Marvel Twelve Amulet

Chapter 438, Kill! (Subscribe!)

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Emma throat walks on the body of the Astard civilians, cross hands closed.

And Sol is lying on the ground and does not move, only a weak breath flows between the nose.

Standing next to him is a tall burly figure, worried with a golden armor, and a pen.

The whole body exudes a stagnation, making people feel sigh, like facing unreal gods.

The atmosphere of the host does not highlight his noble, like a universe tyrant.

He is killing!

"I know the feeling of failure, my heart is so disappointed, even if you don't do something wrong, but still have to accept the fate of failure."

The illegal attack slowly turned, and the pace of unhappy is not slow, then kneeling down the body and grabbed the neckline of Sol.

"Ah ~" Sol pain is low, just the movement of the tyrant involved his wound.

"He is fearful, not cold, but in any case, now the fate is coming, or I am your fate."

The imperfecting bangs raised their left hand, showing the gold-like gloves, as well as the unlimited gemstones in the above, exudes purple rays.

"You are too nonsense." Soli contained the blood of the blood, and unclear.

"The universe is the life of your brother, you choose one, I think you will make the right choice." The tyrants are full of domineering, as if they cannot refuse.

"Of course, kill him." Luoki looked at Solo.

The eyebrows wrinkled, apparently the choice of Rocky, was unexpected.

However, this is not tight, and the tyrants extend their own left hand. On the Soli Metacity, the strength of the gemstone quickly blooms the fascinating purple rays, electric shocks Sol's head.

"Ah!" Sol began to suffer, this feels that he is not as good as death, it can't stand it at all.

After Luoki saw Solo such a painful expression, the face was in a gloomy, revealing anxious and helpless.

"Ah!" Sol 's screaming is still working, it will take long long before he will be liveally hurt.

"It's enough!" Luki also couldn't see it again. If Sore was broken by a knife, he may also swear without saying the place of space gem.

However, the tyrants have to get torture Sore, and Rocky is not seen at all. He has a brotherhood to Sol.

After heard the drain, he stopped the power in his hand and lifted his head and faced the rocky.

"The Cosmic Rub is not here, it is destroyed with Asae!"

Sol slowly said that he reminded Rocky, must not be able to hand over the universe's magic, don't care about your own life.

Rocky was very contradictory, and then suddenly he thought of things, and immediately lit up.

"The universe is not in my hand." Luki launched his arm.

"Are you playing me?" I looked at Rocky, he didn't mind destroying it here.

"It's not in me, it is in my brother's arms, put in a box." Rocky attracted attention to the box.

With the words of Rocky, the eyes around everyone are placed on Sol.

Feel the eyes of everyone, Sol thought of the box left by the mysterious person, what is the idea of ​​Rocky.

Ebal throat out his long finger, gently wondering in Sor Huai, and fly out of a small box.

The tyrants reached out and grabbed the box. The box was originally a big box, but it was a little smart in his hand.

"Do you know the price of lying?" The illegal balance did not hurry to open the box, but turned to look at Rocky.

As the god of the lie, under the face of the eyes of the immortality, life is scared for the first time.

"I know, it is inside." Luoki said with a stagad.

The tyrant seems to see through the heart of Lok, and he throws Sore in his hand on the floor.

Luoki rushed to support Sol, facing his ear: "Don't worry, our brother, we will be fine."

"Rocky ~" Sol leaned out of the right hand, on the shoulders of Rocky, now his physical strength is all, can't protect these Astard's civilians.

This makes Sol feel heartache, and you can't protect the people you want to protect because of your strength.

Regarding the whisper between the brothers, the enemies disdainted to listen, and now he is attracted to the attention by this box.

The kneeling man tried to crush the box with the right hand, but did not expect the surface of the box to appear a layer of red magic array similar to the five-pointed star.

This magic protects the box from outside the interference, it seems to be really precious.

"Magic ..." The low language of the kneeling mouth, but this is the magic of the magic, he is not known.

But even if he doesn't understand these, he still has a way to break the magic taboos on the box.

The tyrants put the box in the left hand, then the strength of the gemstone energy flashed, hey!

The magic is like a broken mirror, and it is not disappeared.

"Hey ~" The tyrants snorted, and immediately opened the box, revealing the things inside.

"What is this?" The tyrants saw the space of the space they needed, but two small dolls! The expression of the tyrants is black, and there is some angry and angry, and the doll said to Rocky: "Do you want to understand death in advance?"

"What ?!" At this time, Luoji didn't understand, clearly induced that there was an extremely powerful magical energy.

But after the imperfecting broker, it was even two little dolls, and this little play is very familiar.

The green giant Haoke and a person who are very like Soli, but some fat.

"Please be a great Titan, this is just a appetizer, the real universe is here!"

Although Rocky does not understand why only two dolls in the box, the imperative is to steadily.

Subsequently, Luoki has extended his right hand, a square to exude a secluded blue-ray cosmic cube, appearing in his hands.

"No! Rocky!" Sore wants to stop it.

After induction of the powerful breath of the Cosmic Rubber Cube, the tyrant confirmed that this is a space gemstone who wants to think about the night.

"Don't be smart, ." The kinemathered the doll in his hand, can't wait to reach out to pick up the Cosmic Rubi.

Just at this time! Three changes!

Two dolls just hitting the ground suddenly broke out an extremely powerful energy storm.

Everyone couldn't help her eyes at this time, followed by the energy fluctuation of the doll as the center of the doll, and suddenly shocked the tyrant and rocky. The universe is also dropped on the other side.

Emotic ebony halved quickly using the idea movement to manipulate the universe.

At this time, Sol and Rocky also noticed the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. The two looked up, and then started to compete with ebony. The rest of the black blindfold will just want to join ...


"Hey!" A full body green, a giant equivalent to the tightening body, and fell on the black dwarf.

"Haoke!" Sore and Luoqui were shocked at the same time. How could Haoke appear here? !

This is not a globe, this is in the universe!

After the commander of the descendant saw the sudden enemy, I just wanted to save the black dwarf, and the thunderous thunderous thunder was in front of him.


The yellow long hair of the body shape, the eyes flashed in the blue current, holding a heartless giant ax in his hand.

"This is ... Thunder's power!" Rocky is more surprised, is this not the force of his brother's thunder? How can I appear on this stranger, although the two seem to be a bit like.

"Where is these guys come out!" The soldiers of the desperation were somewhat surprised, and they only had them here.

However, surprising, the hand of the commander of the death is not busy, he grabs his own battles to go to the back of Haoke.

Fat Sore did not say that they directly took out their thunder's ax, it seems to be very painful and hated.

The commander of the death is not bad, just want to take the battle blade block block, but did not think that Haoke no longer entangled black dwarf, a punch.


Hao Ke's fist was played on the war blade, and the shock was shocked and the tiger's mouth was painful.


Thunder war has never hindered through the death of the soldiers, revealing the back of the hot ax.

"Do not!"

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