Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 23 Masks and Vampires!


Frank's expression did not waver, and he even wanted to laugh a little inside.

If it was before, he might have been surprised, but after the hellish three days, he is no longer at all.

Since even the "God of Death" can become a reality, it seems that it is not difficult to understand another undead monster, right?

Judging from the battle situation just now, the blasting effect of a single bullet is not enough to blow the bullseye into a pool of minced meat!

So this time, he doesn't plan to keep it, shoots with an arc, and solves the bullseye in one go!

"Justice is done!"

Frank took a deep breath and gave eighteen bullets the explosive property.

This is the limit he can reach so far, and then he pulls the trigger hard!


From the gray-white spear blade, a flame that symbolizes death spit out.

With the vibration of the air and the roar of a huge firearm, eighteen bullets roared out of the chamber in an instant!

"Don't you understand yet?"

Bullseye dismissed: "Human bullets are useless to me at all!"

too slow!

The speed of the bullet is too slow!

If it was before, Bullseye would never have been so arrogant.

But since he became a perfect creature, there are very few things in this world that can hurt him!

The body and perception have been strengthened several times, even the speed of the bullet, in his opinion, is like a movie that has been slowed down several times!


As soon as the bullseye stepped on the ground, the expensive tiles were torn apart, and the speed surpassed the bullet in an instant!

He is so fast!

The bullet seemed to stand still in front of Bullseye, and it easily avoided the attack and charged straight in front of Frank!


Bullseye's eyes were extremely ruthless, with a cruel expression on his face, his fingers were like sharp knives, piercing Frank's chest fiercely!


A streak of blood rushed out!

"Get out of here!"

Frank roared angrily, raised his foot and kicked the bullseye with force, and at the same time took a few steps back!

"Zi Liu~"

Bullseye licked the blood on his hand, showing a satisfied expression: "Ah... your blood tastes so good, much better than those ordinary humans!"


Frank sneered and said disgustedly: "Then you can taste it, what does your blood taste like!"


Just when Bullseye wanted to ridicule him for being over his head, he just found that the bullet that shot in the air turned a corner in the air!

bang bang bang ......

Eighteen bullets, like a huge fishing net wrapping him in it, hit the bullseye accurately!


A smile appeared on Frank's face. Although there was an accident in the process, the result was as he expected!

"It's you? Punisher!"

This familiar attack method reminded Bullseye of a person who should have died long ago: "Impossible...Aren't you already dead?"

"Why not?"

Frank's voice seemed to come from hell, with a chill that penetrated the soul, "There is a lot of swaying in hell, so I'll come back and take you down together!"


Bullseye couldn't believe it.

At that time, he personally tore off one of the other's legs and fired several shots in a row. It is impossible for a human being to survive such a serious injury!

"You said just now that you are immortal?"

The corners of Frank's mouth rose slightly, sketching a chill: "But I want to know, if you are blown to pieces, will you still be alive?"


The bullseye pupils shrank suddenly,

He is very clear that he is not really immortal, but has a resilience far beyond ordinary people!

If he is blown to pieces, he will surely die!

"I'm going to kill you, Punisher!"

As soon as he took a step, Bullseye's face turned pale instantly, and he felt that there was a huge energy boiling in the body!

Eighteen bullets endowed with blasting properties exploded together in Bullseye's body, and the destructive power was increased several times!

"But... Damn it!"

"I...I'm the perfect creature!"

" could it die at the hands of a mere human!!!"


In the sky-high flames and explosions, Bullseye's body was blown into pieces, splashing on the floor of the entire office, making it very disgusting.

"Perfect creature?"

Frank sneered: "I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you, I'm still the god of death!"


As Frank said, it is absolutely impossible for any creature to be blown to pieces, unless the creature itself has been separated from the concept of 'creature'!

And Bullseye!

This step has been reached!

Inside the fried pieces of meat, a string of granulation sprouts suddenly stretched out, and then, as if they were conscious, they were entangled with each other and bonded together!

"My Fake?!"

Frank was shocked: "What the hell is this monster?"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Frank fired a few more shots at the meat, only to find it was useless!

After being hit by bullets, these pieces of meat that had already been blown up just became smaller, which did not affect their reorganization!

Feeling the attack, the scattered granulation was like a viper, attacking Frank!


Frank cursed loudly, but had no choice but to stay away from the meat and shoot to smash the entangled granulation.

This time there is no way out, he can only watch Bullseye come back to life!

goo... goo...

The granulation sticks to each other, aggregates the pieces of meat scattered in the living room, and then regenerates at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Frank...I want to thank you."

Bullseye laughed wildly: "If it weren't for you, I still don't know that I have evolved to such a point!"

If it weren't for this time, maybe he would never know that even if he was bombed into a pile, he could actually be reborn again!

Frank put down the gun blade and said gloomily, "Bullseye...what have you become?"

"You want to know?"

Bullseye seems to feel that the victory is in his hands: "This is a gift from God to let me evolve into the most perfect creature!"


It seems that this thing seems to have a very close relationship with Bullseye turning into this monster!

"God's gift? Do you think I'll believe your nonsense? Damn bullseye!" Frank deliberately pretended to be out of breath, like someone who was in a dead end.

Bullseye really fell for it.

Looking at the hysterical 'Frank', to a great extent satisfied Bullseye's vanity: "Yes, it is a gift from God, a mysterious mask from 100,000 years ago!"

Bullseye has never felt better since wearing that mask.

With a strong body and a keen reaction speed, coupled with an immortal body, you only need to suck blood to be immortal!

There is only one shortcoming, that is, he can't stand in the sun when he becomes a perfect creature, he can only stay in the dark night all his life.

But it doesn't matter!

With such a powerful body, he can rule the world slowly!

As for Frank?

It's just a mere human being, even if he returns from hell, what can he do with him, it's just a dying struggle!

"Take it easy, Frank."

"I will drain every drop of your blood, and then make you regret going against me in despair and pain!"

Bullseye came with a grim smile, the pale skin all over his body looked a little weird in the moonlight.


Frank smiled.

"What are you laughing at?" Bullseye asked gloomily.

"Vampire?" Frank shook his head, slightly disappointed.

Originally, he thought that Bullseye had gained some power, but it turned out to be a vampire?

If it was changed to the previous one, maybe he would still find it difficult.

But it's different now!

Times have changed... Bullseye!

Now he is the god of death who controls the death of most souls.

And Zanpakutō's attack only damages the soul, it doesn't care if you are a vampire or not!

Even to a certain extent, Zanpakutō does more damage to vampires than sunlight!

I didn't know the intelligence before, so Frank kept fighting with bullets after the initial solution, and didn't try to engage in close combat.

But if he had known that Bullseye was a vampire, the battle would have ended immediately when they first met!

"Thank you for the information, Bullseye!"

A cruel sneer appeared on Frank's face: "In return... let me send you to death!"

Vampires, right?

immortal, right?

Come come come... I'll show you a baby!

Frank grinned, matching the scar on his face, looking like the villain BOSS.

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