Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 1467 Tonight is the time for the feast! (9)

Hidden somewhere in Hell's Kitchen, a shop on the street welcomed a strange customer.

Under the wind and snow, in the howling wind, the man was wearing a black woolen coat lined with an expensive suit, a felt hat, and slowly walked towards the store with a cane.

However, the strange thing is that the man is nearly three meters tall, but his figure is extremely thin.

The shoulders are very broad, but the waist is very thin, especially the ratio of the legs to the upper body, which is almost 3:1. It looks extremely disharmonious, as if it has been deliberately elongated, like a ghost.

The man came to the dilapidated shop door, stretched out his hand and knocked twice.

Dong Dong Dong...

After a while, the door was slowly opened, and a cute little head popped out, looking at the visitor timidly.

Xiaoyu hid behind the door and carefully looked at the hasty visitor.

The upper half of the man's face was blocked by the black felt hat, and the exposed lower half of his face was separated by a very curved lip, which extended to the base of his ears. The weird smile made Xiao Yu extremely uneasy.

She is a very special existence, and her soul is a mixture of human, Hollow, and Death, so her perception is extremely strong, which is why she can feel it.

That omnipresent, indescribable, extremely deep and heavy... malice!

It is deeper than any living thing, or even all of them added together. It is like a black hole of terrifying malice, which seems to swallow up everything in the world, destroy everything and distort everything without mercy!

Xiao Yu was frightened and took half a step back, subconsciously wanting to close the door.

The door that was about to close was grabbed by the man's hand. No matter how hard Xiao Yu tried, he couldn't close the door.

"Little one, is the master at home?"

The man slowly bent down, with a friendly tone in his voice: "I am his friend, could you please inform me? I believe he will be happy to meet me."

The door was pulled open bit by bit, Xiaoyu gritted her teeth and tried her best to be unable to stop it.

"We can't...let a dangerous guy like you go see the boss!"

The blue spiritual pressure erupted from the small body like a flood. The wooden door creaked, and terrifying cracks spread along the surrounding cement floor.

"Absolutely! No!"

Xiaoyu's eyes widened, and her spiritual power became more violent than before, as if she wanted to swallow up the space.

"Little guy, calm down."

The man grinned, then ignored Xiao Yu and walked over with his waist bent.

A strange scene happened. The man was like an intangible phantom. He penetrated Xiaoyu directly and walked into the corridor inside the door. He looked even weirder with his hunched waist.

Zi La Zi La!

The dim lights in the corridor suddenly flickered.

"No... no!" Xiao Yu was about to turn around to stop him, but found that she couldn't move, as if she was frozen.

The hunched figure approached the door little by little.


The door at the end of the corridor was pushed open, and light shone into the corridor through the gap.

The man stepped into the door with one foot, and the surrounding space made a harsh crunching sound. It sounded like glass exploding. The continuous shattering sounds were accompanied by the distorted space, as if time and space were running wild and out of control!

Obviously, space is being ‘invaded’!

"Impossible!" Xiao Yu watched this scene with a look of horror in her big round eyes: "The barrier set up by the boss... was actually twisted and broken?!"

Zi La Zi La! Click! Click!

The entire corridor was cracking, wood chips were flying, and the space was distorted.

The lights flickered under the running current, and finally went out, and the entire corridor was enveloped in darkness.

At the same time, the strange figure finally entered the room.

The hall that used to be filled with a warm atmosphere suddenly became flickering with light, and dark hideous shadows spread wantonly throughout the room like the claws of a devil!

Suddenly, it became extremely weird and terrifying!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Under this invasion of darkness, time and space continue to collapse, twist, and split.

Huge cracks visible to the naked eye extended along every corner of the room, spreading all around like a spider web. The furniture and porcelain continued to shatter, and it seemed that even this space was about to be swallowed up by darkness.

However, the next second, the invading darkness quickly shrank back as if it had encountered something terrible.

Immediately afterwards, a figure slowly walked over, accompanied by a voice that suppressed emotions: "Nyarlathotep, you... finally showed up, can't you sit still?"

Nyarlathotep pressed the edge of his felt hat and grinned: "Haha, isn't it the same for you?"

The room that was out of control returned to its original state at this moment.

Time seemed to flow backwards, and even the previously devoured areas returned to their original state.

"You really gave me a little headache..."

Nyarlathotep scratched his head and said half helplessly and half jokingly: "Hiding the power in human beings, but jumping out to attract my attention, haha, what a miscalculation."

"Isn't it the same for you? Are you kidnapping Michael to threaten me?"

Although Lord's tone was calm, there was no hint of any emotion.

But the faint hint of coercion undoubtedly exposed his state of mind at the moment.

"Kidnapped? Haha, you misunderstood."

Nyarlathotep smiled and shook his head: "She left me voluntarily. I am a gentleman, how could I do such a thing."

"Leave with you voluntarily?" Lord was shocked, and immediately his eyes darkened: "Stop lying, how is this possible!"

"This time, I didn't lie to you."

Nyarlathotep rarely showed that strange smile, but said seriously: "She did leave me voluntarily. As for the reason... Haha, I believe you will know soon."

A strong uneasiness grew in Lord's heart.

The development of things seems to be gradually moving in the direction predicted by Hastur, the King in Yellow.

Lord took a deep breath and suppressed the uneasiness in his heart. He knew that there was no use in being anxious. Instead, he would expose his flaws and be caught by the guy in front of him, so he calmed down.

"You came to me just to talk about this?"

"Not really."

Nyarlathotep tilted his head and said, "I'm just making sure of one thing."

"What's up?"

Lord frowned.

"Make sure... you don't take action."

Nyarlathotep said with a fake smile on his face: "After all, I have put in a lot of effort to prepare for this coming. If I let you out and ruin the plan, I will have a headache."

"What if I have to go out?"

Lord took a step forward, his eyes turning red gold like lava.

"I advise you not to."

Nyarlathotep tapped his staff on the ground, and the ferocious dark shadow appeared again, seeming to swallow up the space.

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