Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 94: Abuse of Apocalypse!

Eric didn't know that Apocalypse had learned about the planet, and he was still trying his best to absorb the magnetic field energy of the planet.

In his perception, Apocalypse only needed to transmit five more times at most to search for his current location, but this time was not enough for him to complete the explosion!

Eric couldn't help but speed up the absorption speed. The huge magnetic field energy quickly poured into his body. Before it could be transformed into his own superpowers, it was pushed forward and compressed by the later energy. His strong physical fitness was like an ant in front of the energy of the entire planet, and he might be blown up by the huge energy at any time!

Beads of sweat flowed down his cheeks, and blood vessels on Eric's face burst out, as if they were about to burst. His eyeballs had already turned blood red due to congestion, and his steel teeth were bitten and clattered. This kind of pain is dozens of times stronger than when injecting the super soldier potion!

"So you are here!" Apocalypse appeared earlier than he expected. He had no time to care about him at this moment. Now is the critical moment. If he can't control it well, he may be blown up by the huge energy at any time.

Tianqi understood what he was going to do after just one look, and naturally would not let him complete the explosion. He sneered, waved his hand to control the boulder where he was hiding and smashed it down.

Eric glanced at Tianqi, flicked his finger, and the gravity of the boulder disappeared instantly. Then a repulsive force came, and the huge stone actually flew towards the sky, and the speed was getting faster and faster. Soon it rubbed against the air and lit up a circle of fire.

Then, Eric pressed down in the direction of Tianqi again.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the ground around Tianqi collapsed several meters, as if an invisible big hand slapped him hard.

Tianqi, who was in the center of the palm, had an unimaginable gravity on his body, but he stood proudly, without even lowering his head.

"Gravity again? Child's trick!" Tianqi smiled contemptuously, took a step, and walked steadily towards Eric.

Eric did not answer, but waved his hand again. The gravity on Apocalypse suddenly turned into repulsion. Apocalypse suddenly soared into the sky like a cannonball and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Taking advantage of this time, Eric once again accelerated the speed of energy absorption and concentrated on controlling the geomagnetic field.

Not long after, a roar came, and Apocalypse fell from the sky, aiming at the place where Eric was. This time, Apocalypse learned his lesson, and a strange energy wrapped around his body actually offset Eric's gravity.

"Almost!" Eric roared and stood up, raising his arms high, his face was extremely ferocious, the magnetic field on his body was almost rioting, a large number of capillaries on the surface of his body ruptured, and the blood had already dyed his clothes red.

The huge magnetic field energy rolled and roared with him as the center, and the lightning triggered it enveloped him like a sky curtain. But Apocalypse was not afraid of this. Thousands of years of experience have allowed him to see too many strong people. Today's opponent is just one of the stars in the sky.

Seeing that Apocalypse's foot was about to fall, Eric suddenly opened his eyes wide, and his hands seemed to tear the sky apart, and the endless lightning suddenly separated with his movements.

A crack with a flashing blue halo was born under Apocalypse's feet, and huge space energy raged in it. Apocalypse suddenly slowed down and stopped at the edge of the crack.

"Hmph, you still use this trick!" Apocalypse snorted coldly, preparing to bypass the space crack, but unexpectedly, the space crack suddenly became larger, like a big mouth biting at him.

Two sturdy arms suddenly stretched out, surrounded by purple energy halo, Apocalypse firmly supported the space crack, preventing it from advancing an inch. At the same time, a stronger purple light burst out from his body, and the powerful space ability was activated, dyeing the space crack purple. He closed his hands, caught it in his hands, and threw it to Eric.

The purple space crack fell into the endless sea of ​​thunder, just like throwing a fish into a frying pan, causing the sea of ​​thunder to churn constantly, but soon there was no sound.

Apocalypse stared at the endless sea of ​​thunder, his face became extremely cautious. He clearly sensed that Eric's momentum had reached its peak, even far surpassing him!

"Sorry, I kept you waiting!" With a wave of his hand, the violent sea of ​​thunder turned into a flash of light and was taken into Eric's palm, leaving only a small glowing dot. As for the space crack eroded by Apocalypse's energy, it had long disappeared.

At this time, Eric exuded a strong aura all over his body. Lightning patterns appeared on the vibranium helmet, and the cloak behind him was windless and automatic, flashing lightning from time to time.

"You are really special!" Apocalypse was in the air, looking down at Eric, but there was no contempt in his eyes. In this state, Eric didn't even dare to say the outcome lightly.

"You are the second person who said I am special. Oh, no, sorry, it's the first one. That one can't be considered a 'person'!" Eric chuckled and his figure suddenly disappeared.

Apocalypse has been paying attention to his opponent, but he didn't notice how Eric left! He clearly felt that a huge crisis was approaching, but he couldn't find where Eric was.

Tianqi had to fully activate the energy shield to guard against Eric's attack.

"It's useless!" A whisper came from his ear. Tianqi was frightened and punched to the left, but was hit hard on the right.

The power of this punch was so great that it sent Apocalypse flying, turning into a meteor that rubbed violently against the atmosphere. The intense pain made Apocalypse unable to straighten his back. It was not until a few seconds later that his powerful self-healing ability repaired the damage to his waist and he regained control of his body.

Unfortunately, before he could take the next step, a fist suddenly appeared above his head and knocked him down fiercely.

"Bang!" With a loud bang, Apocalypse was hit hard into the ground, and the land within a radius of several miles cracked. Then, there was another loud bang, and Apocalypse was hit out again.

Punch after punch, Apocalypse was hit back and forth like a ping-pong ball. Each punch was a simple physical injury, but the extreme kinetic energy still made it difficult for his body to heal itself in a short time.

On the other hand, Eric just stood there without moving!

That's right, he didn't move at all! He put his fists back to his waist and punched hard. Every time he punched, a basin-sized space door would appear in front of him. On the other side of the space door was Tianqi's blue-gray skin.

The distance between the two seemed to be very close. Eric could see every hair on Tianqi's body clearly!

Tianqi had already lost control of his body. His self-healing ability was constantly repairing his damaged body, but the speed of repair was far less than the speed of injury. It didn't take long for Tianqi's arm to be beaten into powder!

Uh. No one joined the book club I created. If I wait for two more days, it will be disbanded without anyone... It feels so embarrassing (︶︿︶)

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