Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 33 Star 10-character Knights!

beep beep...

After Lord used 'All Connectivity', the S.H.I.E.L.D. alarm immediately sounded a piercing beep!

"Fake squid!"

With a pair of dark circles under his eyes, he threw out another coffee cup in a rage: "Is there an end to the day? This bastard is making trouble again!"

The coffee cup worth three thousand dollars made a graceful arc in mid-air, then hit the hard glass wall and shattered.


Agent Hill, who had just pushed in the door, glanced at the coffee cup fragments on the ground, and said lightly, "This is the last coffee cup, and the people above already suspect that you are embezzling."


Fury didn't catch up in one breath, and almost choked to death on the spot.

It's really unfavorable for fleeting years!

It's just a coffee cup worth 3,000 dollars. The people above are so stingy now?


How can the SHIELD thing be called corruption?


There are a few more wrinkles on the braised egg's face, "Check it out for me and see what happened!"

"Yes, Chief."

Hill nodded slightly, then walked out quickly.


The purple man was dying, and his pupils gradually slackened.

He never dreamed that he would die here one day.

But it's also worth it, at least when he was, he was pulling a beautiful heroine as his back!

"Ha ha ha ha......"

Before the purple man died, he was still laughing wildly: "Jessica, it seems that you will never escape my control!"

"It's too early for you to be happy."

Lorde raised a strange smile on the corner of his mouth, and then walked slowly to Jessica's side.

Touching his forehead with his fingertips, Lord cut out a piece of soul again and gave it to Jessica.

Within a day, two pieces of soul fragments were divided in a row, making Lorde pale and his breath declining a lot.

There was a look of fatigue on Lord's face, and he secretly said in his heart: "It seems that this can't be used often, otherwise the damage to the soul will be too great."

The light blue soul fragments slowly merged into Jessica's body.


Seeing this familiar scene, Ziren only felt that a mouthful of old blood was flowing upstream.

again? !

Do you still have a conscience?


The purple man spurted out a mouthful of blood, and then he died of anger.

"Get Medium Soul*1"

Lord nodded with satisfaction.

Matt, who came here, happened to witness this scene and was speechless for a while.

He always felt that the Hasward did it on purpose, just to piss off the Purple Man, otherwise why would he resurrect Jessica in front of others?

In fact, Matt guessed half right.

Lorde did this on purpose, but not for the purple man.

There is a disadvantage of 'Soul Gifting Contact Healing', it can only be given to people with physical and mental defects.

But Jessica's body and mind are not defective, so Lord can only artificially create a little 'defect'.

Seriously injured and dying...

To a certain extent, it should also be regarded as a "defect", right?


The unconscious Jessica groaned, then slowly opened her eyes.

The first thing that caught her eye was a face with delicate features and impressive emerald green eyes.

"Welcome to wake up... my kin."

Lorde was determined, obviously the guess was correct, and this tricky method could be used.

"It's you?"

Jessica was slightly taken aback,

Then I remembered this man's name!


Although she was once controlled by the Purple Man, Jessica has not lost those memories, so she still remembers this indifferent mysterious man!

" saved me? Why?"

Jessica was a little unbelievable, and there was a slight tremor in her voice.

She thought that she would go to hell with Ziren. But I didn't expect to be rescued again, and it was this mysterious man!


Lorde pretended to be expressionless, with a cold look, "Because, you have our bloodline, although it is very meager, but you are also our clan."

"Clan? Bloodline?"

Jessica doesn't understand this, she just wants to care about one thing: "Purple Man...Purple Man, is he really dead?"

"he died."

Lord said lightly: "And you, from now on, are free."

Purple Man is dead?

Violet...dead! ! !

"I am free?!"

Jessica's spirit was almost collapsed, and there were two lines of clear tears on her beautiful face, and she sobbed softly.

Violet... finally dead!

The demon who had been controlling her all along is now finally dead!

And what she has endured in the past, those double inhuman insults, and the tragic past of being an executioner, is finally over! the Knights of the Star Cross!

Jessica calmed down her excitement a little, then looked at him with a complicated expression: "You...really willing to accept me?"

She was afraid and worried.

Those dark experiences in the past, and the innocent blood on her hands, have made this woman feel haggard.

Jessica is very clear that even if she is out of the control of the purple man, there is no place for her in this world, and the crimes she committed will inevitably lead to her being hunted by those 'superheroes'!

Jessica looked directly into Lorde's eyes with her bright eyes, with a hint of expectation, concern, and fear, and asked timidly, "Can I...can really join you?"

"Jessica Jones..."

Lord pushed the frame of the mirror with one hand and said indifferently: "You are a citizen of the invisible empire. We have the same blood in our bodies, so there is no need to worry about anything."


There was a hint of hesitation on Jessica's face, "I...may be hunted down by superheroes and cause unnecessary trouble."

Lorde leaned over, took Jessica's hand, and looked her in the eyes: "If you feel scared, stay behind me, just as the dark clouds can't block the sun, and I will disperse it for you All haze."

His voice was deep, thick, and magnetic, giving people a sense of stability and trustworthiness.


Jessica's cheeks suddenly flushed, her heart beating violently.

At this moment, Hasward seemed to have really become the sun in her eyes!

Exudes a dazzling light, warm and warm atmosphere.

Jessica bowed her head, she didn't even dare to look Hasward in the eye.

Those eyes are so bright and dazzling, as if they can dispel all the darkness and haze in her heart!

The heart that was riddled with holes suddenly found peace and harmony at this moment.

Jessica made up her mind silently.

If the first half of her life is a haze shrouded in misery and darkness; then in the second half of her life, she wants to stay by the side of the 'sun'.

And Hasward is her 'sun'!

You don't even need too many words, you can feel inexplicably close just by staying by this man's side. It was as if the baby had returned to its mother's arms and was wrapped in warmth.

"Lord Husward..."

Jessica knelt down on one knee, like a devoutly praying girl: "If you are the sun, then I will be the moon, always by your side."

All who receive the grace of God will serve God both physically and mentally!

Soul donation and contact healing can not only heal the body and mind of others, but also plunder their knowledge, experience, and talents for their own use.

What it really deserves is the power to tamper with the human heart!

Anyone who is healed physically and mentally after being gifted with soul fragments will regard him as a real 'God' from the bottom of his heart!

And Lord... is the god in their hearts!

In Jessica's eyes, Hasward's image was as warm and dazzling as the sun.

In Matt's mind, Hasward's presence is like a beacon that illuminates his darkness.

This influence from soul fragments is a subtle change, not a sudden change.


Even Matt, who believes in his own ideals, cannot escape this influence!

For Hasward, who saved his life and gave him a second light, Matt's heart already belonged to Lord.

"Lord Hasward!"

Matt knelt down on one knee, with a frenzy in his eyes: "I am also willing to follow in your footsteps!"

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