Marvel Twelve Amulet

Chapter 458 Once the sister (ask for subscription!)

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Si Le is sitting on the edge of the rooftop, looking down over the streets to the streets, now I have changed now?

Now even Peter has used infinite gems, it is not possible to return everyone.

Because infinite gems are again powerful, it also affects this world, otherwise the film and television people have long been broke through the malls.

"No, I can't sit still." Silai jumped to stand on the edge and said: "Black light."

"I am in the owner." The sound of black light came out.

In addition to the Siles and systems, black light has followed the world with Sile.

Because infinite gems are eliminated by Xilai, it also took away the black light on the body.

"There is a big thing that needs us to do it." Xilai active a hand feet.

"What do you need?" Black light is standing.

Xilai looked up at the sky, and a exciting look came in the eyes: "We have to give up a big chrysanthemum above."

"Emm ... Sorry, the meaning of this sentence, I don't quite understand." Black light makes a fast operation, and I don't know what Just thinking is to express.

"Next time I must update you to change the algorithm." Siles have a white eye. When this is such passion, it is interrupted by black light.

"..." Black light is not saying.

Xilai said on the edge: "You see, we come to this world, that is because infinite gem recognizes our death in the world."

"All we need to do now is to wait for Peter to save us, and we have to make a broken handle ..." Sile is happiness telling the plan.

Black light suddenly said: "Breeding the owner, what you said is the kind of food processing equipment that makes the fruit and vegetable cell wall to make the body of fruit and vegetable cells, let the body processing equipment for human digestion and absorption?"

"Amount ... is not that kind." Xilai snorted, this is something.

"I am sorry to bother." Black light said, now he listens to Silai speech, and invades the Internet to understand this world.

Xi Lai nodded and continued: "I said that the broken wall is the machine that can break the secondary wall, I will reflect on the wall."

"Attempting to simulate the blocking machine can be driving ... The simulation is successful, the success rate is one percent." Black light simulates the rationality of the broken wall.

"One hundred percent? How is it so low?" Sile was a bit surprised, in order to reason, although the success rate is really not high, it is not one percent.

"There is a chance of 50%, you will be tear into a fragment by space, with 30% chance you will enter another world, there is a chance of 10%, you will make broken walls The machine failed, and the remaining 9% will encounter various emergencies. "

Black light is responsible for the analysis of Alice, which is also a big project for him.

"First, I have a dog spell without dead, 50% of the chances become successful, then I have a hundred percent of 51 yuan, and! The broken wall will definitely create success!"

Sile's eyes are very confident: "All four rounds, in fact, our success rate is 100%!"

"... Good owner." Black light has to crash again, is it really wrong?

"As for the material that manufactures the wall, take my clothes to do the material." The nano-coat on the slander faded, turned into a work-stacked clothes.

I am a nano-coat is the best material for making the wall, at least in this world is not better than these materials.

"I will make the prototype of broken walls, as for your black light ... Yes, I have to update the algorithm for you, then a reactivation." Xilai laughed, returned to Mount Mountain.

After thinking about thinking, Sile opened the delivery door to the African continent, where it is best for you to do experiments.

As for the other things you need, it is of course brought from all over the country, and it is also doing this in the world.

"Black light, help me find someone." Simila is preparing to do his hand, suddenly thinking of a person.

"Who?" Asked black light.

Xilai's eyes became deep, and it seems to have fallen into memories, and the mouth is slightly moved: "He is a flower home, called ... Qiu Feng."

"Look at the master ... found, there are 30,000 people named Qiu Feng." Blacklight is very fast for this speed. "

"He died, age was 18 years old." Xilai returned to God.

"Found the owner." Blacklight sounded, and a virtual proof appeared in front of the eyes.

A big boy in the sun, appeared, but now it is already asze.

Qiu Feng, the past generation of Silai, but also for the front of Silament, a general freshman, but the heart infarction dead.

Xilai took a sigh of relief, since it came, didn't take a good look at this once-world, how to say it?

After giving a new algorithm for black light, after he was updated, Sile came to the family who had lived his own, in order not to be eye-catching, he specially opened a small alley.

The scene around it seems that there is no change, and it is still that a pair of model. It is like yesterday.

The pedestrians who come and go are just in a hurry, and they will continue to live their own things.

After all, although foreigners are not common in this small county, it is not seen, not a rare creature like a giant panda.

According to the long-term memory, Sile came to the door of his home, it seems that others have lived, and the family looks away from this sad land.

Sile's hand is placed on the iron gate but has not knocked on the door. After thinking about a moment, he turned away here.

During some inquiry, Sile found his cemetery.

"Hey ~ Look at your grave this feels weird." Xilai smiled and shook his head.

"You are?" A soft and eared voice came from Sile.

After hearing this voice, Xilai suddenly turned back, a familiar person stood behind him, it was a small body, but cute girl.

A smile seems to drive a smile, a thin spring breeze blows her white dress, and the three thousand brine of the long hair and waist.

"I ... I am a friend of Qiu Feng." Xilai expression is a little panic, but it is very calm and calm down. After all, it is also the old fritted strip staying in Mount.

That lies, never play draft.

"My brother's friend?" Qiu Yan wrinkled willow, how to have never heard of his brother has foreign friends.

The white chrysanthemum in the hand in the hands of the brother grave, stood soft to Sile, "Hello, my name is Qiu language, what are you calling? Why didn't I heard my brother?"

"My name is Silepak, I and Qiu Feng is a pen friend. All in facts are strict. I have never seen it and Qiu Feng has never seen it. After he is coming, I will find it before I left my address. ...... "

Sile looked at the grave in front of him, meaning that it is coming.

"It turned out to be like this, thank you very much for watching my brother. After all, my brother has been going to die for two years." Qiu turned his head to the warm smile.

Siles were slightly gods, and then rushed: "This is nothing, after all, I am Qiu Feng ... the pen chest."

"Your Chinese is very good." Qiu said that the lovely little tiger teeth praise.

"Yes? When I was a writer with Qiu Feng, I started to learn Chinese." Silee is embarrassed to laugh.

Said, Sile was secretly secretly opened a small transfer door, and the black shadow of the other handed a bunch of parakile flowers.

Then Sile in the eyes of Qiu, like a trick, it took a bunch of flowers from the back.

"Is this the magic you changed?" Qiu said with a surprised to hold his mouth.

"Uh huh." Sile put the flowers on the top of the chrysanthemum.

"It's amazing, you have finished reading your brother now, is you going to go?" Qiu asked.

"Well ~ Nothing to go, it is estimated that I will go back." Sile replied.

If Qiu is thinking about it, I got a moment of Sile, I don't know why, she felt that there was a warm feeling in Westlai, as if her brother is still by himself.

"Sile." Qiu suddenly called.

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