Marvel Twelve Amulet

Chapter 465 Peter VS Sile (Subscribe!)

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"Well." Steve gazed to Solo Sol.

"Hey, I seem to see a group of cheese talking." Rod looks at the obesity of Sol.

Everyone did not come to turn over the white eye, now it is not a ridiculous Sol, but it seems to be very similar.

"Then there is a soul gemstone and strength gem." Steve said, these two gemstones have no one to touch.

At this time, the silent nebula finally opened, said: "The soul gem is in Womer star, the strength gem is in the mountaindar star."

The Avengers nodded, Steve stood out: "Then let's go here to get these gems, then save everyone back."

"Now we need a plan, a small team plan." Peter inserted.

"New York ... I am more familiar with the earth, it may be a bit not insurance outside the earth." Steve said.

Peter is also said: "I also went to New York War."

"That takes me, after all, I may have to grab the time from the ancient hand, the Supreme Master sounds very powerful." Dr. Haoke smiled.

For Dr. Hoak, he seems to have not put it in the eyes at all.

Subsequently, the Avengers allocated their own characters and finally became three squad.

Peter, Steve, Hao Ke, Scott four people were a team, and went to New York Wars to get three unlimited gems.

Rod and the nebula are a squad, went to Womier to get the strength gem.

Originally Natasha and nebula, the nebula said that the soul gem is best to get two very relatives friends.

Another team is Sore and rockets, the Rocket task is to look at Sore, to prevent Solo what is an amazing thing.

"Six unlimited gems, three squad, one chance!" With Steve standing up, all the Avengers stand up, and their eyes are full of confidence and firm.

The Avengers wear all the time and space wear, and came to the giant time machine.

"It is time to shuttle immediately." Scott raised his head.

"Of course, we are ready, see later." Natasha laughed.

Steve is reached out: "Remember you, we only make a success, can't fail."

"Hey, you are squeezing to me." The Rockets bored from Sol, he was squeezed between the Soli stomach and Rod.

Soli is sorry to recover the stomach: "Sorry, there is a little more recently, but you can rest assured that this time I will never fail."

"That started everyone." Peter has already been caught up, and the time on the top of the head starts to rotate, locking each person to the time location.

Everyone immediately opened his eyes to let himself calmly, and then a beam shot, and everyone disappeared in the base.

Quantum field

All of them held their hands until the team began to break away, and finally left four people going to New York.


Peter's group successfully arrived in New York War, the airbed clothes were automatically retracted to the chest, which is also manufactured by nanotechnology.

"Well, we have started a point of action, I and Peter, Scott took the space gem and the soul gem. Time to give you a doctor." Steve said Dr. Haoke said.

Dr. Haooke smiled slightly, said more than an OK's hand: "Don't worry, is it a grabbing?"

After seeing Dr. Haoke, Steve also revealed a smile, with Peter, they went to the Stark Building.


At this point, a mad Hao jumped to a car, crazy trampling, and finally went.

"Fortunately, they are so fast." Dr. Haoke felt awkward face, then pulling it, relying on the high-rise wall toward the New York Temple.

the other side

Peter has successfully sneaked into the Stark Building, after entering it.

"According to the reason, who is now in the mouth?" Steve is desperately recalling this battle.

Peter had already remembered: "According to the situation, now the soul should be in the hand, and the universe is in our top ..."

"It seems that we have come to the timeline." Steve's headache support.

"There is no way, we can only be hard." Peter led Steve and Scott, and climbed up toward the top.


"This will be a major reform!" Doctoral welcomed his hair with the wind blowing his hair, and his face was full of enthusiasm.

"The premise is that you can live at that time." Xila squatted at the edge of the rooftop, and his hand turned to the heart of the heart.

Dr. saw Silai suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, immediately took out the pocket in his pocket, and the black guns pointed at the depression: "You don't understand anything ..."

"Hao Ke!" Said that Hauke ​​jumped up from below, and he was thrown out of the outside.

Subsequently, Haoke pays attention to Siles in front of him, this guy must play, report the last ever.

"We are not enemies, know hauking?" Sile didn't want to fight with this everyone, and the province is not good to deal with other enemies? "

Unfortunately, Haoke seems to be alert to Sile, unplug the iron tube next to the foot: "Hao Ke ... know you."

"Ah ~" Xila is in a bad.

"Oh!" Sure enough, the next moment Hao Ke hooked up the iron tube in his hand, and threw the past.

Xilai is easy to escape with dynamic vision, and makes a provocative action against Haoke, then jumps down the Tiantai.

How to get the provocation of Xilai, two words don't say it, but he will finally fall.

Because Xilai did not jump at all, but fell to the edges below the rooftop.

"Bye ~" Xilai got up and returned to the rooftop, watching the universe of the universe that was released in front, he smiled slightly.

"Go out." Xiilai glanced at the left.

"West Lai!" Peter, who hid in the dark, appeared in front of Sile, and Scott was hidden in Peter's clothes.

"Peter?" Sile is a little doubtful, how did Peter here, just he is not going to clean up the enemy at the end? How two people come soon.

Peter looked at Sile, who was thinking about his day, and finally took a lot of exciting look, explained: "There are many enemies under the end, we need your help."

"Many enemies?" Xilai snorted, joking, now his black shadow ninja is countless, how can I notify him?

"Wait a minute! You can't get the insect hole, now there is a nuclear bomb that is going to fly here." Tony reminded Silament from the sky.

"Captain? Pajamas baby? How are you here?" Tony wrinkled, and did the two guys are still below?

He has looked at the eyes of the two, and it understood that he might expose, so the finger on the leg side slightly moved.

Scott understood that he was dispatched, and immediately jumped from Peter, drilling into Tony's core reactor.

And all of Rira and Tony did not notice.

But Sile has been vigilant, and the test is said: "Peter?"

"What's wrong?" All the two appeared here, but only one appeared in their public channel, one appeared in front of them.

"Who are you!" Sile took the heart of the soul to point his own eyes.

Tony also understands that it is wrong. Just raised the hand to control them with palm guns, and the core reactor's connection is suddenly broken!

"Ah!" Tony screamed suddenly, then lie directly on the ground and start twitching.

"Stark!" Silament did not pay attention to Tony at the moment, and also stared at Peter.

"Hand!" Peter understood that there was no way to continue, he didn't say a boxing of Xilai.

Silai quickly raised his soul stick, but did not expect this Peter's strength, and his entire person flew out and fell on the wall.

The heart is also painful because of his own tiger mouth, and it will be put on the ground.

Peter's foot is gently kicking, and the soup will be caught in his hand, then the scenaries are inserted into the universe being released.


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