Marvel Twelve Amulet

Chapter 449 West Rhizhi? Ringong! (Subscribe!)

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"Interesting, can I copy it out?" I broke out myself in front of us.

False the tyrants to twist the neck: "I also feel very interesting."

"Hey ~" I broke the left hand to show an infinite gem: "Unfortunately, you can't copy, Sile."

After that, the realistic gemstone in the hands of the kinematic gem is shining, after him, a total of fifteen black Yao four will come out.

The ability to realize gemstones is more than the rat curse, you can ignore any rules, as long as the user is willing, it can completely become a reality.

"In fact, I don't want to come, a cow is not." Dead said out his own double knife, the heart is very refused, but Sile can control them.

"I ... this time you must cut your head." Fat Sore held together the hammer of Thunder God and the storm ax, all over the body.

"Father, this time I want to stop you." Ca de launched his head and looked straight into the world.

The tyrant pays attention to the eyes of the Karala, and I am so lost for a while. It seems like it is really general.

"Kill!" All the Avengers shouted.

Tony once again launched an attack. This is Tony from the original movie universe. In his memory, all people were imperfecting a reflection to become ash.

The kinematic brochure, the fifteen black Yao four after the body will also rush the past and intercept some people.

The cutting edge of the Kaguo launched the knife, the easily grabbed the kaemora arm in the hands of the kinematic.

"You will always be my daughter, Kella." The tyrants have finished pulling the kauli, and the big hand covered the head forces of the card.


Ca de launched a statue of a broken head, and he flashed in a whisper before changing back.


Just after the kinematic brochure, Tony and fat Sorns who flew it were flying.

"Ah!" Fat Solo held two weapons, endless Thunders came from the angels, turned into a deafen with a deafening thunder gathered to him.


Tony stood in front of fat, and the energy absorption port on the back was opened, and the laser plate was aligned with a small inba.

Fat Sor Heart gods, the long-standing thunder's force has been released, and fell to the energy absorption port behind Tony.


The powerful rear sit matter caused Tony almost stabilized forward, but fell in his body, the laser plate immediately converted the fat and fierce Thunder.

It is like a red laser, just like the void wall, accompanied by heat waves, even if it is a cold and unparalleled Antarctic, all abuse.

The illegal expenses did not dare to hold the big, and the unlimited gloves in his hands played again. The red realistic gem was played again, and a familiar machete appeared in him.

Holding the heel of heel in front of him, the tyrants revolved the machete to blocked the laser injury from Tony.

Tony is unbelievable to look at all, and immediately energy is also accelerated.


The kinemat is smashed, resisting Tony's attack, ran to Tony, and ran up the double-blade machete.

"Be careful!" Fat Sore directly threw his hammer of his thunder, so that I would like a knife to resolve Tony's kinematic stopped action.

Tony rapidly pulled the fast and extracted in the reaction: "The gem of his hand is too powerful, and he must stop him from pinching."

"Rest assured, give it to me!" Fat Sorn took back the hammer of Thunder, holding two artifacts and the fighting abutment.

System space ----------

"System, what is the dog spell?" A returned here, Sile was can't wait.

[Dog represents eternal life, but it exists in a virtual area]

"The old rules continue to unlock!" Sile said.

Those people are definitely not enough for unlimited gathering, as long as the power to use unlimited gems, the battle will reverse it.

[Naturally, there is a place where you can't step into it.

"Where is the place where people can't enter?" Xilai is shocked, isn't it to say that the dog is spent in death? !

Death, it is the end of the life of the city, the property of death.

Do you say that you must die once before you get a dog spell?

But even if you have got a dog spell, you have died, unless he can die ...

Due to death, he thought of it, in the back of the revenge, and reached the infinite gem, and the resurrection of all the people.

Since Strangi has given time to the tyrant, it is not to say that he saw a winning ending.

"A lot of things, you have to look through the phenomenon, the virtuality is real, realistic, everything depends on your own heart."

This sentence suddenly appeared in the Braise in the Brook, this is an ancient one who left himself.

Mirror space

The tyrants have defeated all the Avengers and turn all them back to the statue, of which one Carol and yourself are the most difficult.

"Sile! Come out! You have no way to retreat." There are many scars that have just been fighting.

Sile's figure appeared on the left side of the tyrant, his look is very complicated, he doesn't know if he will gamble, if it is lost, then it really lost.

"Take the soul gem." The tyrant reached out again: "I promise you will not die."

"No, I don't need your promise, but you have to promise me one thing, Peter can't die." Sile took out the glowed heart gemstone from his arms.

The kinemat is slightly with eyes: "Why? So you will die."

If you can, the illegal bail will definitely let Silament die, because Sile is really a very unstable factor.

"He is my brother." After the simple and clear, Ji Lei is throwing the soul gem to the tyrant.

I broker reached out and took the heart of the heart, and he did not think that he did so easily got this soul gem.

After all, he has to pass his hand with Xilai from beginning to end, and it is in the hands of those who are illusion in the hand.

"I promise you." The tyrant thought of the card, the soul gem was placed on the last groove.



A extremely violent impact force broke out from the kneeba, as if the whole universe is in the hands of the tyrant.

The powerful force exposed by the infinite gemstone, impacts the body of the tyrant, or if his body is strong enough, otherwise it will be exploded.

If there is no infinite glove of Ai Cui, it will never be able to control the infinite gem.

"You are a hero, a hero who considers the whole universe, I will let them know your heroic deeds."

The recovery of the tyrants are facing Sile, and then open the space transfer door, and then retreats out the mirror space.

Real world

The Avengers sat in the ground, and those soldiers were finally resolved.

"Where is Sile and the Dynasty?" Tony turned on the helmet.

"See!" Steve suddenly pointed to the front.

The eyes of everyone look, and I saw that the tyrants came out from the space door, and then came out and had a faceless.

"Sile!" Tony shouted, why Xi Lis will stand in the enemy.

Sile did not answer Tony, but the kinematic station came out: "Sile made a very correct decision, that is, the life of the soul, letting half of the life becomes beautiful."

"Sile! What are you in the side of the Dynasty!" Wangda couldn't believe in the way to Sile, is it a blade in the hand?

All the Avengers shook their heads, no wonder the soul gem in the hand, the original, everything is planned.

"Dynasty!" Soli in this time flew out.

The tyrants running infinite gloves, a high-shot dark red laser hit Sol, causing Sol to fly directly.

"Brother!" Luki hurriedly ran over to catch the Sore from the air.

The imperfecting experience reveals the glove of the six unlimited gems, the thumb and middle finger cross: "Goodbye, you will thank us."


A crisp sound is hit from the hand, and his body is centered, and a unbeatable force is spread toward four weeks.

Then everything returned to calm, and the tyrant disappeared in the original place, and I didn't know where to go.

"Sile ..."

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