Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 1521 You and I are among all things

On a microscopic scale that cannot be observed with the naked eye, everything in the universe composed of time and space seems to be quietly undergoing some kind of change.

It is this change at the micro level that even Lord can detect, but cannot do anything about.

The string of fate was vibrating, making a sweet sound with every twitch of his fingertips. Karl seemed to be playing a great piece of music named after fate.


Heavy notes vibrate.

Like a lightning strike on his soul, a certain segment of Lord's memory was completely reversed.

His body was severely injured, an unprecedented injury.

A large amount of golden blood sprayed out, and half of Lord's body was torn apart as if being chewed by some kind of wild beast. The blazing light of his soul, like a star, also dimmed a little.

It was not Lord's character to sit still and wait for death, and he quickly responded.

Use the Book of the End to insert yourself into your own past, and then use the power of omniscience and omnipotence to re-correct the messed up thread of fate!

it works!

As the strings of fate break, imaginable tides are set off in the time and space from the past to the future.

"Does he think... he can win like that?!"


Carl looked confused because even my ‘eyes’ couldn’t find the source of the knife.

What really matters is...memory, human nature, everything good and bad.

Want to make the price, unimaginable!

Almost at the same time, the orange gem that symbolized the soul was torn apart by a huge crack.

Super speed regeneration?

Another string of fate was disturbed, and the backlash caused by a certain amount of cause and effect directly swallowed Lord.

Does Lord have any words? Or...I can't speak yet.

Lord took a deep breath and took half a step hastily.

The first thing that shattered was the power gem.

Admittedly, this is a very stupid approach.

Finite gems are the embodiment of the lowest rules in the Marvel universe. However, even treasures of that level cannot afford such a terrifying 'price'.

"If I had known this, you should have had no expectations from him."

Karl's cold eyes, which had never changed, made ripples.

There are...eight shots left!

Lord, who suffered the backlash of karma, was almost slowly torn into pieces, but my expression remained calm. I looked at Karl, whose eyes were as deep as a hot and cold lake, and suddenly mentioned a name.

Every time a limited gem is shattered, the karmic backlash I endure will increase exponentially.

"That is......"

The brilliance of the soul that was once as blazing, dazzling, and brilliant as a star is now even like a candle, with a swaying dim light that seems to be extinguished at any time.

Facing the torrent formed by endless destiny, Lord's expression remained as usual, as if he were about to die, and he faced it step by step.

The remaining seven gems had slight cracks on their surfaces.

The fruit of corruption? It's also important.

"That's for sure..." Lord lowered his eyes and said in a deep voice, "What about you?!"

When she was born, she held the power of ‘destiny’ and was a ‘ripe fruit’.

Lord's face turned pale again.

"All things travel in reverse, and hundreds of generations of passers-by, like running shadows, spend their time in sorrow."

Karl's face was livid, as if he was extremely angry, and there was a certain emotion in his voice: "Nakshia, I am just a chess piece created by you, how dare I even try to defeat you?!"

If all these are stripped away, am I still me?

"It's strange, isn't it?"

"Does he still remember Nexia?"


But where on earth had she seen that knife?

The man smiled, his eyes full of tenderness.

Passionate notes fell one after another, shaking time, space and dimensions.

Wan Qi said, but her expression did not change at all.

Fingertip redialing.

That is the cause and effect, the price.

Karl didn't even raise his eyelids, but just uttered two words coldly.

The movement of fate has reached its ebb.

As her words fell, the string of fate... was broken.

In the orderly space and time cut by the light, the mirror reflects countless parallel dimensions.

Wanqi's childish eyes suddenly shrank, and dusty memories came flooding back: "That's...Nakshia's Zanpakutō?!"

last moment.

There is an immeasurable spiritual power that is like a storm, sweeping over the entire world in the blink of an eye.

"Baojiu, it's time to see you." is that possible? !

In order to correct the disrupted destiny, I have to bear the huge amount of causal backlash from the opposite direction, which is as devastating as the destruction of countless time and space futures. It has already made me exhausted.

Any form of recovery method cannot recover the backlash caused by cause and effect.

It's if it's familiar.

The radiance of the soul was dim, and the spiritual pressure surged like a sea, like a river that had been dried up.

One after another, 'Lorde' in the parallel dimension walked out with hesitant but decisive steps like a man going to his death.

A limited gem is even enough to resurrect the vengeful god, but it can only bear the cost of just one 'correction'.

But even so, I was intense.

The weakness and spiritual pressure of each Lord's soul in parallel time and space are inferior to those of the original body.


Lorde's eyes were calm and his face was expressionless.

"Yes, it's good to see you bad for a long time."

But Lord does not have the appearance of a "fruit", but has a "core of fruit", a "corrupted fruit".

The torrent of fate rushes upward.

Not even the slightest ripple appeared in these eyes as deep as an icy lake.

The milky white light blade became like a mirror.

Lord exhaled, and the two swords arced behind him and stretched diagonally in front of him.

It's like... I still don't remember the name completely.

"Swastika - floating life!"

collapse! collapse! collapse!

Suddenly, at some point, a milky-white long knife appeared in Lord's right hand.

"Is that his first resort?" Wan Qi's eyes were full of disappointment: "It seems that although he and you are the fruit of the same tree, there is no difference."

Before he understood that, Carlton felt uninterested.

The thread of destiny that has been messed up is filled with a huge amount of cause and effect, spanning from the past to the present and into the future. Every choice in it will extend to countless possibilities.

The man stretched out his hand, held my hand firmly, and said softly: "You said you would stay with him until the end of time."

"Life is like floating, death is like rest."

it works!

The purple spar was covered with cracks, and amidst the heavy wails, huge ripples erupted from it, shattering the stars wherever they passed.

It was not that half step, but Lord, who had obviously not changed at all, made Carl's heart tremble inexplicably, and he felt a certain kind of safety.

"You are all things, and all things are you."

Lord snorted and turned a little pale.

At that moment, her eyes suddenly shrank.

Security, where does it come from?

Wan Qi Baisi had an explanation. This strange feeling hit her mind like a wave.

Countless rays of light were refracted from it, like sharp swords piercing the darkness, drawing out streaks of white light in the chaotic and orderly space and time.

A Juechen floating ugly figure appeared in front of me.

Karl flicked his index finger, disturbing the string of fate.

Who is the successor is important.

I sighed, shook my head and said, "You are the real successor, and he is just a big test on your way to the end."

There were not thousands of emotions surging in Lord's eyes, but in the end, his lips wriggled, swallowing these emotions, and said: "Would you like to be with you?"


"Therefore... you are among all things." Lord showed a hint of relief, looked back at you, and said in a serious voice: "I'll see you soon..."

Broken jade?

"This is important!"

She is understanding.

To a certain extent, this is a more stupid approach than Yu Gong moving mountains.


Going back in time?

Karl calmed her mind, she lowered her eyes and said with a mixture of sadness and joy: "Since everything ends outside, it should also end there."

At that moment, my soul and figure were so slow that I could barely see them.

it works!

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