Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 130 Broken Soul!

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Meiman: The Opening of a Zanpakutō!

Do you remember how many slices of bread you have eaten?

It was just a simple sentence, but Frank felt icy cold all over his body.

Kim Bing... is not human anymore!

Humans in the eyes of this guy are like bread in the eyes of humans. They are just 'food' that don't need to be paid attention to.

"You have two options, Frank."

Jin Bing is like a sly fox, whispering: "Do you choose to stay here and continue to drag me, or choose to let me go and save the spider-man?"

Frank didn't say a word, stared at Jin Bing fiercely, his chest heaving violently, and he could not wait to swallow him alive!

"Don't look at me like that, Frank, I'll be scared." Jin Bing smiled strangely, with no nervousness on his face at all, returning to the calmness he was before.

From Frank's performance and tone, he confirmed one thing!

That is, the threat of 'Void' is much bigger than him, so Frank will definitely let him go and turn his head to deal with the monster.

"This time... let you go!"

Frank only hesitated for a second before making a choice to save the little spider girl first.

Although Jin Bing's threat was great, compared to a virtual threat that devoured the souls of thirty or forty people, the priority was obviously much lower.

And that girl can't be a virtual opponent, so he has to save people!

Leaving a harsh word, Frank turned around and rushed out of the laboratory.

"It's time for us to leave here." Jin reluctantly glanced at the collider, turned his head and shouted to Doctor Octopus.

"and many more!"

Dr. Octopus was stunned for a moment, and said in shock: "We just left, what about the collider?"

Jin Bing said ruthlessly: "Copy the information and data."


Doctor Octopus looked at the collider outside,

He said with great reluctance: "It's a pity to give up like this, isn't it?"


There was a sneer in Jin Bing's eyes: "When Frank solves that monster, we will be the next one. Do you want to die with it?"

Dr. Octopus thought about the scene, it was so beautiful, he suddenly had a cold war, and shook his head decisively: "No no no, I don't want to die yet!"

"Then hurry up and copy the data and materials, let's change another base!"

"I know... I know..."

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Don't let it happen...

Frank ran towards the source of the ominous spiritual pressure in his perception, silently praying for the little girl in his heart.

The closer he got to that evil Reiatsu, the stronger the ominous premonition in Frank's heart.


"Gwen, where are you?!"

"Gwen, get out of that monster!"

Along the way, Frank kept calling out to Gwen, but he never got a response, which made his heart sink gradually.

Gwen... I'm afraid something happened!

Frank had to speed up, two spear blades roaring, smashing all the corpses who tried to stop him.

The underground cave that can build a collider is almost more than three football fields, but Frank was born halfway and didn't have time to learn the basic skills of Death, so he could only run on two legs.


Frank ran all the way, and a huge phantom appeared in his sight!

The phantom had its back turned to Frank, its head bowed as if it was gnawing at something, making a frightening chewing sound that echoed in the empty square below the collider.

Crack Crack...  

Crack Crack...  

Crack Crack...  

The bright red blood kept dripping down, and gradually gathered into a pool under the empty foot.

Frank's pupils shrank slightly, and when he saw the pool of red blood, his body gradually became cold.

Do not......

Will not......

definitely not her...

Frank's breathing was disordered, and he kept comforting himself in his heart that the pool of blood was not Gwen's, but those of the dead!

Crack Crack...  


A roaring gunshot interrupted the frightening chewing sound.

The bullet hit the virtual body, only breaking a layer of skin and stopping the virtual movement.

The Xu turned around slowly, the white bone mask covering its face, half of it was stained red by the blood that splattered, and the scarlet pupil showed a violent bloodthirsty look.


At the moment of seeing the virtual, Frank's pupils suddenly shrank to the size of the tip of a pin, and his face became extremely pale.

This famous Punisher, known as a man with a heart of stone, could not help but burst into tears at this moment, and his eyes were full of terrifying blood!

When Xu turned around, he saw Gwen Stacy.


That is not the 'complete' Gwen Stacy, but the Gwen Stacy with only the upper body left, and the lower body is covered with gnawing marks, and there is obviously no need to say more about the place.

Gwen is dead.

But in her opened eyes, she could see a touch of nostalgia for life, as well as indescribable horror.

The girl is dead.

But instead of leaving this world peacefully, it was full of pain, devoured by a living being!

Frank couldn't imagine how painful it was.

Such a lovely girl, almost the same size as his daughter, suffered such inhumane abuse before she died!


next second.

The monstrous anger swept through Frank, as if pulling him back to the night when his wife and children died a few years ago.

Only this time, he has the power of revenge!

"I killed you ah ah ah!!!"

Frank's eyes were blood red, his spirit completely fell into madness, and terrifying spiritual power erupted!

The gun blade named Pale is aimed at the heart!

"Until you die!"

"Heroic success!"

"Salvation by the Holy Word!"



Frank pulled the trigger fiercely, with a touch of determination on his face, and pierced the special bullet into his chest!

The spiritual power visible to the naked eye rolled up like a storm. Frank was in extreme pain, and he let out a roar that was not human-like.


The solid ground was shattered in an instant, and with the blood-red Reiatsu, Frank roared towards the phantom like a beast rushing out of hell!

laugh! ! !

The two gun blades rubbed violently in the air, and the blade was red like a soldering iron, exuding a terrifying high temperature, with a touch of decisiveness, it quickly slashed towards the virtual mask!


There was a hint of irony in Xu's eyes, and he raised his hand and punched it out!


The fist and the gun blade collided, making a piercing sound like the symphony of gold and iron, sparking countless sparks!

The spear blade only slashed the virtual skin, but the huge anti-shock force that followed caused the jaws of his hands to be shattered, and the two spears almost let go.

Xu waved his hand violently, and after shaking off the blade of the gun, he lifted his foot and kicked Frank's chest heavily.


Frank spat out a mouthful of blood, and it felt as if he had been hit by a sledgehammer weighing several tons in the front. At an extremely fast speed, the whole person rubbed the ground and flew out dozens of meters away!

A clear ravine was plowed out of the solid ground, and then Frank slammed into the steel wall, and his whole body was deeply embedded for several centimeters.


Frank, who was embedded in the steel wall, felt like his bones were shattered.

Just one trick!

The difference between the two sides is visible to the naked eye!

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