Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 1494 The bell rings 12 times, and the bloody battle begins in 0 years! (8)

Swastika interpretation: Huatian Kuanggu·Heart of black pine!

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Kyōraku Shunsui's body exuded an extremely cold aura, covering hundreds of kilometers along with his spiritual pressure.

Black pine trees and pine leaves, like ink paintings, emerged from the ground near him little by little. At the same time, Mephisto's hole moved slightly, and he felt that his eyes seemed to become a little dim, and he was isolated in another independent time and space.

There was an ominous and resentful atmosphere that filled the air, cold and biting.

Especially behind Jingraku Shunsui, that female shadow flashed past, with a hint of hostility and murderous intent, always firmly locked on Mephisto, as disgusting as a tarsal maggot, but unable to control it. its expulsion.

"Boundary? doesn't feel like it."

While Mephisto examined Kyoryu Shunsui, he raised his sharp claws and rubbed the hideous mandible covered with scales: "Did the ability of the rule system be involved? It is indeed a little troublesome."



The hundreds of meters long street suddenly shook, and then the sand and rocks rolled like waves, setting off air waves hundreds of meters high.

Amidst the deafening roar of air bursting, Mephisto burst out like a cannonball. Its speed was so fast that even lightning could not match it. It dragged the air waves visible to the naked eye and rushed towards Kyoryu Shunsui with a fierce force.

"As long as I kill you, no matter how powerful the rules are, it's useless!"

The sound was even half a beat slower. When Jingraku Shunshui heard it, he felt that the air around him had been sucked out.

An almost suffocating feeling enveloped his heart. The violent power was like an endless wave, squeezing towards him from all directions. The bones of his spiritual body were creaking, as if they were emitting a miserable scream.

The ferocious claws covered with scales slapped his head sideways in the thundering wind.



The tied up black hair was torn to pieces by the violent wind, and Jingraku Shunshui's entire face was distorted by the blow.

The terrifying force even created cracks in the space. At this moment, he had no doubt that if he received this slap, his head would be broken like a watermelon.

Not caring about his image at all, Jingraku Shunshui leaned forward and rolled like a donkey.

He heard a huge earthquake above his head, followed by a loud crackling sound. Dozens of houses and streets nearby were wiped out by the huge air wave in an instant and completely disappeared from sight.

But if you can escape the first time, you can't escape the second time.

Mephisto raised his leg and kicked Kyōraku Shunsui directly in the abdomen. He was kicked thousands of meters away like a ball, and the whole person even hit a sonic boom ring in the air.

boom! boom! boom!

After knocking down hundreds of houses in a row, Jingraku Shunsui reluctantly stopped. The severe cramping pain in his abdomen made him sweat profusely.

That kick just now probably broke a dozen ribs. The only good thing is that the ribs did not penetrate the organs.

Mephisto moved over instantly and touched his abdomen with a playful look on his face: "It's interesting. You were obviously injured, but I was also injured in the same way. Is this your ability?"

"Ahem... hesitate to share the trauma." In the ruins, Jingraku Shunshui half-knelt on the ground and raised his head in embarrassment: "The injuries suffered by the opponent will appear on his own body as if they were shared."

"It sounds similar to the curse of shared pain."

Mephisto didn't care at all, because she was tired of this type of black magic.

An injury of this magnitude can be recovered with just one breath. Even if it is not untied, it will be fine. On the contrary, it was the effect of this curse that made her a little more interested: "Let me give you a piece of advice. It is similar to a shared curse. Never choose someone who is stronger than you to perform it, otherwise... the consequences will be disastrous."

After the words fell, she raised her foot and stepped on it hard.


Jingraku Shunsui, who had just climbed up, was directly stepped into the ground by this foot.

As that terrifying force poured out, the surrounding earth shook violently, then continued to collapse, and a mushroom cloud rose.


The damage was reflected on Mephisto, but it only made her stagger slightly.

