Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 250 Strange Video

"Jarvis, cut off all contact with the outside world."

"Yes~ sir."

After sending everyone away, Tony picked up the half-meter-long iron box, and then took the elevator alone to the secret laboratory built underground.

This underground laboratory, even his most trusted Little Pepper Potts, didn't know that it was a man's secret space, and there were some memories that he thought were the most precious.

Artificial intelligence Jarvis was born in this laboratory!

In addition, here are his earliest designed motorcycles, weapon sketches, and some childhood toys.

Tony pulled over a table, swept the contents out, then put the iron box on it, and pressed the locks on both sides to open it, revealing the contents inside: Ark reactor design drawings, two video tapes, some annotations information in hand.

The design drawings of the Ark Reactor are not very useful, because he has already designed them, and the reference value of those materials is not very big, so Tony can only focus on the two video tapes.

"I hope this will surprise me."

Tony was a little nervous. On the one hand, he was worried about the so-called new element, and on the other hand, he was a little complicated because he was about to see that person again.


The larger tape, Tony was put into the projector, and started working normally.


In a burst of noise, a slate board with Stark Expo was recorded, symbolizing the official start of the video content.

"Technology can change everything!"

"Better life, strong physique, and the possibility of world peace for the first time in human history."

"I'm Howard Stark, everything you need in the future is here."

"This is the Stark Expo, with all the possibilities of the future."

A middle-aged man wearing a dark blue suit with a comb back is leaning against the table and talking about his prospects for the future.

Tony didn't go to see the man in the video, but flipped through the notes left by Howard, perhaps not wanting to face the father in his memory.

The men in the video talk about it,

Putting out the future prospects one by one, it is amazing what he guessed, all of which confirm the current development of the world!

Tony finally finished the notebook, but he didn't find what he wanted from it, and there was no record of any new elements.


Tony sighed, leaning on his forehead in thought.

The video is gradually approaching the end.

Howard took off his suit and tie, as if he was relieved, leaned on the table for a long time and said slowly, "Tony, you are too young to understand now, so I still Record it for you."

Hearing this long-lost call, Tony moved slightly, and finally turned his attention to the man in the video for the first time.

Howard pointed to the model behind him, his deep eyes seemed to pass through the screen, traveled through decades, and landed on Tony: "I built this for you, and one day you will understand that it is far from here. Some inventions, but my life's efforts, the 'keys' to the future!"

"What that model looks like..." Tony's eyes narrowed slightly, if it wasn't for Howard's reminder on the screen, he really didn't find the clue.

That miniature of the Stark Fair, the treasure left to him by Howard Stark - a whole new element!

Howard continued: "I am limited by the technology of my time, but one day you can unlock it, and then you can change the whole world!"

"The greatest creation of my life, from start to you."

"I love you, Tony."

This sentence is like a key, opening the softest place in Tony's heart.

He once thought his father was a selfish and irritable man who would only spend his time on work and research, not paying attention to him at all.

But now, that's not the case.

Howard loves him.

It's just that, unlike the mother's ubiquitous love, the father's love is deeper and more secretive.

I love you too......

Tony said silently in the bottom of his heart, then stared at the man on the screen, and a relieved smile formed on the corner of his lips.

New element found!

Tony couldn't wait to get up and was about to go to the Stark Building and retrieve the miniature model that was placed there when his eyes fell on another videotape: "I almost forgot, there is another videotape."

There are no marks left on the surface of this video tape, and the outer casing is very old, with many scratches and wear marks, it can be seen that it must be some years old.

"Forget it, let's take a look at it first." Tony thought for a while and decided to watch the video first, and then go to the Stark Building to retrieve the exposition miniature.

zizizizi ......

But unexpectedly, this videotape has no content, except for the snowflakes that fill the screen, there is only the sound of the piano playing from time to time.

After inspection by Jarvis, it was found that the contents of the videotape were not damaged, which means that it was originally like this.


Tony frowned slightly: "Why did he leave this videotape on purpose?"

A videotape with no content but only snowflakes, what special secret is it hiding that deserves Howard to deliberately put it in this box?




Technology Expo.

As a five-yearly event in the United States, the world's most famous technology companies gather here to showcase the latest research, including some conjecture designs that surpass the times.

The protagonist of the technology expositions in previous years has always been dominated by the Stark Group.

But this year, it's a little different.

Due to Tony Stark's abrupt decision, the Stark Group withdrew from the weapons-related industry and did not participate in this year's expo, much to the disappointment of the media.

After the Stark Group withdrew, Justin Hammer's Hammer Military Industry Group took the opportunity to rise strongly and occupied the vast majority of military orders in just one year.

According to Justin Hammer himself, they have developed a new mecha with performance that surpasses the steel suit in all aspects. They are confident to defeat Tony Stark from the front. It can be described as the limelight for a while!

In addition, there is a behemoth.

Osborne Biotechnology Group, also participated in this year's technology expo, and their chairman, Norman Osborne, has developed a new generation of 'superhuman' agents.

Super Suit VS Super Human!

Is the future in the hands of Justin Hammer or will it be in the hands of Norman Osborn?

The long, gimmicky headline in the New York Times immediately attracted the attention of many people, and everyone wanted to see which of the two technology giants would dominate.

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