Marvel Twelve Amulet

Chapter 407 Vegetarian VS El (ask for subscription!)

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So Er intends to make some simple tarpaigs, which can make bulletproof and strength.

I have to spend a lot of kung fu, then put on the coat to fight crime.

Unfortunately, he was defeated for the first time, he was defeated, and the criminal was packed with him.

If the bodyguards come in time, he has already killed by the criminal.

I know the Sith of this matter, and immediately released the prohibition of prohibition, and threatened him if he dared to do so, broke all his economic sources.

In desperation, El threw this idea behind his own villa.

As a result, one day, on the auction house, a strange yellow mask was displayed and auctioned.

El watched the side mask as if it was a magic, bought it with one million dollars.

There is no opinion on this Sith, as long as the son does not do dangerous things, how much is spent, even if you buy some waste.

After bought back the mask, El didn't worry about it, and the results found that the mirror couldn't get it.

I happened that there was a group of kidnapped criticized the location of El, and I broke the door that night.

Just at this critical moment, El was ashabled in the power of the black shadow, summoning the night bat ninja.

As the richest son, Hell how low-key, of course, how high is much higher.

For a time, El got a superior abilities spread throughout San Francisco, but it seems that everyone only thought that his super power was flying.

"Of course, because I am also." Eddie called his hunter.

Looking at the sudden hunter tongs, El can also determine that Eddie did not lie to himself.

"What's the matter, go back and say." El jumped off the bill of receipt and opened the black shadow kingdom to go in, Eddie followed.

The black shadow group present disappeared one by one, and a group of people walked into a convenience store.

"We are the Kennedy Group, how much is the convenience store, we pay for it." The black man said.


When I got to the villa, El took a shower in the bathroom, and it seems that I didn't look at him.

"Wow ~ It looks very luxurious." Eddie looked at this decorative living room.

"What Cadi, if you want, you can easily get your hand with our ability." The venom has an emergency from Eddi.

"Forget it, I think we are very good." Eddie shakes his head, and he is not interested in crimes, this is his own bottom line.

"Your human beings are really affordable, I am too lazy to manage you, give me chocolate beans, I am hungry." The venom squinted his own scorpion.

Eddiema took out the chocolate beans from the black shadow kingdom, and then like a pet, all poured into the poisonous mouth.

The sound of the venom mouth made chewing, then swallowed, licking the residue on the teeth: "Finally eat something."

"Hey ~ poison, in fact, eat dessert at night is not very good, easy to boy tooth." Eddie was disliked for the poison reminder on his body.

"Hey ~ I will teeth, this kind of low-level creatures will be long." The venom is proud.

"That's why you will eat like our low level?" Eddie was reversed.

"I just follow the quality of the quality of the universe." The venom disdain.

"Our low-level creatures should eat energy, your senior creatures also eat energy, that is, senior animals are equal to low-level creatures, in fact, we are the same." Eddie translation.

"Less nonsense! I have to!" The poisons were too lazy to argue with Adi, and they never won anyway.

Eddie did not continue to say any more, after so long and venom, he knew that this is the venom to change.

Then Eddie took another box of chocolate beans and started the venom.

After about a minute, El came out of the bathroom.

"What is this?" El felt novel after seeing the venom.

"The kid remembered the old man! This uncle called the poison, give me a focus!" The poison said very dissatisfied.

"Poison? I seem to have heard you, the deadly guardian of San Francisco?" El also had a reputation of Eddie.

After all, Eddie was once, but it caused the government to dispatch, and did not expect the government to fail.

"Yes, it is this uncle." The venom did not expect himself to be famous.

"I heard that you are almost almost almost in the government, is it true?" Er curiously asked, which bottle is really not mentioned.

The venom's face is more dark, it becomes a bit gloomy: "What is the almost die in the government? It is the whole army who is played by us!"

"It turns out." El nodded his mouth, obviously did not put the poison's words in his heart.

"Can be evil! Eddie, give this child long lesson!" The poisons can't see it! It's too rare.

"Waiting for poisons, don't excite." Eddi still didn't want to fight, after all, everyone is an organization.

"How do you say that you are the poor guy who is abandoned by his wife?" El put the mouth gun's goal in Eddi.

Eddi's face was black into carbon: "I think it is necessary to give you a small lesson."

"Teaching me?" El smiled sat on the sofa and lifted the Erlang legs: "What lesson?"

El is like this, he has his own arrogance, like Tony in the previous period, no one.

"Try to try." Eddie can't afford, but it doesn't mean that he is afraid!

"Just look at it." El was deliberately provoked Eddi, he wanted to see what Eddi's strength.

"I swear, you will pay for your own arrogance." Eddi stood up and fought again: "Go outside, here, I can't afford it."

"Ha ha ha ~ rest assured, the loss here, everything is borne by myself." El did not care shrug.

There is not much money to do this.

"Kid!" The venom quickly attached to Eddie, and he was suddenly more than two meters. He gave a high-end view of El.

El did not feel scared, his back began to grow a pair of bat wings, and both hand-made steel-like claws.

The height is also up to two meters at this moment, which is completely unique to the poison.

"This makes me very unhappy!" The toxic fluid directly uses the strength of the black shadow, so his height is high again, it will be nearly three meters.

At the same time, it was originally like human hands to become a crab pliers at this moment.

Once again, it returns to the venom in the upper state, overlooking El said: "Give you a chance, you will do it."

"You said!" Er said, just, a paw is playing to the venom.

The venom directly reached out his pliers to grab the claws of El.

"You are still too tender!" The venom picked out the Er.


The windows instantly quits four-fold, chemical as a piece of glass slag falling on the floor.


El himself is in the swimming pool of the yard, set off a huge spray, just like the flowers of the water, Straise.

"How is it, feel that it is very cool?" The venom went to the window and looked at El lying in the pool.

El quickly stood up from the pool, and the water flows from his body and slowed down in the pool.

"This is not a deadly guardian, but you don't have a little bit!" Ere quickly lifted his right hand, a speed of light wave flew out.

"The toxic solution is jumped!" Ed Di hurriedly shouted.

"Less nonsense! Of course, I know!" The poisonous liquid jumped from his original position.


At the position where the original venom station is stationed, it is immediately fried, and a piece of tiles fall on the ground.


The venom also fell steadily in the edge of the pool, and El jumped out of the pool.

"Sure enough, you can't look at your deadly guardian." El came to the side of the venom and looked up his head.

The venom's right hand turned back to his claws, reach out to the chest in El: "You have to understand, talk to this uncle, you have to give you a focus ~"

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