"Here~ you see, this is what happens when you use curses indiscriminately."

She grinned and said with a malicious smile: "I don't care about this little harm, but you...may not be able to withstand it."

As Mephisto said, it was Kyōraku Shunsui who was more seriously injured.

"A mattress of shame."

Kyōraku Shunsui held on to his severely injured body, and then launched the second act: "A man who regrets injuring his opponent lies in bed out of shame and suffers from an incurable disease."

Mephisto, who had hurt him before, was about to pursue him, but suddenly stopped.

When he lowered his head and looked, his eyes were filled with surprise. His body was covered with a large number of irregular 'black spots'.

From these black spots, blood was continuously flowing out, and soon it gathered into a large pool at the feet.

"Plague? Disease?" Mephisto narrowed his eyes. Although he was a little surprised by the surprise that Jingraku Chunshui gave him, he still laughed and said, "Didn't I tell you everything? Curses are so harmful to me. It’s useless.”

She has long been tired of playing with the majestic devil of hell, black magic and curses.

Let alone Kyōraku Shunsui, even if Beelzebub took action himself, the best he could do was make her a little more serious.

"so what?"

From the very beginning, Jingraku Shunsui knew very clearly: "I have known for a long time that this trick will not work on you."

"I thought you were very smart."

Mephisto shook his head, with a sarcastic look in his eyes, and sneered: "Now it seems that he is also a fool."

"Idiot? Maybe."

Jingraku Shunshui stood up unsteadily and sighed: "But who would have thought that I would meet you."

The factor that determines the outcome of this war is not whether he can defeat the enemy in front of him. It depends on the other two people. One depends on when Yamamoto Genryusai will get out of trouble; the other depends on Hitsugaya Toshiro.

Needless to say, the captain's weight is powerful enough to directly affect the balance of the entire war.

As for Hitsugaya Toshiro, he considered him to be another decisive factor. The most critical reason was that he could defeat the enemies responsible for controlling the gate through the world as soon as possible.

As long as the ownership of the world-crossing gate can be regained, the captain who is trapped in the present world can rush back in time to provide support.

Therefore, he has only one mission, and that is to hold Mephisto back!

"Fortunately...fortunately, the person you met was me."

Jingraku Shunsui raised his hand to wipe away the blood on the corners of his lips, and chuckled: "If it were someone else, I'm afraid it's not certain that he could complete this task."

Mephisto frowned slightly. For some reason, she saw a hint of confidence in the eyes of this man covered in blood.

"I don't know where your confidence comes from..."

She narrowed her eyes, and there was cruelty and violence in her red eyes: "But no matter what you plan, you can't defeat me, because now I...have gathered more than 70% of my body." Power."

In fact, upon entering Soul Society, Mephisto split into dozens of incarnations.

Although this will make each incarnation less powerful, the commotion caused by Cytorak and Nagel can allow these incarnations to spread out and complete the invasion plan.

After encountering Kyōraku Shunsui, except for a certain incarnation that was necessary, she reunited the scattered power.

With more than 70% of the body's power, Mephisto is confident that she will not lose to anyone unless the Zero Squadron, which is dedicated to guarding the Soul King, comes in person.

"I know, I'm not your match."

Jingraku Chunshui's expression remained calm, and he smiled and said: "But my strategic goal has been achieved."


Hearing this, Mephisto was stunned for a moment, then his feet fell into the air and he suddenly fell downwards.

"Broken! Fish! Abyss!"

"The two of you who are ready to wake up will plunge into the gushing water together until each other's spiritual pressure is exhausted."

An indifferent voice echoed in the abyss.

The spiritual pressure like the deep sea submerged the two of them, and they continued to sink to the bottom of the abyss.

"Please join me and sink into the abyss."

A smile appeared on Jingraku Shunsui's face: "No one can escape from this abyss before my spiritual pressure is exhausted."

Trap Mephisto, and then... it's up to you!

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