely.

The blue halo circulated back and forth between the two ivory kings, eventually dyeing both bodies blue. Only then did the short ivory king let go. The two looked at each other, smiled strangely, and decisively attacked the remaining four companions. .

"What kind of ability is this?" Thor was shocked, glanced at Eric next to him, and subconsciously moved a foot to the side...

"Have you ever seen "The Matrix"? I am Smith!" Eric laughed, his hair creeping up, "What's yours is mine, and what's mine is still mine, quack quack..."

"Eric, people who laugh are usually villains." Thor looked strange, "And they usually don't survive more than one episode."

Eric: "..."

No matter how much Thor joked, the situation of the battle finally reversed again.

The four ivory kings decisively gave up the time and space prison, gathered together, and looked at the two dyed tribesmen warily.

The two rebellious ivory kings didn't waste any time. They opened the time and space cage and released Thor and Eric. The four of them stood side by side and faced off against the four ivory kings.

This time, it's four versus four.

The Ivory Kings no longer had the advantage in numbers, but they didn’t seem to be worried. They looked at each other and actually smiled.

Smiled? ? !

Thor nudged Eric with his elbow and whispered, “What’s wrong with them?”

Eric grinned, “They were beaten silly!”

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