Marvel Twelve Amulet

Chapter 428 Civil War II (Xilai VS Carol) begins to subscribe!

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The energy spool that exudes green rays suddenly appears in front of Sile, a horrible breath is brewing on the reel.

I didn't have a matter of Rartro, and I immediately put away the expression of the game, turned it seriously.

"Your power is very powerful, this is a magic?" Carol asked to see the West Lila.

"Yes, it is a magic, I don't know if you have confidence?" Sile did not immediately launch offense.

"Hey ~" Carol smiled: "For now, I haven't seen it yet."

"Is it? Then I am honored to be the first." Sile took up a smile, his eyes smashed.

Carol is also his so far and has encountered the most powerful enemy. Except for ancient mage.

"Take it!" Siles right hand stickers in the energy reel.


The green beam is carrying a strong hurricane whistling, and the powerful fluctuations of energy make everyone can't help but stand on their heads.

Carol is not afraid of this huge capacity, and the hands are combined with the body energy, the pure energy light and the collision.

Two huge collisions, set off an unprecedented storm to collide as a center, and a semi-circular energy runaway began to form.

This time, the energy collision, carrying the momentum of destroying the earth, is awkward, which is awkward.

Everyone only feels that there is a mountain in the shoulders, making them all lifted their heads.

Only the situation in Sol is better, and after the physical strength has recovered, it will stand up.

"Sir, the energy of both sides is huge, if it continues to release energy, the fluctuations generated by the collision are sufficient to destroy the entire town." Jaweis analyzes the data.

"Mask boy!" Tony reminded a saying, he believes that Sile can understand.

Siles resist the heat waves that rolling, and they can hear Tony called themselves.

"I understand." Sile against Tony is more than an OK gesture, the influence of energy collision is also known.

"Black Shadow Corps!" Xilai Yiyi called the Black Shadow Corps, let the black shadow team take all the people of the Avengers and God Shield.

Carol obviously also found this problem, but the power released it could not be collected.

The only way is that one of them stopped, but the person who stopped hand was hit by the opponent.

If the two sides stop, the energy of the energy center has exploded in advance.

Others who don't understand the situation are watching, and they are caught by the sudden black shadow group, and then they will directly put into the black shadow kingdom and transfer to other places.

"What do you want to do?" Tony did not choose to leave, but worried that the guy of Silai did something.

"Don't worry." Westland has no expression.

"Okay." After seeing the expression of Sile, Tony betting this guy will definitely, otherwise it will not be so cold.

After seeing Tony, the black shadow was left, and the Silament reminded the front of Carol.

Now Carols have been blocked by the dazzling white light, and the source is constantly impacted to blow her gold long hair.

"Sile! Energy is going to run away, you will leave here right away!" Carol seriously.

Although this energy is extremely extremely extreme, Carol believes in resistance.

As the center's energy semi-circle is getting more and more expanded, Carol and Sile have suffered a lot of pressure.

Now Carol only feels that he is a bit inch, as in the deep sea of ​​hundreds of millions, I can't feel the sea-water extrusion.

This kind of suppressed feel is that Carol has not felt for a long time.

Soon, the ability of the ability to arrive at the critical point, it will explode!

Only two people are still supporting, one is half kneeling on the ground, still stubbornly lifting their hands to release energy in Carol.

Another one is deliberately leaving, wants to experiment with Ali.

"I didn't expect ... The energy violent is so horrible." The situation in Sile is better than Carol.

Although Carol is better than yourself, you can't help yourself.

Whenever Sile is a bit tired, the horses can always glow their own spirit and return to the top peak.

Carol brow wrinkled, she mobilized the energy again, she wanted to wrap this energy and brought to outer space to explode.

"Don't be too acute Carrol." Xilai used another magic, mirror space.

This magic is not inside the Dragon Event, but a magic belonging to Kamartai Ji, learned from the Library of Sile.



The sound of the mirror fragment sounded, and the whole world had turned the earth, and countless buildings began to turn over.

Not only that, even the gravitational gravity is changed by Sile, the sound of the rumbling sounds in the mirror space, as if it is a homework that is transforming his home.

In the end, energy exploded!


In an instant of the explosion, Sile flying away from the mirror space and returned to the real world.

I have no dog spells, I can't get this explosion, as for Carol ... She should be, after all, is a surprise captain.

Mirror space

While can't control the energy of energy, Carol looked at Sile, he turned to turn, and he really didn't care about himself.

The surrounding space is broken, the rigid explosion energy is instantly invaded in Carol's body, full of abutment between her body, raging damage.

The various buildings flipped at all, and in the moment of energy impact, they will change their granules to change.

Then, a hot and hot warm wave came, swept all over the city, and there was a dragon in the city to swallow everything.

But good, all occurs in mirror space, otherwise it is not to destroy a small town.


Carol in the mirror space is true. At this moment, her body is like a glass, which is about to be broken.


Carol clenched his fists, and the body revealed a golden light, and then thousands of brilliant flooded.

Originally, the violent energy in her body was erected by Jin Guang.

The golden light on the corol of Carol is getting bigger and more shining, more and more dazzling, and finally the body has become a group of light.

The rays gradually dispersed, and Carol's posture appeared in this space, proudly in half.

"Well?" Carol breathed the surroundings, and the moment that was originally recovered in the world was destroyed.

But after seeing, I found that the world is not destroyed because the world is impossible to put the space in reverse.

Experienced Carol guess you are in another space, what is the space, then she is not very clear.

"Sile!" Carol shouted his head and shouted against the land of his head, now Just Xilai will bring yourself.

It is true that Carol feels very strong, but there is a degree, she will not try to see if it can break space, this behavior is nothing difference.

real world

"Sure enough, it's a surprise captain, it's really fine." Siles pass the eyes, you can see the case in the mirror space.

Carol's body is hard enough, but it can also be seen from the situation in the case of the current Coror.

If the energy is out of the outbreak, the death Carol is not a problem.

Just the ability is a beam of the Carol system, and the energy of the whole magic rays of Sile.

Even if the Green Giant Haoke and Rays Sol are can't hold.

Carol mainly resistant to the reason or has energy absorption, after all, in the energy of the explosion, it also clips her own energy.

"You are not fighting." Sile turned and asked, now he came to the Avengers.

"We are fine, what is the situation in the town now?" Steve hurriedly asked.

"Reassured, people have evacuated, and the town is nothing." Sile knows Steve is worried about.

It's nothing more than worrying about there is an ordinary mass, then what should they do, life will not be threatened.

"Nothing? In view of the just conveyed data, don't tell the destruction of the town, affecting the New York City is an unknown." Tony doubt.

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