Marvel Twelve Amulet

Chapter 454 of the dog spell recurred! (Subscribe!)

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"Who told me?" Sile was in the middle of the darkness, but it was righteous and said that someone called him, so he opened his eyes.

When you open your eyes, it is a red space in front of you. There is no sun, no sun, no moon.

Siles and even don't know if they don't know, the only known thing is that I should die.

"Is there someone here ?!"

Xilai was shouted, followed by walking in this place of death, about a few minutes, found that this is a space similar to the black shadow kingdom, and there is no boundless.

"Deathly ..." Sile is sitting on the ground, looking at the sky, no, that is not the sky.

Do you win yourself? Still lose, why don't you have anyone else, shouldn't you come here?


When a crisp sound suddenly sounded in the body of Sila, Sile had not reacted it, a piece of spent flew to the eyes of Sile, and a puppy was printed.

"Dog spell ..." Xilai's mouth is moving, slowly reaching out, holding this dog spell, !

The dog spell is instantaneous, and the countless light is entered into the body of Sile.

"Good power!" Westleti is coming, now I only feel that the power is like a well, sprayed.

The twelve spells rotate in the eshere, the tiger is shining, and the spell is quite quiet, and the energy will disappear.

Instead, it is stable.

If you just feel that the creek, the water flow is very fast, that is now the sea, quiet and gentle, with the power sufficient to cover the world.

"I am not missing now!" Silai meticulous fists, and the fist sent a cow called, such as thunder.

A road to the world appeared in front of Sile, and he saw this crack to see the real world of the earth.

Sile did not hesitate, two words did not say a feet into this world.

The world in the field of view has gradually emerged as Siles.

"Ah!" Sile did just appear in this world, all people on the street were suddenly appeared.

"Is this?" Xilai looked around the people widened, it was a flower home? !

In order to avoid trouble, Sile will open the snake spell, then open the black shadow kingdom is ready to transfer, after all, they must wait for them.

"Well ?!" Xi Lei frowned, he wanted to pass this time, but did not think that the black shadow kingdom can't open!

How is the ability of the black shadow kingdom disappeared? !

Xilai looked up to the top of the top of the top, came to the Tiantai to overlook the people under the street, and he began to try to summon the black shadow.


Three man-shaped black shadow ninja appeared in the Westlet, respectful halfway.

"You are not them." Xi Lei saw it, this is not the batch of his own summon.

Even if all the black shadow ninja grows exactly the same, Alice can recognize all black shadow.

The black shadow ninja heard the words of Xilai, followed by each other, then smashed the head, what is the owner?

In order to ensure that your ability is still, Sile also tried other capabilities of spell, and found that the spell capacity did not receive an impact.

"That magic ..." Sile tried to use Kamarta Ji's magic, and an orange-yellow magic shield appeared in his hand.

There is no problem with magic, there is no problem in the spell, and the black shadow group has a problem. The biggest problem is the black shadow kingdom.

"System." Sile said.

[Hello host, is there anything?

"The system is also there." Xilai frowned, why is the black shadow kingdom going to fail?

"Take the system, it seems that before I die, don't you say how much sin is coming?" Sile remembered the last prompt sound of the system.

[The host handed over the last unlimited gem, helping the extinction of unlimited gem to destroy the life of the universe, now your sin value has reached 9999999]

"A hundred million." Sile did not think that it was a help, did not expect sin, so if he personally made a referral, then?

Xilai wants to say it directly: "The system, give me all the devil's magic!"

"It is deducting sin ... Congratulations to host the Western Wooden Devil ..."

"Congratulations to host the devil's devil's devil's devil ..."

Congratulations ... "

For a time, the remaining six demon magic was in the income of Sile, but it is unfortunately in the United States.

[Host: Silepack

Sex: Male

Age: 19

Life: Eternal life is not dead

Ability: black shadow kingdom, twelve spell, eight big magic, Kamata Ji magic, dark magic

Current status: doubts and excitement]

Excited is because he finally got all of this, and the cause of doubt is that his own black shadow kingdom still cannot shuttle.

"What is the situation ..." Helpless Siles had to use Kamartai Ji's portal, which is not used by this thing.

However, fortunately, I left myself last time, I learned from the door, otherwise it was difficult to do.


A orange spark rotates in front of the Sile, and finally turned a sparkling port.

Xilai took a splash of splashing on his shoulders, then across it, came to New York in the sea.

new York--------------

"This is even more important." Xila squatted on a high-rise building, this is the location of Stark Industry, but now is a general commercial building.

The Stark industry that existed was free.

"Stark is just a gray, this is the way to take the Stark Industry?" Siles thought of this, I slemit it, what I think is thinking about it.

Oil Stark, Stark industrial, there is a little turmoil, but it will not disappear throughout the building.

And Sile has also found that in addition to the Stark industry, the most important New York Temple is gone.

That is the temple that protects the earth that is not invaded by the dark dimension, how can it disappear?

Xilai stood up and used the rabbit spell's speed to move in the air. In less than half a minute, he returned to his position.

It does have a house here, but! This is definitely not the home of Sile, because the family is posting the Spring Festival couplets at the door. At first glance, it is a flower family.

In the Xilai imprint, the uncle can don't know what Chinese, and they are all dead, and the uncle is still in the Spring Festival.

"No, this world has problems."

Siles can no longer continue to sit, he directly called countless black shadow ninja, and in the world, he will search all the world.

Subsequently, he started to try to contact his Ika General, and found that the other's news did not have, it seems that he did not contact her.

"What happened?" Xila squatted on the world to puzzle the world.

"Hey! Old brother, what's wrong with you?" A black man suddenly came over at this moment.

Xilai looked up at it, seeing the blackness of the darkness, some doubts: "The earth disappeared half of people, are you not sad?"

"Is half of the person ?! Now it is four, the old brother, you really should go see, Stark last reflects everyone, defeating the tyrant." The black smiled.

"Wait! What do you say?" Xila suddenly stood up, this black actually knew that the loin four.

"Oh ~ Sorry, I just accidentally said that I just saw it from the cinema." The black is sinking, after all, how can this matter spoiler.

"Cinema?" Sile seems to find the difference in this world, the cinema ... Capinaid four ...

Xilai took the black shoulder: "Thank you." After that, he directly went to the cinema away from here.

"What is the situation of this old brother, I spoiled how did he react?" The black man couldn't touch the mind, he felt that the man was strange.


Xilai looked up and saw the poster of the complexion.

"I bought it ~"

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