Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 657 I haven't gotten in the car yet!

After a brief reunion, Thor quickly calmed down.

In fact, he knew very well that the Frigga in front of him was not his mother. He already knew her origins very well, but when she really stood in front of him, her familiar appearance completely broke his psychological defenses.

After regaining his sanity, Thor was a little embarrassed and smiled apologetically.

Frigga smiled and shook her head, stroking his cheek, "From the macroscopic perspective of the multiverse, I am also your mother, child, you can continue to call me that, I believe Loki will not mind."

Thor immediately showed joy on his face, nodded wildly, and his golden hair was thrown up and down, like a golden lion.

Then, the mother and son held hands to meet the invading enemy. Thor's fighting power soared as if he had been injected with chicken blood, and he fought three ivory kings alone without losing.

Frigga was even more unexpected to Eric. This seemingly weak woman was so strong.

I don't know what the God of Stories gave her when he resurrected her. She beat the Ivory Kings like an adult teasing a child.

Hundreds of crystals floated around her. Whenever an energy beam attacked her, she simply turned the crystals to reflect the energy beam back intact. If she switched to close combat, she would piece together several crystals, and with a flash of light, she would create a mirror image that was exactly the same as the enemy, with the same appearance and strength.

The four Ivory Kings surrounded her and used all their means. After fighting for a long time, they couldn't even touch the corner of her clothes.

At this point, the eighteen Ivory Kings had their own opponents, and Thor's summoning spell actually broke the deadlock directly.

Eric glanced at the still flashing summoning array, his eyes flickering, and looked around.

At this point in the battle, it was meaningless to block this space and time. The eight Ivory Kings responsible for the blockade released the blockade here and surrounded Eric.

"Eight, a bit difficult, I have to fight hard... huh?" Eric secretly estimated the strength of both sides, but suddenly saw a little head popping out of the summoning circle.

"Franklin!" Eric recognized the person, and was surprised and happy. Although the little guy looks small, he is one of the elders who repaired the multiverse, and his strength is definitely not bad.

Franklin was startled by Eric's shout, shuddered and shrank back into the summoning circle.


Seeing that the Ivory King was about to take action, Eric was anxious, "Little guy, come out and help!"

Franklin showed his little head again, poked his head out to look a few times, wrinkled his little nose and shook his head, "I can't fight."

What did you say? Eric was dumbfounded.

"Dad said that fighting is a bad boy!" Franklin showed an innocent smile, which made Eric want to hit him.

He stepped back to the summoning circle and lifted the little guy out, "You are tens of thousands of years old, what grandson? Help me now."

Franklin's face turned pale, and he turned his little face to the side, broke free from Eric's big hand, and made a face at him, "You are a crossdresser!"

Eric's face turned green.

"Okay, okay, I'll help you, really, I still have things to do!" Seeing that Eric's face was not right, Franklin hurriedly threw out a doll and ran back to the summoning circle.

Eric subconsciously caught the doll, and when he looked closely, his face suddenly eased a lot. Looking at the ivory king who was coming over, he threw the doll out, "Go, court man, destroy them on behalf of the moon!"

As soon as the doll left his hand, it began to grow wildly, and in the blink of an eye it became as big as a mountain. The three faces on the big head opened their eyes at the same time, and six beams of light hit three ivory kings and waved their fists to meet another one.

"Adam, Adam, tut tut, it's so miserable!" Eric pretended to sigh and met the last four enemies.

Just by looking at the eyes of Adam Court, Eric has concluded that after the transformation of Franklin and Molecule Man, Adam Court has completely lost its self-awareness and has become a real tool court.

What Eric didn't expect was that Franklin didn't lock Adam Court in the M crystal, but sent him to the battlefield. Judging from his fighting situation, someone should be controlling his body far beyond.

Perhaps, Franklin just wanted the court to play a little bit of residual heat for the last time...


Twenty-six ivory kings, fighting against eight people from the multiverse, one side has the advantage in quantity, and the other side has the advantage in quality. After fighting for a long time, there is no winner.

After such a long time, Eric has more or less figured out the situation of the ivory kings.

Unlike the multiverse, the "class restriction" of transcending the divine domain seems to be more powerful. The lower limit of the strength of the ivory kings is very high, but the upper limit is stuck. They can create dozens of ivory kings at once, but they can't create a half-step transcendent existence like the God of Stories and Adam Court.

The multiverse is different. OAA has nailed the ceiling, leaving all creatures in the universe without hope of transcendence, but has relaxed the strength limit below transcendence. The gods can easily embark on the road of transcendence, making their combat power several times that of the Ivory King.

However, the multiverse cannot mass-produce masters like the Beyond God Realm. Thanos' army is already the pinnacle of mass production.

The reason is that they take different paths. Each of the gods in the multiverse has different abilities and different rules. Most of them are constantly exploring the rules they are good at.

In contrast, the Beyond God Realm has all transcendent powers. Although the way they are used is somewhat different, they are actually completely the same in essence.

The battle was deadlocked, and the two sides were in a stalemate. Everyone tried their best, and only their opponents were in their eyes, and they had no time to care about the left and right.

At this moment, Franklin's little head popped out of the already very dim summoning circle. He first observed the situation on the battlefield. Seeing that everyone was busy fighting, he smiled and carefully took out a colorful ball and threw it to the center of the battlefield. Then he quickly retracted his head and raised his hand to close the summoning circle.

The appearance of the ball quickly attracted everyone's attention. The corners of the God of Stories turned up, as if the conspiracy had succeeded. He forced his opponent back with one move, and appeared next to Frigga, pulling her hand, and a shining magic circle appeared under his feet.

Frigga seemed to have known this for a long time. She was hesitant. At the moment when the magic was about to take shape, she gritted her teeth and turned the crystal to drag Thor into the magic circle. In Thor's confused expression and the disgusted expression of the God of Stories, the magic circle was instantly activated, and the three disappeared.

At this moment, the colorful ball released a dazzling light, exploded, and the colorful rays of light spread rapidly.

Just as they had agreed, Captain America, Ancient One, Merlin, and the controlled Adam Court all patted their chests, and the magic light flashed and disappeared.

The entire battlefield was left with only 26 confused Ivory Kings.

And Eric, who was confused.

What about me?

What about me!!

I haven't gotten on the car yet!!!

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