Marvel: Those Years I Was Undercover in S.H.I.E.L.D

Chapter 177 Good guy, you are more perverted than HYDRA

Seven underground floors of SHIELD in New York, where serious prisoners are held!

"Hey, let me out, damn, let me out now!

"I am a person with divine power, you can't keep me here!

"Damn it, open this damn transparent room and let me out! I'm a god, a god! 35

Hearing the roars of the bald youth coming from his ears, watching the bald youth keep smashing the glass with his fists viciously, as if he wanted to smash the glass!

Crossbones Rumlow, who was locked next door together, shook his head helplessly while sitting on the wall of a specially made glass room.

"Bang bang bang!

Raising his hand and knocking on the wall behind him, Rumlow said directly: "Don't waste your efforts! This glass is a special material, very strong, let alone a fist, even a bullet can't cause a single scar!""

Listening to Rumlow's words in the next room, the bald-headed youth frowned: "That's because you are ordinary people, and I am the forerunner with the power of gods!

Said, the bald young man raised his hands, but no matter how hard he tried, the flames could never be displayed!

"Heh, is there a supernatural Ability user? Don't waste your time, the materials in the room have special blocking and suppressing materials, and any ability cannot be used in this room! 35

Having said this, Rumlow laughed at himself: "Do you think Aegis is the first time to come into contact with these supernatural ability people?

"Even this material was developed with the help of our scientists at HYDRA!

In the face of Rumlow's words, the bald young man didn't seem to listen at all.

At this moment, seeing his hands unable to exert his fire ability, the bald young man kneeled on the ground unconsciously!

"This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible! I am a person blessed by the gods. Among the more than 300 experimenters, I am the only one who has been paid attention to by the gods and thus obtained this Ability.

"They can't take all of this Ability from me, what even Citrekel can't do, how can they do it'! 39

Talking to himself, the bald-headed youth slammed into the glass wall, pounding the wall with both hands, and roaring in his mouth: "You bastard thieves, bastard ants, give back the Ability that belongs to my god. give me!


Seeing that the bald-headed young man next door couldn't accept losing Ability for a while, he became a little crazy at this moment.

Rumlow just shook his head and stopped talking.

It is said that the Aegis has not imprisoned those with supernatural abilities before.

And some of those with supernatural abilities are taciturn, and some are grumpy.

But he didn't feel like he couldn't accept it for a while, like a mad dog!

and many more.

What did he just say about Sitrikel?

Rumlow thought for a moment, then nodded slowly.

As I remembered, the controller of the Sokovia HYDRA base was that Sitrickel.

I have always heard that he is doing supernatural ability experiments, trying to replicate the miracle of Steve Rogers.

From the looks of it, this bald-headed youth seems to be the product of that fellow Citrickle's experiment.


Glancing at the bald youth with pity, Rumlow shook his head.

It should be that after successfully obtaining Ability, the brain is not good!

poor guy!

After roaring for about half an hour, the bald youth finally fell to the ground exhausted.

Looking at the bald-headed youth, Rumlow asked while eating the biscuits, "Since you tested it out from the base of Sitrikel, how could you be arrested by the Aegis?"

"And he was actually caught in the New York SHIELD branch, which is far enough away!"

Listening to Rumlow's words, the bald-headed young man who fell to the ground with a big mouth and dressed in rough clothes subconsciously looked at Rumlow.

"You mean, this is the Aegis? The person who caught me is the Aegis?"

"You do not know?"

Hearing the bald-headed youth's question, Rumlow suddenly became interested: "No, you don't know where this place is and who arrested you?

"I definitely don't know, but Citrickle seems to have mentioned the Aegis a few times before!

Sitting up hard from the ground, the bald-headed youth frowned and said, "But about the Aegis, I've only heard Sitrikel mention it a few times!

"Anyway, since I was conscious, I grew up in that HYDRA base in Citrickle!

"I don't know much about the outside world! Not to mention the so-called Aegis!"

"Then why were you arrested by them? Who was the person who arrested you?"

Looking at the bald young man who seemed to know nothing, Rumlow sat cross-legged on the ground and asked curiously.

"Why arrest me? How would I know that I finally got out of Sokovia, as if I didn't do anything along the way! 99

"It seems that at most, I used my Ability to ignite a small town, killing more than 300 people.

"I guess the three people who caught me were lunatics. I didn't do anything, they just found me and brought me here!"

"As for who brought me here, one of them was the guy with that guy shield from Steve Rogers back then.35

"There is also a guy in a tin can, and the other is a black trench coat, oriental face, who is not afraid of my fire ability at all!

Speaking of this, the bald young man said to Rumlow with some resentment: "You say, are these three people crazy? I did nothing and locked me here?"

"Damn it, when I go out, I will definitely let them know what the wrath of God is!"

Hearing the bald youth's resentment, Rumlow's expression was very strange at the moment!

A small town was ignited, causing more than 300 people to leave this world.

As a result, in his eyes, what is this called doing nothing?

Damn, even if we HYDRA are the villains of this world, we are not as crazy as you!


(Zhao Nuo's) Looking at the unhappy bald young man, Rumlow suddenly asked, "Do you think it's not a big deal to set fire to that small town?"5

"What's the big deal? Isn't this a normal thing?"

Facing Rumlow's question, the bald-headed youth frowned and asked back!


Facing the bald youth, Rumlow nodded his head!

This is a guy who grew up at the Sokovia HYDRA base, and the thinking of a normal person no longer belongs to him!

It is estimated that in his eyes, more than 300 people are like more than 300 ants.


It seems that the ability of this guy to turn into a "monster" is far more powerful than HYDRA among his own Aegis!

Well, it seems that even Winter Soldier, who only knows how to execute orders, is not as "weird" as him!

After all, one is to carry out the task, and the other is the original consciousness!

There is absolutely no way to compare this!

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