Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 1463 Tonight is the time for the feast! (5)

Boom! ! !

Two shocking figures collided in mid-air.

Like a spark hitting the earth, a thunderous roar erupted across the top of the mountain, creating terrifying air waves and making bursts of cracking sounds in the air.

In an instant, the ground shook.

Everyone was violently thrown away by the air wave caused by the collision, and hit the rock wall heavily.

The collision between the two announced the official start of the battle.

Two almost identical splendid energies poured down like waterfalls, setting off waves of raging waves. The suffocating pressure, wrapped in terrifying air waves, filled every inch of the cave.


Amidst the roar full of anger and murderous intent, Captain Marvel let down his hair, and every strand of hair shone with dazzling light. The rainbow-like energy surged by tens or even ten times in one breath. Hundreds of times.

At this time, she looked like a sun, burning with gorgeous colorful flames, exuding endless majesty, beautiful and dangerous!


The five fingers are pinched together, and the airflow makes an explosive sound.

Captain Marvel exhaled loudly, charged up and punched hard, like thunder exploding out of thin air, knocking Slegurt away at a speed that no one could see clearly.


The latter streaked above like a meteor and crashed into the rock wall.

The terrifying force caused the rock wall to collapse inch by inch, and before Slegurt could take a breath, a fist appeared in his eyes again.

The fist peak gradually enlarged, entwined with rainbow-like brilliance.


Punch it on the cheek.

Slegurt was punched into the rock wall. Energy filled with anger and murderous intent rushed and destroyed everywhere in his body, as if to crush every cell.


Slegurt couldn't help but scream.

But...the debt He owed is far from over!

The next moment, a violent storm of fists came out, landing on every part of his body with incomparable accuracy.

Bang bang bang...

The dull sound of flesh colliding echoed in the cave.

Blood splattered everywhere, the rock wall collapsed, and the mountain was crumbling. Slegurt withstood heavy blows and kept retreating until the rock wall was penetrated.


"This...this is could God lose..."

The Skrulls below saw this and suddenly panicked.

Their great god, the Infinite Slegurt... was beaten by an Earthling until he was unable to fight back!

The impact of this scene shocked them greatly.

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

Frank suddenly exerted force on his feet, and taking advantage of Star-Lord's daze, he rushed forward like a cheetah with a knife in his hand, stabbing the latter's throat sharply and fiercely.

"'s our turn!"

Captain America, who had been waiting for a long time, obviously had the same idea as Frank. He took advantage of the Skrulls' distraction and spun half a circle on the spot. Using his waist as the center of force, he suddenly threw out the shield with the power of rotation. .

Hulk, who had just escaped from the pile of rocks, was hit hard by a flying shield before he could see his surroundings clearly.


The vibranium shield hit Hulk's big green head, making a metallic sound.

Hulk staggered after being hit, and his head was buzzing.

The sudden attack by the two caught everyone off guard. Star-Lord had no time to hide and could only barely distance himself, but his throat was still slit by the knife.

Blood spurted out, Star-Lord's eyes widened, he stared at Frank in shock and anger, and he held his throat and backed away desperately.

What surprised him was the human's actions.

The old man was obviously over seventy years old, but his speed was astonishingly fast, and his attacks were extremely cruel, almost killing him.

If it weren't for the Skrull's strong physique, Frank's brutal knife blow just now would have been enough to kill him instantly.

Seeing that the knife failed to kill Star-Lord, Frank was secretly angry and continued to pursue him with the knife.

"Damn it! Kill them!!!"

Namor's eyes widened, he roared angrily, grabbed the trident, and threw it at Frank.


The trident came through the sky!

Frank's pupils shrank, and just by hearing the burst of air, he knew he couldn't escape.

In this case... let's fight for our lives!

Frank did not dodge or retreat. While holding the saber, he broke the safety on his waist, and a silver iron ring popped out with a crisp sound.

" want to die with me?!"

Star-Lord was horrified, that was the grenade's insurance.

" wouldn't be a loss if I could change it to another one!"

Frank grinned like a devil and said, "Come with me, a seventy-year-old man, and fall into hell."

Star-Lord doesn't want to die. Although he is a Skrull and has copied Star-Lord's talent, he is not a god. Without that kind of abnormal physique, it is impossible to block the explosion of the grenade.

He tried to run, but alas... Frank caught him.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the flying trident.

Poof! !

Blood splattered and the man was pierced by the trident.

However, thanks to that man, the trident deviated from its trajectory and flew backwards with the man.

"Is there anyone else?!"

Frank raised his eyebrows, and without saying a word, he took off the grenade from his waist and stuffed it directly into Star-Lord's mouth. Then he kicked the latter in the chest and jumped to the side using his own strength.

Hold your head and squat down.

boom! ! !

The grenade exploded, setting off a billowing heat wave.

Frank was knocked away by the heat wave and rolled on the ground more than a dozen times. He felt that all the bones in his body were aching, and he stood up gasping for air.

"Solve one..."

With the power of that grenade, there was no way Star-Lord would be alive.

The minced meat all over the floor is proof.

As he was talking, he spotted a person coming out of the smoke.

"Long time no see, Frank." The person smiled. She was clearly the Black Widow, with a trident still stuck in her chest. Blood was flowing all over the floor, but she seemed to be okay and said hello with a smile.

Such a weird scene made even Frank, who was used to big scenes, couldn't help but twitch his eyelids: "It turned out to be you. Who did I think it was..."

"Something happened on the way, so I was delayed for a while."

Black Widow said with a smile, then pulled out the trident and threw it on the ground next to her. The hole in her chest that was as big as a bowl was restored at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This really good."

Frank curled his lips, slightly jealous.

After Black Widow drank the water from the Holy Grail, she became immortal, which naturally gave Fury the idea of ​​​​duplicating it. Unfortunately, he tried many times afterwards and failed without exception.

Immortal... Black Widow alone.

"I originally wanted to spare your lives..."

A cold voice intervened. Frank and Black Widow looked sideways. Namor was surrounded by water vapor and growled: "But since you are seeking death, don't blame me!"


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