Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 303 Argument

S.H.I.E.L.D., Delta Wing Building.

Coulson, Natasha, Barton, Steve, and Hill are gathered in this office at this time, and everyone's faces are full of solemn expressions.

Everyone in this office is more assured and trusted by Nick Fury, and they are all gathered here because of a battle that happened a few hours ago!

After reading the information compiled by Coulson, Nick Fury, who was in the late stage of paranoia, suddenly became even more sleepless at night.

Since the appearance of the [Ten Blades] broken face, he found that everything was running wildly in an uncontrollable direction, and countless conspiracies were intertwined, surging like a shadow under the quagmire.

The first is Yugran Hasward, a symbol of the Quincy family, who claims to be reviving the great [Invisible Empire] and leads a [Star Cross Knights] whose number and abilities are unknown.

For thousands of years, this mysterious power has quietly dormant in the world, and is still carrying out some unknown conspiracy.

According to Steve Rogers' report, when he was in charge of the raid on the headquarters of the Hydra seventy years ago, he had seen with his own eyes the appearance of Huglan Hasward, and the latter through some unknown means, It has attracted a large number of [Void] to come to this world.

The details of this raid mission were considered by the censors at the time to be hallucinations caused by a long-term battle for some special reason, so they were not recorded in the file, so that if it wasn't for Rogers to mention it personally, this incident would have been up to now. Nobody will know.

As for the source of that special power...

Steve bluntly said that he didn't know either, but when he was fighting against those phantoms, he suddenly awakened this power under the high emotional stimulation.

Secondly, what makes Nick Fury uneasy is that the appearance of the face and the god of death this time, the power displayed by the two of them fighting, has caused far more destructive power than when they first met!

If it weren't for the 'space freezing' technology of the Soul Society, I'm afraid that the entire Manhattan area would be reduced to a battlefield. By then, the heavy casualties of civilians and the damage to buildings would be no less than a modern war!

And through this battle, some of the things revealed have made all the elites here full of fear and anxiety.

Whether it is a broken face that appears in the form of a human, or a Quincy who has been dormant for thousands of years, or a corpse soul world that is gradually reviving.

The three forces clamp each other and maintain a delicate balance, and human beings are sandwiched between them, like a leaf in the vast ocean,

There is a huge crisis of being overturned by the waves at any time!

So the question facing mankind now is how they can protect themselves from being overwhelmed by the powerful forces of the three parties!

"Tell me what you think."

Nick Fury rubbed the corners of his eyes, and his brows revealed a deep exhaustion. He had not slept for a whole day, and he had to be distracted to deal with the censure from above. It can be said that he was exhausted.

Coulson, who participated in the whole process and witnessed the battle, looked at the dignified and uneasy expressions of the people around him, and took the lead in speaking:

"I think the current priority is to monitor and search for all the missing Quincy related information, and at the same time establish a closer cooperative relationship with the Soul Society."

Except for Steve, after hearing Coulson's suggestion, the rest of the people showed a hint of surprise, while Barton and Natasha frowned and seemed to disagree with him.

Da da da......

Nick Fury leaned on the chair, tapped the table with his fingertips lightly, and said calmly: "The reason? Coulson, I need to know the reason for you to do this."

"The reason is actually very simple, Director." Coulson cleared his throat and said sternly: "No matter how we watch out, be careful, and guard against death, but in essence, they are the maintainers of 'order' and will not It will cause a large-scale devastating blow to the existing human society and countries."

"I don't agree with your point of view, Coulson." Barton couldn't sit still when he heard this, got up and argued: "Your idea is too naive, even if Death is the maintainer of order, how can you be sure of the order they maintain? , must be the same order as we want?"

"Barton's worries are right." Natasha echoed on the side: "You have seen the destructive power that Death can cause. Even if there is a one in ten thousand probability, we cannot hand over the right to determine the fate of mankind. In the hands of the Soul Society!"

"Natasha is very reasonable." Barton continued: "What does the hatred of Death and Quincy have to do with us humans? Rushing to the side can only cause us trouble."

Although Coulson has a good temper, he was ridiculed by the two people holding guns and sticks, and his heart was also aroused, and he retorted: "With all due respect, with the current power of human beings, between the Soul Realm and the Invisible Empire , is not qualified to be a wallist at all."

"Colson, don't forget your position, you are a human, not a god of death, we must put the interests of human beings as the highest priority!" Barton said angrily.

"Human? Hehe..."

It's okay not to mention this, but when Coulson was mentioned, he was full of anger and asked: "Then may I ask you to think about this from the perspective of a human being, or from the perspective of the United States?"

"Is there a difference?"

"do not have it?"


Nick Fury slapped the table and interrupted the two who were arguing: "I asked you to come here, not to quarrel, let alone discuss who's buttocks are sitting firmly!"


Barton and Coulson stopped arguing and sat down silently.

"Captain Rogers, what do you think?" Nick Fury turned his attention to Steve and asked, "How do you think the current S.H.I.E.L.D. should face these three-point forces?"

"I agree with Colson."

Steve Rogers pondered for a moment, and then his eyes swept across everyone's faces in turn, saying: "The reason is as Coulson said, no matter how dangerous the corpse soul world is, at least on the surface, Or an organization dedicated to maintaining order."

"But looking at Quincy and Xu, we can't judge their position. Just from the purpose of appearing several times, the threat level is much higher than the Soul Soul Realm."

"You mean, leaning towards the Soul Realm and opposing the Quincy?" Nick Fury frowned slightly, as if he was not satisfied with this answer.


Steve Rogers said lightly: "Of course this is just my personal suggestion, and the final decision rests with you."

"I'll think about it again..."

Nick Fury closed his eyes and waved his hand: "You all go out, Coulson is responsible for continuing to follow up with Lord."

Several people left the office one after another.

"Death, Void, Quincy..."

Nick Fury got up slowly, looked out the window with deep eyes, and muttered to himself: "What happened in this world, why did so many unknown forces suddenly appear?"

"Could it be that......"

"If it is as predicted by [He], is the final battle about to begin?"

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