Marvel Twelve Amulet

Chapter 414 notifies the Avengers! (Subscribe!)

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When I returned to the charcoat, Tony heard the familiar voice of Roda.

"Nothing, it is a thief taking something, now putting it to me now." Tony said told.

For this Tobi is completely unrestrained, the only thing that makes him worry is that the person will get the soul stick for so long, what will it do?

"Oh oh ~ The problem is that it seems to be as easy as you say."

Another one

Rod handed the phone, sitting next to the black alphabet, playing the pencil in his hand.

Nick looked up Rhode, then continued to listen to the dialogue between the two.

"Uh hu, who makes our Director of our God Shield, have a eye." Tony merged on the battle clothes, looked back at Pep, and then left the Stark Industry.

"Oh yeah ~ Yes, I also think it is like this, but I have broken a leg now." Rod took his own steel limb.

Next to Nick heard Rod and ridiculed himself with Stark, he didn't say that he stood up and left the room.

There is no role in staying here, seeing the situation of the soul is not on Stark.

"Okay, tell the truth, what do you find me?" Tony can find that the other party is inconvenient from the tone of the rhodes.

"Just that one-eyed halogen is in me." Rod said speechless.

Rod didn't think that Nick will find himself and also describe Stark's things.

"Is that something really is not you?" Rod asked curiously, after all, Tony has a precedent for studying the cadge of the soul.

"Please rest assured, if you really have the first artificial intelligence, you will cut your other legs." Tony said.

"That's so good, I save my two legs always feel that there is such a little uncoordinated, so just good." Rod smiled.

"I don't say it forever, I need to go to half a thing." Tony said to disconnect communication.

The other side of Rod put down the phone, he has to continue to exercise his mechanical limb, and strive to be skilled as soon as possible.

In this way, you can wear a war machine, otherwise the war machine may always put in the warehouse rust.

"Call ~" Rod is tired to rely on the sofa standing, starting in the room, and a little one is a little bit.


Nick is not left, after determining how Rod is not there, he finally turned around.

"Notify Collson, have a task." Nik said to Hill next to him.

"I understand the chief." Hil Lima nodded and turned to contact Collson agent.

Nick is alone to a room, he wants to contact another person, and only her can smooth the present.

at the same time

All Agents participated in the civil war were all reported by the Nickfuri, and the soup is very likely in Tony.

And most likely by Tony to make the next Olympics! This news is shocked by everyone!

Wasanda ----------

"Tony ..." Steve wrinkled with a brow and turned into the communicator.

"It seems that your Avengers have something to have." Black Panther Churra has also been reached by Nick.

But I didn't say anything about this Christ, he was not a Avengers. At the beginning, I was just because Barnes killed his father.

In the case of revenge, he joined Tony's camp, and Steve had fighting.

Now Burla will no longer be blinded by hatred.

"Well." Steve is complicated to pick up the communicator, look at the far plains.

I thought that after the last civil war, he may never meet Tony. After all, Tony will not contact him.

But Steve did not expect that now, now, they seem to meet again.

This thing Steve can't sit on, the last Sakovia incident, but almost let Olympia have destroyed the earth.

"I have the same thing to you, just when it is the last battle." Charra turned his head: "Give him a shield."

Steve heard the mouth of the mouth slightly, Chang Shu Yao said: "Thank you ~"


A sexy beauty that is performing the task has just been in the target organization, and I received information from Nick.

"The heart is ..." Natasha paused, and the weapons were found to their waist.

I didn't expect to miss the missing spirit, but in Stark, but there must be some possibilities in him.

"It's getting more and more headache." Natasha blinds his own temples, now not before.

Now she is a wanted criminal that the government is chasing, but she still belongs to the special agent of the God Shield, and the task of completing the Shield Bureau.

Even her iconic wine red hair, was also replaced by Natasha with gold, say goodbye to the past.

"Stark, what do you think." Natasha sat on his motorcycle and wore the helmet and left here.

Canadian Jungle --------


Banda firing will be divided into two firewoods. Wipe the sweat on the head, and now he is very satisfied.

Living in a quiet and unmanned wood, drinking natural streams, eating wild animals, and there is still a comfortable day.

In the room, he also put a wireless radio, specifically used to listen to the current situation of the revenge.

After hearing Steve and Tony broke, Banner was also celebrated that he did not participate.

Otherwise, the situation will only become worse, so that the situation becomes uncontrollable.

After the arm was packed up, Banner took the firewood to the house, and all the brains were thrown into the closet.

Subsequently, Banner sat on the wooden bench, pick up the cool white open on the table, and opened the wireless radio.

"Let's go to a small town next time, buy some tea back and bubble." Banner pulled some coins from his pocket.

After Banner drunk, lying on the cold wooden bed, began to close your eyes.

"Today, the former CEO of the Stark Industry Tony Stark, suspected of being banned by the government ..."

"Well ?!" Banna suddenly opened his eyes, and his incredible got taken the radio.

What is joke? Tony how might be hung by the government, then said, when the Tony, I still stand in the government.

"Is the radio bad?" Banna got up in bed and took the radio and saw it.

Suddenly, the sound of the radio has changed.

"Our dear Hao Ke and Banner, I am Nick Frei, Director of God Shield."

"Now the heart of the soul is suspected in Stark, and we suspect that the other party seems to create the next Olympics."

"We need your help, Dr. Banner."

After that, the radio returned to normal.

From the head to Tailbanel, it is a face, it is not too long to isolate the world.

"The heart of the heart? Stark? Olympiad?" Haoke put down the radio, Nick him nature is aware.

Didn't think of the soul of the heart in Stark? ! Is Stark really so practical to make an artificial intelligence?

About Stark this, Banner is to support Tony, but why Tony hides the soul stick.

"No, I can't go, I will definitely make a lot of things," Banner quickly gave a bad idea in his heart.

Where there is any sleeping heart at this moment, after thinking about the bed, hurry up and get up toward the door.

new York-----------

"What ?! The soup is in Stark there ?!" Scott was eating biscuits and surprised to grow his mouth.

All of this is surprised by two people who are eating snacks.

"What happened?" Hope asked.

"What did you just say Stark?" Hank's name for Stark, that is, it is still new.

"I just received a message, saying what the soul is in Stark, there may be any artificial intelligence that harms the world." Scott quickly explained.

"What is the soup of the heart?" Hop frowned frown.

Artificial intelligence she knows, but what is the soup.

"I don't know." Scott shrugged helpless.

"What are you surprised!"

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