Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 175 Lau Fei!



The Spear of Eternity and Thor's Hammer, the two proud artifacts of Asgardians, collided fiercely on the Rainbow Bridge!


The sound of a huge clash of gold and iron exploded, spreading like a thunderbolt from the blue sky for several miles, and countless firelights sputtered like bright fireworks!

The mage and the warrior just faced each other, and the result is naturally needless to say.

I saw Loki blocked with guns in both hands, but was unexpectedly knocked back by Thor's heavy hammer, forcibly repelled more than ten meters, and the tiger's mouth in both hands almost cracked.

The two sides are just a face-to-face, and the difference in strength has already been judged!

Although the rank of the Eternal Spear is higher than that of Thor's Hammer, the person holding it is not Odin, but a melee mage with a crooked talent.

I don't know what's wrong with Loki. He learned magic from Frigga, the queen of the sky, but in the end he became an assassin-type mage who is proficient in illusion, and likes to show off with a dagger.

Thinking about it, since Gandalf appeared, it seems that all the mages have gone wrong, and it seems that Loki's behavior is not incomprehensible.

Taking advantage of Loki's unsteady center of gravity, Thor didn't give him a chance to adjust, and slammed it again with a hammer!

The hammer wind was blowing towards his face, and the momentum was so great that he was about to hammer him alive, so frightened that Loki's eyelids jumped wildly, and his heart couldn't help but scream.

His brain is absolutely cramping, otherwise why would he fight Sol in melee?

The giants are not the opponents of this reckless man, let alone his small body, if he is hit by a hammer under the wrath of Thor, I am afraid that the whole person will be integrated with the Rainbow Bridge, and he will not even be able to buckle it!

blah blah blah.....

Thor's hammer continued to fall, and every blow was awe-inspiring, aiming at Loki's head.

And Loki held the spear of eternity, blocking the left and the right, several times the hammer passed by, his cheek was cut by the strong wind, his heart was beating violently, and he was almost alive.

Loki knew that if he was suppressed like this again, sooner or later he would be seized by Thor and KO!

A plan came to mind.

Loki pretended to be exhausted and threw it to the ground in a panic, revealing a huge flaw!

But in fact,

However, Loki used the double magic of clone and hallucination to confuse Thor's eyes.


Sol got it!

"Suffer to death, Loki!"

I saw Thor roared, waving Thor's hammer, the moves opened and closed, and when the hammer surface fell, the turbulent wind was whistling, mixed with dazzling thunder and lightning!

"No! Brother!"

Loki screamed with a 'horrified' look and pleaded, "I was wrong, let me go, brother!"

In the face of family affection, Sol hesitated after all, stopped the falling Thor's Hammer, and said with complicated eyes: "Loki, you... ah!"

Before the words were finished, the Loki lying on the ground suddenly disappeared, followed by a sharp stinging pain from his waist, and he looked down to see a golden blood-stained spear tip.

The location of this blow is very particular.

I don't know if it was intentional or not, but Loki's shot just avoided the key point and stabbed Thor's kidney in it.


Thor broke out in a cold sweat, but the pain was secondary, the main reason being that if the gun deviates a little further, Asgard will be invincible!

You don't have to think about it to know that he was cheated by Loki again, and he has tried and tested since childhood.

Loki pulled out the spear of eternity, turned around and swept the army, knocking Thor out.

Sol rubbed the Rainbow Bridge and slid about ten meters, dragging out a long bloodstain.


Sol struggled to get up, his face was slightly pale, the anger in his eyes was clearly visible, and he gritted his teeth: "I shouldn't believe you, you despicable fellow!"

"You are wrong, my dear brother!"

Loki held the spear of eternity, and a sneer crossed his face: "The battle is never upright, and only the victors who survive are qualified to comment on this battle!"

In a short confrontation, the concept and character of the two were undoubtedly revealed.

In the face of choices in battle, Thor prefers the process, and pays attention to defeating his opponents in a fair and honest way; on the other hand, Loki pays more attention to the results, and can do anything to win.

Both are extreme.

If you want to become the king of Asgard, then the above two points are indispensable. Odin balances these two points very well, so he is a great god-king.

No matter who of the two of them becomes king, it may not be a good thing for Asgard. Even if there is no Ragnarok, destruction is only a matter of time.

"Now... it's over!"

I saw Loki clasped his hands together, magic energy surged in his palms, and a dark blue treasure box appeared impressively.

"Frozen... Box?!"

The moment Thor saw the dark blue treasure box, his heart suddenly aroused a great storm, and he said with a horrified expression: "Loki, put down the ice box, its power is not under your control, you will destroy the entire Asgard. De!"

But unfortunately...

At this time, Loki was already dizzy with anger, and he couldn't listen to Thor's advice at all, and even thought that Thor was humiliating him!

Can't control it?

Loki sneered, he is Lau Fei's son, with the purest bloodline of the Frost Giant flowing in his body, and he controls the area of ​​the Ice Box, it's no problem at all!

"Goodbye, my brother!"

"I will prove to everyone that I am the most suitable person to be the king of Asgard!"

In order to ensure that Thor can be completely solved, this time Loki did not keep it at all, and poured all the remaining magic into the Ice Box!

He wants to unleash the greatest power of the Ice Box!

hum! ! !

With the continuous influx of magic power, the Ice Box trembled in Loki's hands, like a wild horse that ran away if you weren't careful!


Loki's complexion changed slightly, and he found that the speed at which the Ice Box absorbed magic power was a little too exaggerated!

"Loki, stop!"

Seeing that the situation was not very good, Sol immediately shouted.

"Don't think about it!"

Loki roared and stared at Thor with red eyes: "Open your eyes to me, I can definitely control its power!"


From the box of ice, an extremely cold aura pervaded, as if the whole world was about to freeze. The nearby Rainbow Bridge couldn't even bear it, and a thick layer of ice condensed!

"Stop now, Loki!"

Sol, who was enveloped by the cold air, felt his uneasiness intensified, as if something major was about to happen!


Loki roared and turned his magic power to the extreme. The skin of the whole person showed a strange ice blue color, and the light of the ice box in his hand became more and more fiery and intense, like a small sun!


This sun brings not warmth, but extreme cold!


The ice box stopped vibrating, and an ice-blue light shot out from the inside, swept across a space hundreds of meters long at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye!

The icy blue light swept across Lord and injected it directly into the body of the only remaining frost giant in front of him!


I saw the frost giant roaring in the sky, and his body suddenly grew wildly.

one meter...

two meters...

Three meters...

Finally stopped at nine meters!

"Thank you, my son."

The frost giant's dark blue eyes stared at Loki, with a sarcastic smile on his lips: "If you hadn't fully activated the Ice Box, I wouldn't have been able to resurrect!"


Loki's face was pale, he took a step back subconsciously, and said in horror: "I remember killing you with my own hands... Laufi!!!"

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