Marvel Twelve Amulet

Chapter 101: Tracking Cullanean

You can search "Marvel Twelve Talismans Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Xilai~ I'm late for the first time this semester, do you want to tell me what you think." Cullien looked at Xilai with unkind eyes.

Xilai smiled awkwardly: "Huh, there are always accidents. Don't worry, teacher, I will never be late next time."

"Well, good, give me a guarantee letter tomorrow." Cullane said.

"Good teacher!" Xilaisi didn't care about the guarantee, and just asked the Black Shadow Corps to write it.

Cullane nodded and let Silai walk into the classroom.

Siley, who was supervised by Peter, could not be late, but he really wanted to lie in bed for a while.

Unexpectedly, the eyes closed and opened again, and the time passed for half an hour, and he didn't bother to use the shadow kingdom, so he came to the school slowly.

"Silay~ how did you promise me that you won't be late." Peter said silently.

Had it not been for Xilai that he was very sure that he would not be late, and that the Black Shadow Kingdom could shuttle to the school instantly, otherwise he would never leave Xilai alone in the bed.

"Oh~ accident." Xilai waved his hand and said.

"No, no, this is what Xilai you really look like." Miss said from behind.

Ned said next to him, "I said guys, do you want to go out and play on weekends?"

"That Ned, I might not be free." Peter said next to him, but he still wants to be his Spiderman.

"Please, buddy, I also specifically asked Phila to call a female friend." Ned said.

When Peter heard this, he immediately asked, "Who is Phila?"

"Well~ the girl I met at the school gate last time, she is really a nice girl, I think she will be part of my future life." Ned couldn't help but praise when Peter mentioned Phila.

"Uh... Ned, you praised Kate like that last time." Peter said with a black face.

Ned hurriedly smiled awkwardly: "Don't care about these little details, anyway, if you go, this is a good opportunity to get away from being single." After that, he raised his brows at Peter.

"I... go." Peter finally decided that he still had to take a look. This was a good opportunity for him to get out of the order.

Spiderman should have his own life, but if he meets someone who asks for help, he will not hesitate to become Spiderman.

"I don't have time on the weekend. I need to go to the country. I'm sorry." Miss also wanted to play with them, especially Xilai was present.

"It's okay Miss, next time we can come out and play together." Sai Lai said.

Ned said next to him: "Don't worry, Xilai, I know you, and I will ask Phila to bring another friend."

As soon as the voice fell, Ned felt the crisis of death, turned his head and saw that Missy was staring at him.

"Man," Ned explained.

School in the afternoon

The four of them walked out of the campus together, and they met Teacher Cullinan.

"Where are you going?" Cullane asked.

Ned answered first: "We are discussing where to go on the weekend."

"Would you like to hang out together? That's great, I wish you a good weekend, goodbye." Cullien stepped away and left.

Xilai frowned secretly. Today's Cullian was a little strange, and as for what was strange, it was a little bit strange.

Anyway, there was an intuition in his heart that told him that Cullien was not right today.

Xilai turned his head and looked at Peter, and as expected, Peter also showed a pair of puzzled eyes. It seemed that he also felt something wrong with Cullinan.

"Hey! What are you two in a daze?" When Ned turned his head, he found Silai and Peter staring in Cullane's direction, seeming to think something.

Xilai regained his consciousness and explained: "I'm thinking where I am going to play this weekend." Aixin 999

"Me too." Peter said quickly.

"Anyway, the day after tomorrow is only the weekend, and there is still one day to think about it. I'll go first, bye!" Ned waved his hand, and then caught up with a girl and left.

Missy pointed to the car next to him and said, "In that case, I'm leaving too, do I need to take you for a ride?"

"No need for Miss, thank you." Xilai refused.

Missy nodded, opened the door, entered the car, and left slowly.

"Peter, you feel that way too." Silay said to Peter, turning his head.

Peter nodded and said, "Well, I always feel that Teacher Cullien has a problem today. As for where it is, I can't tell."

"Let's go home first," Sile said, pulling Peter.

Peter shook his head and said, "No need for Silay, my spider suit is in the bag. I'll go first, and you will follow it slowly."

After speaking, Peter quietly followed Cullinan.

Xilai shrugged, and Peter Shadow had been marked by him anyway, and he could feel it anytime.

Peter immediately entered an alley, put on his spider suit, glanced at the schoolbag and said, "Oh no, I should put the schoolbag in Silena."

But it didn't matter, Peter threw the schoolbag on the three-meter-high wall and stuck it with a spider web, so that he would not be afraid of others stealing it.

After doing all this, Peter shot the spider silk and followed Cullane's trail.

Cullinan drove the car to go home, and Peter followed Cullinan up the tall building.

Soon, nothing strange happened to Peter until he got home with Cullinan. Could it be that he made a mistake?

"How's it going." Silai suddenly appeared behind Peter and said nonchalantly.

"Wow! You scared me to see Silai." Peter said, clutching his chest. This supernatural power is really scary.

Xilai rolled his eyes and said, "Well, you are a Spider-Man, do you have to be so afraid?"

"Spiderman is also a human." Peter said silently, even if Silay's magical ability suddenly appeared next to Mr. Stark, Iron Man Stark would definitely be frightened.

"You haven't answered my question yet." Xilai said, staring at Cullane who returned home from below.

Peter said: "Everything is normal, nothing special."

"Then let's go back," Silay said, patting Peter on the shoulder.

"That's it?!" Peter chased for ten minutes, but didn't do anything.

Xilai summoned a black shadow ninja and said, "It's okay, and he's staring at him, he will tell me as soon as there is news."

"This ability is simply amazing," Peter said.

"Want to learn? I teach you." Xilai smiled.

When Peter heard it, his eyes lit up: "Really?"

"Fake." Sile pulled Peter back into the house.

Peter went back to the room, and returned to his room with a grievance without saying anything, but he always felt like he was missing something.

Near Cullian House

Xiao Hei and Da Hei are looking bored here, Xilai originally only summoned the black shadow ninja Xiao Hei, but Da Hei did not expect that Da Hei would follow him, meaning to protect Xiao Hei, so Xilai could only go with him. .

Xiao Hei and Da Hei, who were all boring, have already played rock, paper, scissors.

suddenly!Bang!A broken voice came from Cullien's home.

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