Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 78 I just developed a little bit (please give me a recommendation vote...)

Building artificial intelligence is not a matter of a day or two. After Eric transferred all the Hydra scientists and equipment, there was not even a cable in the basement, and everything had to start from scratch.

Artificial intelligence requires a strong computing foundation, which requires supercomputers as a carrier. In this era, supercomputers have just been introduced not long ago, and the computing power is still at the trillions of times per second level. For artificial intelligence, it can only be regarded as the lowest of the low-end.

This is the limitation of the times. Eric has no choice. No matter how talented he is or how powerful his superpowers are, he can't create a Skynet out of thin air.

Using the computers on the Kree warships will not work either. Their computers are directly connected to the Supreme Wisdom. Eric can physically disconnect the connection, but if it is connected to the Earth network, no one can say what will happen.

Supercomputers need to be purchased. Jennifer summarized the companies selling supercomputers around the world and reported them to Eric. He flipped through them and found the name of Stark Industries.

Is there any need to choose? Stark is synonymous with quality. The missiles he built can blow himself up! He contacted Tony Stark that night.

This playboy, still immersed in the gentleness, heard that Eric wanted to talk about business, and directly transferred the call to Obaday.

Obaday was very considerate and gave a 10% discount, but even with a 10% discount, it would cost nearly 100 million US dollars, which was only the initial installation cost. In the future, the annual maintenance and upkeep costs would also be an astronomical figure.

This did not include the electricity bill. Supercomputers are energy intensive. If they are running at full capacity, the electricity bills will jump by hundreds of thousands every day.

This thing is really not something that ordinary people can afford.

Eric didn't care about US dollars at all, and he didn't even plan to bargain. He gave as much as Obaday said, which made Obaday feel very proud.

After talking about business, Eric suddenly remembered that he had promised General Ross a cocktail party, which was supposed to be held after Carol's matter was dealt with. Now that the matter has been perfectly resolved, it is time to fulfill it, so he simply expanded the scale.

"Obaday, my friend, it's my daughter's birthday next weekend. How about we come to my place to have some fun?" The gathering always has to have a name. Eric calculated that it happened to be Skye's birthday, so he had to celebrate it.

Skye is an orphan, well, not an orphan. Her parents are still alive and well, but they couldn't raise her for special reasons, so she grew up in an orphanage. She doesn't even know when her birthday is. Her current birthday is actually the day she was sent to the orphanage.

"Hey! Eric, it's your daughter's birthday, but you don't plan to invite me?" Stark's voice suddenly came from the other end of the phone.

"Tony! Damn it, you installed a bug for me again!" Obaday's angry roar came immediately.

"Oh, Uncle Obaday, I just want to know what those two models did with you last time. I heard that they like to eat carrots?"

"Damn it! Eric, I'll call you later!"

There was a busy tone on the phone, and Eric looked weird. These two uncles and nephews are the same! Shaking his head, he picked up the phone again to invite others.

The first birthday of his daughter after changing her surname to Lanxel, he couldn't be careless!


Skye's birthday was approaching, and Eric quietly arranged everything to give Skye a surprise.

Skye didn't know about this. For her, birthday was just a special day. In the orphanage, no one would take the initiative to mention the word birthday because they didn't know when their birthday was.

That day, Skye got out of school as usual, got in the car of the full-time driver Barton, and chatted all the way back to the villa.

The nanny told her that Eric had left and would be out for a few days. Skye was not surprised by this. She had long been accustomed to Eric's elusiveness. However, she was still a little awkward about Eric going out on her birthday.

When she walked into the living room, it was suddenly pitch black in front of her. She didn't scream like an ordinary little girl, but relied on her familiarity with the villa to quickly hide in the corner and take a defensive posture.

"Surprise!" The living room was bright again, and dozens of candles were lit at the same time, and the candlelight flickered, which was magnificent.

But the people holding the candles were dumbfounded. Today's little protagonist was not at the door! They looked around and couldn't find him for a while.

Eric covered his eyes directly, his expression was very embarrassed, and he watched Skye stand up from the corner through his fingers. His eyes couldn't help but glance at Patton, and his murderous eyes seemed to tell him: You taught me so well!

Feeling the boss's gaze, Patton shrank his neck and carefully hid behind Obadi, using his huge body to block Eric's gaze.

"Skye, happy birthday!" Everyone finally found today's protagonist, and they all sent blessings and gifts.

Those who can be invited by Eric are either in high positions or rich enough to rival a country. None of them are simple people. The gifts they sent are of very high gold content.

Obaday gave Skye a children's version of Lamborghini, which was said to be specially customized. It has the same structure as the normal version, but is proportionally reduced. The cost is ten times higher than the normal version, and there are only a few of them in the world.

Tony Stark heard from somewhere that Skye likes teddy bears, so he customized a 10-meter-tall teddy bear for her. Not only Skye, but also Eric was dumbfounded. This thing can't even get through the door...

General Ross was the most economical, and gave Skye a diamond necklace.

Boiled Egg was the most stingy, so he brought a box of chocolates.

Skye looked at the big men who she could only see on TV and in newspapers enthusiastically giving her gifts, and it took her a long time to react. She secretly looked at Eric, and saw that he was looking at her with a smile. She turned her head away quickly, but her eyes were a little red.

Eric hurried over and hugged her, "Skye, today is your birthday, you won't be beautiful if you cry!"

"I didn't cry!" Skye pursed her lips hard, wiped the corners of her eyes quietly, and whispered in Eric's ear: "Thank you, Eric."

Eric couldn't help but narrow his eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up. This wave was worth it!

"Hey, Eric, we are the only ones who gave gifts. What gift did you prepare for the little princess?" Stark came over with a wine glass and put his arm on Eric's shoulder.

Eric looked up and down, and asked with a smile: "Stark, are you wearing insoles?"

Stark's movements were stiff for a moment, and then he immediately returned to normal, shrugging and saying: "I just grew a little bit!"

Not much to say, continue typing, please recommend, please collect...

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