Marvel: Those Years I Was Undercover in S.H.I.E.L.D

Chapter 84 This is the rhythm of using life to pave the way for yourself


Nick Fury, who was originally black-faced, finally looked much better after seeing Su Che walking in from outside!

Nick Fury is still very satisfied with the successor he cultivated by himself!

Even HYDRA, which has always caused him the most headaches, was discovered by him!

If it wasn't for Su Che, then maybe I wouldn't find out about HYDRA until the end, and naturally I wouldn't know about HYDRA's conspiracy!

So the final result...

Nick Fury can't imagine what horrors could happen!

Perhaps from Mr. Howard and Ms. Peggy, and even further, the efforts of countless people for more than 70 years will be destroyed in their own hands!

If all this really happened, then even if I die 10,000 times, I'm afraid I won't forgive myself!

So now, watching the Trident Building headquarters, those people are getting more and more heartbroken and more and more terrified.

Su Che has become the only comfort and light in Nick Fury's heart!

“Hill, make Su a cup of coffee!”

After signaling Su Che to sit down, Nick Fury turned his head to look at Hill and said!

"Black tea! It's still black tea, I like drinking tea recently!"

Hearing Nick Fury's words, Su Che immediately turned his head and said to Hill!

"No problem, Su, it just so happens that Nick has very expensive tea leaves here. One gram of tea leaves the last level 6 agent to give out allowances for one mission!"

As he spoke, Hill gave Nick Fury a speechless look.

Why didn't I find out before that my head boss is a dog face?

Recently, I saw everyone with a black face, and only when I saw Su Che would I smile!

But this also proves that Su Che's status in Nick Fury's heart!

"Natasha Romanoff should have told you my plan.

Watching Hill start brewing tea, Nick Fury said to Su Che!

"I heard that, but it also surprised me a little!"

Nodding, Su Che was silent for a moment, and then asked Nick Fury: "It seems that the situation is very serious! Otherwise, according to your character and temper, it is impossible to make such an urgent choice!"9


Hearing Su Che's words, Nick Fury leaned back on the chair, pinched his eyebrows, and said in a heavy voice: "Shocking!

After speaking, Nick Fury opened the drawer with one hand and put a stack of documents in front of Su Che!

Picking up the document and taking a look, the first thing that catches my eye is the document of Sitwell.

While looking at it, I turned back and found that in addition to Sitwell, those people I was familiar with in my previous life, such as Crossbones Rumlow and so on.

It's all on this list!

"See, this is just the tip of the iceberg that I have investigated!"

"But just the tip of the iceberg makes me feel a little chilled in my heart!

"Look, the action team, the intelligence team, the finance team, the clerks, the scientific researchers, all the important positions that Aegis relies on, all have their traces!


After scolding fiercely, Nick Fury looked at Su Che with a helpless expression: "I understand that sentence now, and my whole body is affected by a single hair!"

"Don't look at the fact that these people don't have a high position in the Aegis, but once that damn guy from Pierce gives an order, then the Aegis is in danger of being subverted in an instant!

"This is only a small part of what I have investigated, and I can't even imagine how many HYDRA people are hiding all over the world right now!"

"Military, business, political, parliamentary, etc., once the terrifying insight plan begins, I am afraid that the whole world will really fall into the hands of HYDRA!"

With a long sigh of relief, Nick Fury watched as Hill brought the brewed black tea to Su Che.

Then he whispered: "I have no other way now, we must strengthen our strength!

"I used to think that the worst result would be a huge loss of the Aegis!"

"But now, I have to plan for the worst!"

Speaking of which, Nick Fury stared into Su Che's eyes: "No matter what, the Aegis can be destroyed, but HYDRA's ambition can never be achieved!

"This is also the reason why I hand over all the rookies of this year's Eagle's Nest to you!

"Su, I don't know when the decisive battle will start, but no matter what, even if the Aegis is destroyed, you must pull up the Aegis for me again!"

"You are my last hope! The New York Aegis branch will be the only one that can survive and re-establish after the worst outcome!"

Hearing what Nick Fury said, Su Che took a sip of the black tea.


Looking at the steaming black tea in the cup, Su Che suddenly raised his head and smiled at Nick Fury: "I am much more optimistic than you. Nick."

"I don't think it's going to be so serious that Aegis destroys all but the New York branch!"

"after all..."

Having said this, Su Che suddenly raised his head, frowned at Nick Fury and said, "You buried your back in the Aegis branch in other regions? Prepare everything... Do you want to play so big!

"The headquarters is gone, so are those branches still necessary?

Hearing Su Che's rhetorical question, Nick Fury smiled: "If the result is good, then everything is considered to have not happened, and the strength of Aegis has lost some, and it will also lose some!"


"If everything goes for the worst, then I'll activate all the shadows I've reserved!

"At the moment when the headquarters of the Trident Building is destroyed, it will destroy the Aegis branches all over the world together!"

"I have no way and no time to investigate region by region!"


The words did not go on, but Su Che understood what Nick Fury meant!

Apparently, Nick Fury was intimidated by what he was investigating!

He probably never thought that the number of HYDRA hidden in secret would be so huge!

It is precisely because of this that Nick Fury puts all his hopes on himself!

Even though the pressure was so great and the danger so serious, he still did not bring back the self he trusted most.

The purpose is very simple, that is, after the Aegis is destroyed, he can rebuild the Aegis on top of this pile of ruins!

As for whether or not to be held accountable!

Clearly, Nick Fury is ready to use his life to absolve himself of all responsibility in the final battle!

Once that time comes, Su Che can almost see that, starting with the World Council, everyone will want to re-build Aegis themselves!

After all, the disappearance of the Aegis, they can't afford it!

At that time, only countless support and praise fell on him.

Even if the skin color is different, they will pretend not to see!

As for all the guilt, it's already that one, Nick Fury, who was buried with Aegis!

This is using life to pave the way for oneself! Eight.

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