Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 89 Of course it’s to find you!

After takeoff, Hank turned on the autopilot mode. Jean Grey sat uncomfortably in her seat, kneading the corners of her clothes with both hands, her little face full of tension and worry.

The handsome boy Cyclops whispered to comfort her beside her, but his face was also full of confusion. He seemed to be pursuing Jean Grey. He wanted to reach out and hold Jean's hand several times, but hesitated for a long time and didn't dare to move.

Red Tank snored immediately after getting on the plane. Eric checked it out briefly. This should be because the evil god Cytorak was withdrawing his scarlet magic, and the decline of power caused adverse reactions, making Red Tank sleepy all the time.

Taking advantage of his free time, Hank used the hacking software he wrote to hack into many confidential institutions and found a lot of information about Apocalypse.

"Apocalypse was born in the First Dynasty of Egypt. He should be about 5,000 years old now. He has always existed in human history and provoked wars everywhere..."

But just after the first sentence, Eric's face changed. The history of this Apocalypse is not quite the same as what he knows!

Grabbing Hank's computer, connecting to the artificial intelligence future through satellite, and letting her search the entire network. Antivirus software and firewalls are no different from paper in front of her. In less than a minute, all the places in the world that are connected to the Internet have been visited.

Massive amounts of data were browsed, searched, screened, and then summarized and sent to Eric.

"Eric, what was that just now?" Hank was behind him, his eyes were straight. He was a technical geek with a very high IQ. He knew very well what had just happened, but he just couldn't believe it!

"You're not mistaken." Eric didn't look back, concentrating on browsing the information of Apocalypse, "Just know it, don't tell anyone."

"Okay, I promise!" Hank swallowed hard, his eyes full of fanaticism, "Eric, can you let me see..."

Eric turned his head and looked at him with a smile, "What do you think?"

"Okay, I know." Hank's eyes dimmed. He knew that it was impossible. Artificial intelligence is the only one in the world. How could he let him see it casually?

Eric shook his head and continued to check the information.

This is not a big deal, it was really beyond his expectation.

In the Emperor Thanos universe, Apocalypse was in ancient Egypt, and the transformation ceremony was disrupted by the rebels. He was suppressed for five thousand years. It was not until he was accidentally excavated in modern times that he was awakened after the transformation ceremony was completed. It was also during that transformation ceremony that he gained the ability to heal himself.

But this Apocalypse is different. He is an abandoned baby, adopted by a group of wanderers in the desert, educated in the theory of "survival of the fittest", and grew up in cruel battles. After he grew up, he was worshipped as a god because of his powerful power. He was not forced to fall into a deep sleep!

In the following thousands of years, Apocalypse has been wandering the world, launching wars to test which countries and nations are "fittest".

Because of the periodicity of mutant awakening, he chooses to sleep every once in a while. When the number of mutant awakenings reaches a peak, he wakes up to stir up trouble. When the number of mutants drops to a certain limit, he will fall into a deep sleep again, waiting for the opportunity.

The last time humans recorded him was more than a hundred years ago, in the mid-19th century, during the Victorian era in Britain. At that time, Darwin had just proposed the theory of species evolution. Apocalypse thought his views were in line with his own ideas and wanted to "promote" Darwin as one of the Four Horsemen, but was ruthlessly rejected.

At this time, another British scientist published a more radical theory of evolution. He believed that a large number of mutants would appear on Earth in the near future, but was unanimously refuted by the academic community.

Apocalypse thought his views were more in line with his taste, so he contacted him and modified his genetic genes, giving him the ability to live longer.

This British scientist, named Nathaniel Essex, called himself Mr. Sinister after being transformed by Apocalypse.

These contents came from a wanted poster issued in the 19th century. Mr. Sinister used living people for human experiments and was wanted by the British government. In this wanted poster, Apocalypse appeared.

"Mr. Sinister..." Eric frowned and thought.

He remembered that he first came into contact with Professor X in this world when he was controlling the solar storm. Professor X once suspected his clone of Magneto, claiming that he found someone secretly studying the life trajectory of mutants in order to replicate mutants.

Now it seems that this person is most likely Mr. Sinister!

This person is not very famous, but he is an indispensable figure in history. His most famous achievement is to clone Madeline Pryor, a clone of Jean Grey. And the famous Cable is the son of Madeline Pryor and Cyclops.

Cable, one of the two most famous time travelers in the Marvel Universe, is a person that Eric attaches great importance to. Therefore, Mr. Sinister cannot be touched for the time being, at least before Cable is born.

"It's too far, too far, let's think about how to deal with Apocalypse first!" Eric patted his cheek and brought his attention back to Apocalypse.

First of all, according to the data, Apocalypse should have fallen into a deep sleep after transforming Mr. Sinister in the Victorian era, waiting for the glorious period of the emergence of a large number of mutants as Mr. Sinister said, until he was awakened by the earthquake he created when he was looking for the Gravitonium.

Secondly, Apocalypse's purpose in capturing Professor X is probably different from that of another Apocalypse, and it is not for the grand goal of ruling the world.

Look, it's been almost ten hours since he captured Professor X. He has neither controlled the world's military to launch nuclear bombs into space nor used Professor X's ability to give an impassioned, piss-inducing speech to all mankind.

Think about it, the two Apocalypses, although both claim to be gods, are very different.

The Apocalypse of the Emperor Thanos Universe lived in the ignorant ancient Egyptian period and was praised as a god by the Egyptians at that time. He also naturally believed that he was a god and that the world should be ruled by him.

When he woke up in modern society, his thoughts still remained in the ancient Egyptian period. He righteously ordered humans to wait for his judgment. It was an honor for humans to accept his rule.

This is a patient with severe chuunibyou.

But the Apocalypse of this universe is different. For thousands of years, he has been walking in the world, constantly accepting the thoughts of various times, stirring up trouble in the world, and observing humans from the perspective of God, but he knows how to endure. Whenever the strength of mutants weakens, he chooses to fall into a deep sleep and wait for the next opportunity to come.

Just based on this point, he is countless times stronger than the other Apocalypse.

"So, why did Apocalypse take Charles away?" Eric couldn't help muttering to himself.

"To find you, of course!" Hank suddenly laughed strangely, his eyes quickly turned gray, tilted his head, and looked at Eric in a weird posture.

Hehe, don't worry about which universe this is. It has been said in Chapter 62 that this is a brand new parallel universe. Some places are very similar to the movie universe, and some are completely different...

Hehehehe, I'll just write it like this. If you are not satisfied, come and hit me (-)_

Uh⊙⊙! Just don't be too harsh...

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