Marvel Twelve Amulet

Chapter 460 Collection Avengers (Subscribe!)

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"Quantum field?" Dr. Haoke has some doubts, this seems to have heard it.

Peter saw that everyone was a unprypric expression, and immediately said that the quantum field is said to everyone.

"This sounds is really a rigorous." Steve said, always feeling not very real.

Natasha nodded next to: "Indeed, the quantum is just a kind of imagination, is it really existed?"

"Existent, I just ran out from the ghost place." At this time, a voice came from the door.

The Avengers look back, all of them widened, and people actually have already identified the antic arts of death.

Scott wearing a Putut blue shirt at this moment, stepped into the hall and said: "The quantum field does exist."

"Can this give me a meal? I haven't eaten it yet." Scott looked up at the sandwich of Dr. Haoke.

"Of course, Dr. Haoke exposes smile, handed the sandwich in the hand to Scott.

Scott took the sandwich and bite a bit, chewing: "Listen, this is too mad, I just found out that everyone disappeared."

"Especially I also saw my name in my grave garden ..." Skot's , he is something, don't know what to say.

"You said slowly." Peter reached out to sign Scott not too urgent.

Scott quickly swallowed the sandwich in his mouth, Hooke Dr. Heiken immediately took a bottle of water from the backpack to Skot.

"It's great to thank you." Scott felt that this Haoke changed, much too much than the violent look. "

The Avengers are quietly standing in the hall and watching Scott eating snacks.

Finally, after about 5%, Skot's stomach finally got the warmth.

"Okay, I successfully wasted my life for five minutes." Rhod saw a time.

"Who is not." The Rocket said.

"Wow!" Skot was surprised to watch the Rocket: "You don't talk, I thought you were a mascot doll."

"What? Mascot?" The rocket hatefully pick up the gun in his waist to Skot.

Rod quickly stopped the rocket's movement: "Don't impuls, his brain may not be normal. After all, he stayed in that quantum field for five years, the brain did not get evolving."

"Hey! I have been in the quantum field for five years, but I don't have time to stay for five years, and I said, I actually don't wait for five years in the quantum." Skot is quite dissatisfied.

Rod shrugged this: "You have not evolved."

"Well, Skot, you continue." Peter see Skott should continue to refute, and it will stop in advance, and things can continue to delay.

Skott is the first, and then the encounter of him five years ago gave everyone.

"This is incredible." Steve felt that his worldview was subverted.

"That is to say, we really have a chance to win." Natasha's eyes gradually became bright.

Everyone! Come back!

Xingyun listened to everyone's discussion, slightly frown: "How should we use the quantum field to travel?"

"Borrowed the time of Silal, I only need to replace a new set of arithmetic systems, and connect to the quantum field machine on Skot."

"Time machine can help us locate the time position to prevent us to go too early, or the future is too far, and the way to enter the quantum is, become enough!"

Peter quickly analyzed the problems they had to face, however, how to become smaller enough to enter the quantum field.

"Use this." Scott listened, quickly took out his ownum granules from your pocket, you will be so small to enter the quantum field by this thing.

Peter took over the dark red Pim particles asked: "What is this?"

"Sumage, the Hank old man develops something that can change the molecule of the substance, but he is not there, and theum is only then there." Skot said.

"Several? There are still few left," Peter needs a certain number.

"Amount ... I think." Scott scratched his head, and now he suddenly said that there were still few peples, where he was clear.

He didn't understand Scott, in fact, he didn't know, he said: "I need to study this thing."

"But the time is dangerous. If you change the current thing because of a thing, it is not very bad." Dr. Haoke said.

Dr. Hoak, now is a person who has been eliminated, if it fails through the time and space plan, the previous timeline has changed, then what happens in the future?

"We have no choice of Dr. Ha Ke." Peter said firmly.

In any case, this plan will be implemented, he is not a person who is in the current situation, even if he is married to Gen.

"We have to make a plan." Dr. Haoke stunned and then said.

Peter revealed a smile, shakes the pepper particles in the hand, and the two turned to study this material.

"Look at you from the things that others call back!" Peter shouted at the door of the laboratory.

Steve nodded and then turned to say: "Clint is over there."

"Reassured, I will bring him back." Natasha left here.

Steve has went to Norway with a Rocket, which is the place where Sur is in the moment, is also a place where the Astard refugees live.

The Avengers are busy with their things.

real world-------

"You are so appetite ..." Qiu said, said that Xilai had finished eating a table.

She still thought that she could have a lot of food left, but I can take home with my parents and will not cause waste.

But I didn't think that Sile didn't look large, and the amount of food was really amazing. In less than half an hour, the dishes on the table were done.

"Sorry, I didn't have breakfast in the morning." Sile had to laugh at the reason.

Qiu Yusu nodded: "Since it is finished, then I will pay."

"No, money is given to me." Xilai quickly stopped, but did not wait for Qiu to talk, quickly stepped to the front desk and said: "No need to find."

"Mr. ... Mr., we don't have US gold here." The reception cashier looked at the mouth of the dollar mouth in the hands of Sile.

This foreigner is also very unique, to plant a fellow consumption dollar, who knows this vote is really fake.

"No ..." Xilai just wanted to ask the waiter why not paying money, but the result is, yeah ~ here is a flower home, not US Jian.

"Or let me come." Qiu rushed to the bag, hurried to the side of Sile, pick up the mobile phone and asked: "How much?"

"A total of five hundred and eighty-five." The waiter said.


"The money turned over." After Qiu was finished, he pulled Al.

Silee saw a slightly surprised, I didn't expect to have only two years of development, and the money pays for the mobile phone?

Even if the technology is full, it is still a cash payment, or is a credit card.

It's not from being able to do it, but it is not popular at all.

"Okay, I have eaten it, I should go." Qiu returned to the smile, and I took it directly.

"Wait!" Xilai returned to the god, called Qiu, said to Qiu, said: "This is a ticket for one million dollars, please accept it."

"One million dollar bills? Hey ~" Qiu didn't hold back and smiled.

"This is not a joke. This is a project that Qiu Feng's death. He is a computer professional, specially solved several problems for us, and this is to give him a good return."

"But we didn't expect Qiu Feng accident, resulting in this remuneration, not to hand in his hand, this is actually a reason why I am coming."

"Since you are Qiu Feng's kid, then I just give this one million dollar bills belong to Qiu Feng, that is, it is still the Lord." Silal lung.

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