Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 1471 Tonight is the time for the feast! (12)

A blood-red ocean as thick as pulp covered the land as far as the eye could see.

Under the rolling, roaring, and tumbling waves, there was a roar like some kind of deep-sea giant. It sounded extremely penetrating, as cold as if the bone marrow was frozen, and was accompanied by inexplicable fear that eroded the soul.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Buildings made of reinforced concrete collapsed and were destroyed one after another under the impact of huge waves hundreds of feet high.

At this moment, overlook the city from a high altitude.

This scene is simply like the world-destroying flood sent by God in biblical myths and legends to cleanse mankind of its sins, raging across the land of mankind.

call out--!

From the horizon, a sharp sound exploded like a sharp blade tearing through the air.

A figure suddenly arrived, and with a force that completely violated dynamics, it stopped suddenly above the sea of ​​blood. The red cloak made a sound, and the body was like a metal structure. A little orange light flickered between the eyebrows.

"Damn...Is it still too late?!"

When the visitor saw the tragic situation before him, he gasped and was shocked and angry.

He is Vision, and after discovering that New York has not been destroyed, he immediately realizes that something unexpected has happened.

After rushing all the way, I saw such a scene, which was almost as tragic as the end of the world.

"Uh... so scary... resentment!" Vision stared at the sea of ​​​​blood, his eyebrows seemed to burst.

The soul gem between his eyebrows gave him life, but at the same time it also allowed him to perceive the souls of more creatures. At this moment, in the thick sea of ​​blood, tens of millions of creatures were integrated into it, even from far away Much more than...

The painful wails, screams, resentments, resentments, etc. of those creatures...

The endless negative emotions were almost overwhelming his brain. Vision had a splitting headache and his body was shaking in mid-air. He almost lost control and fell into the vast ocean.

Fortunately, Vision forced himself to block his perception and stabilized his mind when he almost fell.

"These substances... don't seem to be from the earth!" A flash of horror flashed in Vision's eyes. He almost fell in after just one glance. You can imagine how terrifying this sea of ​​blood is.

"What exactly happened here?"

Vision suppressed the fear in his heart, and immediately flew over the rough sea of ​​blood, observing carefully, trying to find Coulson and others.

However, trying to find two people in the vast sea is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

If you don't block psychic perception, it would be very simple.

But unfortunately, the negative emotions contained in this sea of ​​​​blood that blended in countless lives made Vision afraid to activate his perception.

Otherwise, something will happen to him before he is found.

"Have they already..."

Vision flew for four or five minutes without seeing it. His heart slowly sank, and his hope became increasingly slim.

At this moment, from the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a faint milky white light flashing through the roaring and rolling blood-colored waves. It was fleeting. At first glance, he thought it was an illusion.

Milky white...bright...

A flash of lightning flashed in his mind, and Vision immediately thought of Coulson's abilities.

"over there!"

Sure enough, after flying over, he saw Colson.

The raging blood-red waves, like soldiers who were not afraid of death, frantically impacted the milky white light wall. In the space of less than one meter covered by the light wall, half of Coulson's exposed body appeared to be melting.

But even so, Coulson still used his only remaining hand to hold the black widow with only her head tightly in his arms.

The wall of light was being squeezed by the waves of blood as thick as pulp, and its scope was still shrinking. Coulson had already reached the limit, and he could survive until now only by his willpower.

"Colson..." Vision was shocked by the scene in front of him and was speechless for a long time.


Colson spoke very slowly. In fact, even these three words were extremely difficult to say.

Half of his face was corroded, like a burning candle, with melted flesh and blood hanging on his face, teeth and bones exposed, half of his eyeballs hanging down, with only a trace of nerves connected, looking extremely terrifying. .

More air out, less air in.

This sentence couldn't be more suitable to describe his current situation.

Vision's pupils trembled slightly. After seeing Colson's firm eyes, he remained silent for half a second, nodded slowly, and said hoarsely: "I...understand what you mean."

Given the current situation, this is indeed the best choice.

Even if Coulson is rescued, judging from the extent of his corruption, there is a high probability that he will not be cured. Although the Black Widow only has one head left, she is immortal, so she can still survive if she is rescued.

Black Widow couldn't speak and could only stare hard, trying to stop Vision with her eyes.

Vision activated the Mind Stone and used the power of his mind to create a barrier that temporarily isolated the raging waves. He ignored Black Widow's angry eyes and took her head from Coulson's arms.

"Fury and Tony are right, you are a true hero, Mr. Phil Coulson."

He lowered his head as if to show respect to Coulson.

After saying that, Vision was about to fly away.

Although the power of the mind can temporarily isolate him, the erosion speed of the blood sea is extremely terrifying, and he cannot stay any longer.

"Wait...wait..." Coulson pulled Vision and took a few breaths. His tone suddenly returned to normal, and even his eyes became brighter, as if The look of returning to the light.

Seeing this situation, Vision probably understood something in his heart. This was to explain the funeral arrangements, so he nodded: "You tell me."

"Before, I never understood the reason why I was given this power."

Coulson paused, looked at Black Widow, and chuckled: "It wasn't until that moment just now that I finally understood the reason why he gave this power to me."

"You mean...the owner of that store?" Vision also knew about the existence of that store.

"The real source of this power is the life fruit I swallowed."

Coulson opened his chest with his bare hands, picked out a blood-red ball, and handed it to Vision: "And now...this fruit has matured, and its real owner... ..It’s you, Natasha Romanoff.”

Hearing this, Black Widow's pupils shrank and her lips opened. She wanted to say something, but she couldn't.

"Fruit of life? Natasha? What does it mean?" Vision asked what she wanted to ask on behalf of the person in his arms.

"I don't have time to explain..." Coulson shook his head, put the fruit into Vision's hand, and said: "Anyway, let her swallow this fruit, and then... go Antarctica, that's our last chance."

At the same time, the surrounding mental barriers made a harsh sound, and cracks spread all over.

The thick blood-colored waves seemed to have consciousness. After noticing the life here, they launched a more terrifying offensive, continuously attacking the barrier, trying to devour the three people among them.

"Go quickly!!!"

Coulson used his last bit of strength to erupt into a dazzling milky white light.

The remaining absolute domain power surged out like a volcanic eruption. With the blessing of his almost heavenly will, it turned into an indestructible city wall, forcibly pushing back the sea of ​​blood that was dozens of feet around him.


Vision gritted his teeth, no longer hesitated, held Black Widow's head, and jumped up into the sky.

The moment he rushed into the sky, a huge shadow seemed to flash under the sea of ​​blood, swallowing up the dazzling milky white light, and Colson disappeared under the surging waves of blood.


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