Marvel: Those Years I Was Undercover in S.H.I.E.L.D

Chapter 169 Steve: I incarnate for disaster

"You are here!

Leaning on the motorcycle, Steve Rogers smiled and greeted the two people walking down from the Quinjet!

"We definitely got it, something happened to a certain handsome guy, how could those of us who are friends ignore it? 39

Watching Steve come to greet him, Tony Stark said with a funny face!

"You bastard--still such a vicious tongue!

After punching Tony with a smile, Steve looked at Su Che and said seriously: "Originally, I wanted to handle this matter myself, but."

"What exactly is the situation?

Seeing an indescribable emotion flashing in Steve's eyes, Su Che asked seriously!

"You know, after the alien invasion was repelled by us, I was going to ride a motorcycle to go around, to relax, and to get to know the world again!"

"Definitely, you've told us more than once, although Dr. Banner and I think it's because of the return of Captain Peggy from the parallel universe! 99

Shrugging his shoulders, Tony looked at Steve and smiled, "And what about man?"

"And then I came here on a motorcycle!

Looking at the desolate places around, Tony Stark nodded: "It's your style, such a desolate place, not even the west side!

"That's the problem!"

Looking at Tony and Su Che, Steve said with emotion: "Seriously, although this place is desolate, the scenery is really good!"

"So I originally planned to rest here for two or three days. There is a small town not far ahead with nearly three hundred residents! 35

"The folk customs in that town are very good, everyone is very hospitable, even strangers like me are very welcome! 35

Referring to the small town in front of him, a gloomy look flashed in Steve's eyes: "I was planning to stay in the small town in front of me for three days! 99

"But it happened the next day!"

Looking at the black cars suddenly coming from a distance, Steve Rogers said softly, "I went out to do some errands the next day, and when I came back at night, the whole town was covered in fire!"

"More than 300 residents of the town, including the baby only a few months old, all died in the fire without exception!

Taking a long sigh of relief, Steve frowned at the two of them and said, "When I came back on a motorcycle and found that the town was raging on fire, I wanted to go in and save people as soon as possible!

"But before I could enter this small town, I found that I was blocked by an invisible energy!"

"I don't know how to describe it, it's as if the whole fire and the outside world are surrounded by an invisible wall, no matter what direction I can't get in!35

"Even if I wanted to fly in from above on a motorcycle with the help of the terrain, but there was no way!

Looking at Su Che and Tony Stark, Steve said seriously: "So I feel very weird, and the main thing is that I can be sure that this is definitely not accidental, but artificial!

"Until now, all I can think about is the enthusiasm of the residents in the town for me, and the scene where I couldn't go to the scene to save people no matter what, I could only listen to the screams in the fire!

"I just feel like I can't sleep no matter what!"

"As soon as I close my eyes, I can see the little girl holding my hand and laughing and spinning in circles.

"As soon as I close my eyes, I can see pictures of people in the pub celebrating Roar with beer and me! 99

He breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the two people in front of him: "I have to investigate this matter thoroughly, otherwise I'm afraid this will be a shadow in my heart!"

Hearing Steve's words, Su Che and Tony looked at each other!

"That is to say, that strange flame enveloped the whole town, not only the people inside couldn't escape, but you couldn't even get in when you were outside!

"It's as if an energy barrier was artificially created to isolate you, right! 99

"That's right!

Facing Su Che's words, Steve Rogers nodded seriously: "The day after the incident, the people concerned rushed over, and at that time, with their appearance, the energy barrier slowly disappeared!

"It's just that these people stopped me from entering the scene, and I could only watch them remove the carbonized bodies one by one!"

"I have asked them about this more than once, but unfortunately no one answered me, after all, my identity."

"I understand!"

Reaching out, patted Steve on the shoulder.

Seeing the gloom in Steve's eyes, Su Che comforted softly: "Didn't I come here? Just leave everything to me!

ask for flowers 0

"Don't worry, we'll take care of this! 35

Hearing Su Che's words, Steve was silent for a moment, then said seriously to both Su Che and Tony: "Thanks, guys!

"Seriously, although it's my personal thing, but... some things don't work out, I really."

"Blind, what are you talking about?"

Seeing Steve thanking him earnestly, Tony Stark smiled and took Steve's shoulders: "We are friends, aren't we?"

"Friends should help each other, let alone such a big thing. You're right, Su!

Turning his head to look at Su Che, Tony blinked and said!

"Yes, don't worry, this matter will be resolved!


Su Che's voice just fell, and soon a row of teams came to the crowd!

The vehicle stopped, and more than a dozen guys in black suits hurriedly got out of the car and came to Su Che, and said with a very serious expression: "Hello, sir!

"Sir, after receiving your order, we rushed over as soon as possible!"

"If you need anything, please tell me, our Aegis Aegis branch will do our best to meet your requirements!"

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, Su Che nodded lightly: "First of all, let someone get all the investigation materials about the fire in the town ahead two days ago! Let the departments in charge of the investigation cooperate!"

"Also, go back to your Aegis branch now and call up the satellite monitoring in this nearby area! 99

"Yes, sir!

Hearing Su Che's order, the middle-aged man immediately nodded seriously.

No way, although the identities are the same, they are all heads of the SHIELD branch.

But whoever makes the person in charge of the Aegis branch in other regions have a level of seven in the Aegis, and the highest is level eight.

And Su Che is level 9!

Some things are just that simple!

Watching Su Che get into the car, Steve Rogers turned his head and glanced at the small town that was now in ruins not far away.

Then he let out a sigh and walked straight into the car!

Now that Su is here, this matter will definitely be investigated!

Well, yes, Steve is so confident in Su Che! Eight,

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