Marvel Twelve Amulet

Chapter 451, Peter, Saved (Subscribe!)

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"One hundred beautiful knives? What a lot?" The nebula did not understand.

"Well, there are a lot." Peter unden it nodded.

Time passed, twenty-two days passed ~

"I am going to die ..." Peter was lying on the ground, and his eyes appeared without God.

In the last day, their last rations were broken, and now Peter only felt that he was extremely hungry.

But fortunate, Spider-Man's physique did not let him be so weak as ordinary people, he can also take more days.

"How do you feel?" The nebula came over from behind.

"Breathing is uncomfortable, it is going to die." Peter was concluded.

The voice just fell, and Gaia manipulated the nano-coat and attached to Peter's face and provided oxygen to Peter.

"Thank you." Peter suddenly felt a lot.

Fortunately, the nano-coat ourselves have an oxygen system, and it is necessary to give Peter to provide oxygen.

"Then you don't have to die now." The nebula shrugged.

"This universe is bigger than us, we look slightly in the universe." Peter looked at the vast star of the window.

It is still far from the destination, and this spacecraft can not travel at the interstellar jump at all.

According to Xingyun, there is still thousands of light years away from the nearest convenience store, which looks at them in the universe.

"Gaia." Peter said.

"How did I get Peet?" Gaia asked.

Peter sighed: "Turn on the video mode."

"... Ok." Gaia was silent for a while, and then opened the video.

"Do you want to leave a lastword?" The nebula is very beautiful.

"Hey! Don't talk, I am recording." Peter was quite dissatisfied and said: "That Garan, this paragraph deletes."

When I heard this sentence, the nebula was shook his head, turned away from the road: "Before death, I will get the corpse."

"..." Peter looked back at the nest of the nebula.

"It has already deleted Peter." Ga Yahua said that, in fact, the roots did not delete, but also specially put the video backup.

"Is it opened?" Peter asked in whisper.

"Start." Gaia said.

"Cough." Peter immediately pose, and his eyes were watching: "Sile, I am Peter."

"If you live, see this video, then explain that I am dead ... hope ... I hope you don't be sad."

"Well, actually I hope you can cry, then for me, hey ~"

"The uncle, Mei, I have no chance to respect you, I originally wanted to finish the university, make money."

"Then bring happiness in our family, but it is a pity that I can't get it now, and I hope that Sile can bring you that kind of life."

"You don't have to be sad, and you will have experienced people will experience old. I just have experienced in advance."

"Death is not terrible, and I also died, I saw those beautiful star rivers."

"They are really beautiful, if there is a chance, you must sit on the spaceship to take a look at the space."

"Finally, Gen ... What is it ?!" Peter just said Ghop, there was a dazzling colorful light to shoot.

Looking far away, like a comet, dragging long stream, flying toward Peter's spaceship.

"What is this?" I heard the Xingyun, who was moving, rushed over, and saw this pace.

But now they can't do it, even if the acceleration is turned down.

Soon, a colorful light source arrived in front of the spacecraft window, showing the figure inside, is to save Peter's Carol.

"Oh, buy ... LED light girl." Peter saw Mr. Stark's joked.

Carol did not hear what Peter said in the universe, but it seems that it is not good.


Carol gently knocked on the glass window, then flew to the spaceship of the space, holding the universe spaceship, flying back to the direction of the earth.

Avengers Alliance Base ------


Steve is walking with the except offered in the hallway, and suddenly the whole house seems to be moved.

"Walk!" Steve immediately ran to the base lawn with the Avengers.

Carol holds the spaceship to the lawn, put the spaceship in the ground.

At this moment, the door opened, Peter and the nebula walked out of the spaceship.

As a question, the fresh air outside, Peter added to the oxygen, excited: "I will come back the earth!"

"Thank you, you will come back Peter." At this moment, Ben Parker also stands here, and holds Peter.

"The uncle ..." Peter blinked, how is this uncle here.

As everyone knows, since the kinematic bangs, Steve will organize the remaining Avengers, find the dead Avengers or good friends.

So Steve came home to find Ben Parker, explained him to Peter and Sile.

When Silal became gray, Peter was still dead, this middle-aged man is old overnight.

He originally made the spirit of the spirit gradually got better because of the reasons for working in the Parker industry.

Now, he is like an old man in the year, the only hope is Peter, which is unknown.

So, Ben Parker will stay in the Avengers in the Avengers all day, waiting for Carol's regression.

Today, Book Parker finally saw Peter! He is still alive! You still have the power of life.

"What's wrong with my uncle?" Peter discovered that Ben Parker is wrong, and his uncle is old.

And the tears of this uncle have been wet, and even if they are not dead, they don't have to be so excited.

"Peter, Mei and Siles ... disappeared ..." Ben Parkes opened, with his hands on Peter's shoulders, with both blood.

"Mei Shi ... Sile ..." Peter's pain was in an instant, and a bitterness came from his own heart.

"It's impossible ... It's impossible ..." Peter shook his head and why did you take your favorite person.

"Captain, Mr. Stark?" Successful Peter, and found that there is no Tony.

"Tony said ... also disappeared." Steve's vigorously.

The atmosphere at the scene is full of sadness. This is a great thing that is worth a happy, Peter is coming back.

However, there is no smile on the spot, and some are only sad.

Looking at this old man, Peter he has helped the tears in his eyes. Now he is only yours.

You can't cry again, you must be strong!

Peter took the right hand to live this Parker's shoulder, took the way: "Don't be sad, everything will pass."

On the other hand, the Rocket came to the nebula sitting on the ladder.

The rocket did not speak, just reach out of his hand and holding the hand of the nebula, comforting her, now the guard team only lives.

Base hall

Everyone came here.

"Since the person who has killed half of the kills, the order of governments has fallen into chaos."

"Good in demographics, there is no loss of operation, the scene looks ... and the way to do it, he takes half of the life." Natasha stood next to it.

At this time, on the top of their head, there is a virtual screen being converted, which is the list of dead revenge.

He has dawn that the face that he is familiar with can not be familiar with.

"Where is the kinema?" Peter has now been calm down, he wants to try again.

"I don't know, since the last battle, he opened a pass gate, and he left." Steve shook his head.



At this time, I was still sitting on the ground, silent, standing up and came to Peter, overlooking Peter said: "Tell me! Why your good brother Silament put the gemstone!"

"What? Sile gives gems to the tyrant?" After he heard the news, he couldn't believe the opening of the mouth.

"You don't fool there, you must know what." Sol hated Peter.

"Well, Sol! Don't be so excited!" Steve saw the dispute between the two sides, and immediately broke it.

"Excited ?! Rocky is my brother!" Solshi shouted.

"Sile is also! Dear!" Peter screamed.

I heard the sentence of Peter, the audience was in a quiet.

Because this should be like a small boy, it is like a personal.

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