Marvel Twelve Amulet

Chapter 434 Unlimited Gem (Subscribe!)

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Looking at your familiar and strange shield, Steve can't help but rise in the mouth.

Tony actually did this, explains him forgive himself, just hindering his face.

Steve slowly reached out and stroked his shield, followed by grabbing the shield and left here.

the other side--------

The source passed Nick's test, which proved that the things on the top of the head were indeed a soul gem.

"How? I didn't deceive you, because this is not worth it." Yuan is standing.

"Yes, this is indeed the soul gem, but you have to leave us." Nick lifted his head directly to the source, the soul gem had a deterrent thing, and it is impossible to stay in a strange man.

Moreover, the other party is still an artificial intelligence, who knows that he will not want to destroy humanity.

"If I don't me?" Yuan is expected to be.

Nick is the Director of the God Shield, a very embarrassing old fox, how can I believe in each other?

Unless people are Carol, after all, the strength does not allow him to do not believe it.

"Carol." Nick's only bottom gas here is Carol.

Carol heard the Nick and called her, and I was a little upset to stand up: "I will never come next time."

"Don't do this, we are friends." Nick smiled, he knew that Carol is joking.

"No, I feel that you are using my strength." Carol did not have a good angio.

Then Carore put the eyes on the source: "Is you choose to stay, or ask me to remove you?"

"You can't stay me." Yuan is very confident.

If there is no way to escape, will he be honest to check with Nick?

"Do you sure you can run away from my hands?" Carol will not let the source slip from his eyes.

Can run away in your own hands, except that Sile is not likely to have others.

"It is a good thing, but excessive confidence is ignorant and short." Yuan's words were justified.

The whole body gradually became transparent, and the heart of the heart on the top of the head shines.

"Keep him!" Nick shouted.

Carol naturally does not require Nick reminder, quickly raising the fist a colorful pure energy shot.


Unfortunately, it has been too late, Yuan's disappears in the original place, leaving only the hole of the white smoke on the wall.

See this, Nick turned to Carore, you feel that you can't fight.

Carol's face is not very natural, and she is now too embarrassing.

I just finished saying that no one can slip away in front of her, I didn't expect to turn around.

"Well ... Everyone will have a mistake, right." Carol said.

"... um ~" Nick can only nod to the words of Carol.

Now Carol he dares to continue the mouth, be careful of the other party, you will hang.

"Now it is fine, it will not call me when it is very important."

Carol does not have a face and continue to be in the earth, or go to each galaxy shuttle.

After saying, Carol came out of the laboratory and came to the empty mountain of the outside.

Nick hurriedly chased it: "This time is thankful."

"Nothing, we are friends." Carol smiled slightly, then the whole body rose colorful flowers to the sky.

At this time, it was already a night, and the flight trajectory of Carol was scratched in the night sky, it is like a star river.

Nick looked at Carolna disappeared in the universe, caught in meditation.

Now because of the series of operations, it will definitely be enemily hostile to yourself.

Then, this is not an enemy? Still a very horrible manual intelligent enemy.

"Take a step." Nik was released, and there were Avengers anyway ...

The Queen--------

"Everything is done." Yuan Shi appeared next to Sile, respecting this.

"Normal, if the blacklogen is really a good speech, then I doubt that he is a pretended to be the Sku people."

Sile is lying on a rocking chair and drinking juice in his hand, saying face.

"Then I will return it for the time being?" Yuan said he asked in the floor.

"Go back." Xilai waved, let the source temporarily regained.

The source is nod, facing the slow back of Silament, and the body is once again done.

This is the original ability of Yuan's own, it is given to him.

Because Yuan is created by the energy of the soul gem, it inherits one of the energy of the soul gem.

Among them, the personal space jumping by the bloating shuttle, parsing space.

And his forehead is not a real heart gem, just a avatar vain.

However, because the source itself is created by the soul gem, Nick can't check it.

Have to say, Carol is a very good luck.

Like Wanda and Pitro, only a chaotic magic and fast movement.

And Carol got a variety of capabilities on the air, it is simply human format.

"The things in the civil war finally solved." Bruttled lazy waist.

After all, it is caused by the second civil war, which should be ended by himself.

The only doubtful thing is now, who is the mysterious person in the Solkou.

There is also Soli, now Asae is destroyed, he is taking the Ascale people to the earth.

In the original, Soli didn't just flying, I will encounter the tyrant.

When the imperfectance appeared, then the Avengers' three formats began to start the plot.

"Headache ~" Sile's spell has not all unlocked, how to kill hegears will come.

Although in the original, Tony sacrificed himself and made a resort.

But who knows that he has been added after this butterfly, it will be this ending.

At that time, the strange doctor, I saw a thousand and four million times, just won only once.

Then there is how much it will win now.

Then, the ignition of the tyrant is the life of half of the universe, and Silai is also a person in the universe.

Now he is more than him, is it half a chance to change.

Maybe the dead person is not dead, but people who don't die are dead.

This is the worst ending, if Tony and Scott or Banner are dead, the machine throughout the time is manufactured.

Phm particles will not be known by everyone, and the quantum field is even more known, which will have a chance to reverse the future.

"What happens when I am dead, what will I do under the black shadow?"

Sile is also unknown to this, and their strength comes from yourself.

It's a bit of a little, if you are not lucky, you are angry, what will you do?

"It's hard to do it." Antititude Westley is now there is no confidence in the tyrants.

I have no infinite gloves, but I can't play the power of the gemstone.

Just like the illusions of the original, there is an infinite gem on the top of the head, and the result is not easy to be scrapped.

The reticiency of the typing broke the soul, and completely ended his life.

Although I have long called Xiao Black, they are ready to build an infinite glove, but who knows that it is possible to take the strength of the soul gem.

As for the experiment, there is no experiment that I don't want to perform experiments, unless there is a dog spell.

Calor is also gone, and I know that she will stay. "Siles belief from the language.

It is really not to hide it in the black shadow kingdom. Is it possible to avoid the influence?

Now, Sile is ramping the brain juice how to face the lynchman.

"Sile, your magical magic is really useful, and the Gen's burning disappeared, and now the whole person has become energetic."

I don't know how the danger is coming, the hippie laughs come to Sile to tell the body's body.

"It's good to have a good thing." Sile recovered the smile on his face.

Forget it, think about it, it's better to go, you must accelerate the new power this time.

For example, that is the murderey who makes Sile.

The mouse spell has been unlocked by Sile, the answer is a realistic gem!

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