Marvel Twelve Amulet

Chapter 445 Avengers Collection (Subscribe!)

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"I'm not endless." Xilai shook his head and said, how is this troops like a black shadow group, killing is not clean.

It's just that Sile didn't know, the kinemat has long known his existence through the soul gem.

To this end, now come to the South Antarctic, that is the whole army of the tyrant, and one by one will come here through the insects.

Now, it is only a space location that has not yet, and after the fleet outside is analyzed, the next wormhole jump will be over the Antarctic spatial position.

"Dark Lord ... cough, what should we do?" Patient to Sile next to Sile.

Originally, they were called Sile Black, but Sile felt a little too two.

And I have never let the black shadow will call yourself called my name, and I only know that this is a small black idea.

Subsequently, I want to go, and the life is like a foreign number, and the Holy Lord is like a name.

"Let's kill one, or what can I do." Silai shrugged, and there is no good way to do.

Unless he knew where the fleet of the other party came from, he could not solve the problem from the root.

"Master." Xiao Black came over from the other side.

"Get it?" Xilai turned his head.

The little black is nodded: "Well."

"Who will come?" Xilai asked.

Just just, Sile gave a small black task, went to the world to call the superhero.

The scenes here and the black shadow can be solved, and other super heroes must be needed. The most important thing is that if you have come, you don't have to spend the time to make the group.

Take someone in advance to collect the group, this is a relatively robust practice.

"Of course it is coming, the mask boy." Tony first came out from the black shadow.

Followed by the Avenist Alliance, as well as the black pantha, who is in Wasanda is coming.

"You can't choose a better battlefield? Sile." Natasha was a little cold and said.

"That is to say, the mask boy, carefully freeze our captain into an old poplor." Tony ridiculous.

Steve was only looked with a white eye, since Tony was willing to take him joke, then explained a lot of relationships to the two.

"It is really cold here." The general of Charra's generals said a little trembling.

The illustration of a nano-torn dress is naturally not cold, but she is very cool.

At her long, she can't stand this cold temperature.

"I said it was in the Antarctic, told you to bring a suit." Chaora is not marked.

Originally Chara also called Okier's clothes, who can think of Oakda directly say no, wait until the battle is not cold.

"Everyone is all right?" Steve said in the surrounding Avengers.

The initial Avengers currently didn't come from Banner and Clint and Sol, others came.

In the back, Pirlo arrived at the battlefield.

There is also a person who hasn't come, that is, the antishlands of love, Steve, Steve, very impressive, the mouth is like an opening, there is no moment.

"Call ~ here is really cold." Suddenly, a bib in a neck is worn around the neck, and a cup of hot tea is coming out.

"Oh ~ old man, you finally came out, said why do you dress up?" Tony said to Banner up and down.

To be honest, Banner's dress is like an old man who is retired.

"I heard that this time was in the Antarctic, I deliberately brought a bib." Banner explained, and then drank a hot tea.

"... the old brother, Haoke is not afraid of cold." Tony said.

Natasha came to Banner to say: "Hey ~ I haven't seen you for a long time, how about your side?"

"OK, there is a very clean, I understand a lot of things." Banner smiled softly, then picked up hot tea and said: "Warm warm body?"

"You see, I said they will talk." Tony said on Steve's shoulders.

Steve helpless laughed, and then took it out of the wallet and said: "Give you."

Tony smiling Top Ten Trims given by Steve.

Just just, both of them played a bet. If Banner came, Natasha would not talk directly to Banner, and the bet is a ten more knives.

"Good guys, we should think about how to face the enemy in front of you." Sam said next to him.

Now that they are in front of the endless enemy army, this is not a game, and you can still come over again.

"For the Baby of Sile, the pajamas is ..." Tony dialect has not been finished.

Sile waved: "I know, now we still put your attention on the invader."

"Sile, what happened here? Why is the enemy gathered here?" Wang Damei asked some doubts.

"The soul gem is here." At this moment, the source of the African base has also come to the battlefield.

"Is you?" Everyone looked at the source of origin, and the artificial intelligence that claimed to be created by great existence.

"Wait, do you last, don't you say that the soul gem is on your forehead?" Tony Tony asked.

If the soul gem is in the Antarctic, it is not a conflict with the words before Yuan.

"I don't have the soul gemstone on my forehead, but this is a harmonious energy of the soul gem." "Yuan's greatly admitted.

Now there is the only role of the source, that is, to the black pot of Sile, put everything that is wrong to go to himself.

"How many things are you deceived?" Tony's eyes became not good.

Others are also vigilant, I'm looking at the origin, only the Banner, which is separated from the world, is there, what is the situation? Who is this new person?

"Before we talk about this, we have a common enemy, that is, the tyrants."

After listening to this sentence, everyone has collapsed, and it is indeed that the enemy now has these foreign invaders.

Everyone lifted his head to watch the universe battleship flying from the universe, and a beam fell from the warship, and transferred the enemy of the dense Ma Ma.

"I am a little dense phobia." Rod said next to it.

"Why didn't I have heard it?" Tony asked.

Rod came out of a breath: "Just just get it."

"Killing!" At this time, the army of the tyrants was rushed over to the assembly.

It's like a fierce tide, covering the entire Antarctic surface, just like a non-resoluntary natural disaster.

Challa hands crossed, the black panther clothes on the body quickly parked the whole body: "Long live Vakana!"

"Long live Vansa!" The Vaanda tribe with a follower came from the same sound, followed by a collision with the faceful enemy.

Tony and Rod quickly brought a face mask, flew to the fencing Sam to the half-air to implement the air blow, occupy the air ownership.

Steve raised the shield and was incadvenquis, and other Avengers followed it, only Banner also blown hot tea in place.

"You can't go up?" Sile took back.

Banner quickly put down the tea cup: "I think this thing can't waste."

After that, the body of Banner began to expand, and the body of the body is like steel irrigation, the color of the body also gradually becomes green.

"Haoke!" The long-lost roar was issued from Haoke's mouth, followed by a bursting ice layer, rushed to the front line of the battlefield.

"Hey! Our Green Baby Haoke is coming!" Tony looked at Hao Ke smiled at the end of Tiger.

With the joining Haoke, the battle that the stalemate has also changed.

Westlai left here to leave here, opened the black shadow to go to the Antarctic base under the bottom, holding the soul gem.

At the same time, after the earth has opened the war, Titan Star --------

A group of people who have strange models are fighting a purple big head, but the situation is completely on the side.

"Fast! Take off his unlimited gloves!"

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