Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 10 The First Solution: 0 Sakura!

"No need to worry."

Lord smiled slightly: "'ll be like them."

The voice fell.

Morisan was suddenly stunned, and looked down at the karma chain on his chest.

The chains... are creeping!

It should be a chain of dead things, but now it seems to have life!

Crack Crack...  

The chain seemed to have come to life suddenly, giving birth to countless small mouths full of sharp teeth, greedily and madly gnawing at the chain, making a sour sound!

The last erosion!

It came more violently than ever before!



"Stop it! Stop it for me!"

Morrison's expression became extremely frightened, and he screamed hysterically!

The chains derived from his chest have all turned into greedy demons at this time, frantically gnawing at the chains that symbolize his life!

In the past few days, Morrison has witnessed countless times with his own eyes that after the chains on his chest were eroded away, he turned into a monster covered with a white mask and a huge hole in his chest!

"Save me! Please, save me!"

"Ahhhh-you... devil!"

Morrison screamed and wailed in pain, and his eyes were full of resentment!


Morrison's body curled up due to the pain, and a black hole was torn out of the lock on his chest.

Immediately afterwards, a stream of white liquid spurted out from his ears, nose, throat, mouth, and eyes, covering his face like a mask!


Seeing this situation, Lorde not only did not stop it, but said with a look of surprise: "It has already begun to degenerate, but the soul can still remain intact!"

According to common sense.

When a whole spirit degenerates into 'empty', the process should be that the soul is scattered, and then reorganized somewhere, and finally a white mask symbolizing 'empty' is formed on the face, and there is a hole in the chest!

But Morrison is different!

The process of his depravity was just the opposite. First, the white mask and void symbolizing 'void' appeared, but his soul remained intact!

This means that Morrison is still resisting!

He still has a glimmer of hope, that is, in his inner world, he can find his own 'Zanpakutō', and then become a god of death to reverse the blurring process!


Lord nodded with satisfaction, thinking that a 'superior test product' appeared in his heart.

Why not stop him?'s not necessary!

"Ah ah ah..."

Morisan was still screaming in pain, his soul had been covered by most of the white liquid, and the white mask on his face, which symbolized 'void', became clearer and clearer!


There was a violent noise at the bottom of the pit, and the wind howled!

Lord stood quietly, and then stared at the smoke-filled place in front of him: "Let me see... what have you become."

hum! ! !

The spirits scattered all over the atmosphere suddenly became boiling, as irritable as boiling water!

hula la~

The exploding spirit blew away the smoke and dust, and Morison was wearing the same death tyrant outfit as Lord, with a standard Zanpakutō in his hand.

Lorde raised his eyelids slightly and showed a smile: "Is he really turned into a god of death?"

Death tyrant outfit, Zanpakutō!

These two things marked with the identity of the god of death undoubtedly prove that Morrison has successfully survived the blur and became the real god of death!

"It's... a feeling of power!"

Morrison, after a brief trance,

Feeling the power gushing out of his body, he roared angrily: "I'm going to kill you!"


Just stomping lightly, the ground suddenly cracked, and Morrison rushed like a cannonball.

"Death to me! Devil!"

Morison slashed at Lorde with a knife, and his mind was full of the pleasure of revenge!

Cut off with a knife!

But it was not Lord that hit, but a fluffy coat.

Shunbu-empty cicada!

The high-level footwork of the god of death, abandoning a coat, can escape an attack, a bit similar to the ninja's "substitute".


Morrison was shocked and found that Lorde had been standing behind him at some point.

"Death to me!"

Morrison turned around suddenly, used all his strength, and swung a knife at Lorde!


The sharp blade was actually understated by Lord, with two slender fingers sandwiched!

"This is impossible!"

Morissan couldn't believe it. With all his strength, he couldn't move the blade even half a point!

"Don't be surprised."

Lord held the blade between his two fingers, still with a smile on his face, and said calmly: "Because the gap between you and me is far greater than you think."

You must know that the battle of the god of death is actually a battle of Reiatsu!

Morissan is just a rookie who has just become a god of death, and his spiritual pressure has barely reached the tenth-level. How can he fight against his sixth-level spiritual pressure?

"I do not believe!"

Morison's eyes were blood red and he roared: "The gap can't be so big! Absolutely impossible!"


Morisan's blood vessels burst out, and he exhausted all his strength before barely pulling the knife out of Lord's hand, and then chopped it off without any rules!

"Death to me! Die to me!"


Morrison, who has never fought in actual combat, is not only disorganized, but also inferior to the gangsters on the street. He has even completely lost his mind. How can he hit Lord?

"It's over."

Lorde was slightly bored.

He thought that Morisan would be able to release Zanpakutō for a while, but he didn't expect that it was only to this extent.

"Let's scatter... Senbon Sakura!"

Lord held the Zanpakutō upside down and slowly released his hand.

The fallen Zanpakutō, the blade turned into a piece of cherry blossoms and scattered, like a pink ocean, surrounding him.

"what is this?"

Morison's eyes were a little dazed, attracted by the dancing cherry blossoms all over the sky, and subconsciously murmured: "It's so beautiful..."

But he did not know that beautiful things are often accompanied by great danger!

Although thousands of cherry blossoms look beautiful, in fact, the cherry blossoms are composed of thousands of blades!


Lorde stretched out his five slender fingers, and then slowly closed them.


The pink cherry blossom petrels roared and drowned Morisan in an instant!

Thousands of cherry blossoms turned into knives, like a meat grinder, shredding Morisan skin and flesh and bones!

For a moment.

The scattered cherry blossoms returned, condensed into a blade.

And Morison's body was covered with dense knife-edges, standing there like a bloody man.

"Morrissand, I want to thank you."

Lord quietly looked at Morrison who was about to disappear, and said lightly: "It is because you have become a god of death that you can provide me with a medium-quality soul."

"It turns out... all of this was arranged by you!"

Morisan, who was dying, said weakly, his eyes gradually slackening.'s all arranged!

Whether the final result of Morisan's fall is Void or Death, it makes no difference to Lord.

The ending is already doomed before it begins!

In Lord's eyes, Morrison's efforts and struggles were nothing more than a sideshow.

"tell me!!!"

Morrison held his last breath and roared at the man who was still laughing: "I...what is it?!"


Lorde's eyes were indifferent: "As a 'prop', you are... qualified."

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