Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 399 Block it, Black Wing Demon (2)

"Don't be too arrogant!"

Fenrir's mountain-like body was slightly lowered, and a violent color flashed in the orange beast pupils, and he roared: "It's just a little Asgard's power, do you really think you can defeat me?"

The mighty and arrogant declaration immediately angered the giant wolf Fenrir.

In the thousands of years since its birth, Fenrir had never seen any of the Asgardian gods, dared to be so arrogant in front of it, and even uttered wild words to cut it into eight pieces. Not even Odin, the king of the gods, ever said that.

Just because it is the behemoth appointed by the three goddesses of fate, it will end the domination of the gods, sweeping the Asgard domain with a cold winter, and the world will announce the coming and end of Ragnarok with its roar!

"It was just me being careless just now." Fenrir roared again and again, corrosive saliva flowing from the gap between the sharp teeth, staring fiercely at Ulquiorra: "I will let you deeply experience, What's wrong with angering me!"

At the moment when the voice fell, the black death light that had been brewing in Fenrir's mouth for a long time, sprayed out towards the figure!

Woo! ! !

A black death light comparable to the thickness of a bucket, the electric light and flint pierced through layers of void.

The shock wave exudes the meaning of icy and deadly extinction. Everything it passes by withers and withers. The ground covered with snow and ice shows signs of decay and cracks. Even the air is filled with a chilling coldness.

Ulquiorra's face was still as calm as a pool of stagnant water. He didn't move half a step under his feet, and slowly raised his right hand, he was planning to use his physical body to resist the shock wave full of destruction and death!


The extremely dark shock wave of death light slammed into the pair of well-knotted palms.

But a scene beyond Fenrir's expectations happened. Not only did the dark death light not destroy the man, but it was easily grasped by those palms, as if hitting an indestructible city wall.

As the five slender fingers gradually closed and squeezed, the jet-black death light squeezed into a ball struggled desperately, constantly making a piercing sound like a scream, and bursts of wind and waves visible to the naked eye suddenly stirred up, and finally felt overwhelmed as if pinched explosion!

Amid the howling gusts of wind around him, the ground on which Ulquiorra was standing was shaken by the aftermath of the explosion scattered by the death light, and countless rubble was wrapped around and blasted out like bullets.

"It's.... with one hand... crushed my death light?!" Fenrir's pupils flashed a thick color of shock,

My brain became blank, and I didn't know what words to use to describe my mood at the moment.

This light of death is the power of the underworld of Helheim, and even the gods of Asgard would not dare to easily contaminate it, otherwise the soul will be burnt by the breath of death, causing injuries that will never be healed.

You must know that even Odin, the king of the gods, did not dare to be arrogant enough to use his bare hands to forcefully pick up its death rays!

The man in front of him actually crushed the death light with his bare hands.

But the injury he suffered was only the skin on the back of his hand... slightly brown and black.

Just when Fenrir was in shock, Ulquiorra put down his hand and said indifferently: "After the blow just now, I have a general idea of ​​your strength, similar to the one in the lower ranks of the Ten Blades. Da Xu, barely qualified to see my return blade."

Returning the blade, also known as the liberation of the sword.

After all Daxu's face is broken, they will seal the core of their own strength into the shape of Zanpakutō. The liberation of the sword is to stimulate the ability of the virtual, from the human form back to the form of the big virtual, so as to obtain several times or even dozens of times the power increase!

To a certain extent, the broken-faced 'returning blade' can be regarded as the 'sworn solution' of the god of death.

It is worth mentioning that.

In the original work, among all the ten blades, there are only four broken faces with the number 'four' and above, which was strictly forbidden by Aizen, and it is not allowed to return to the blade under the sky cover of the virtual circle, because this may cause the number of squares to be broken. The soul within 10,000 square meters is extinct!

"Be happy."

Ulquiorra's eyes were slightly unpleasant, and she said coldly: "If it weren't for the anxiety of Lord Lord, you would have been unqualified to see my return blade with your strength, but now you can see...'s your honor!"


Fenrir let out an uneasy low roar, and subconsciously shrank his body.

Although I don't understand the meaning of 'returning to the blade', I can feel the deep and terrifying Reiatsu that is lurking in the soul, rushing like a flood, from the cold eyes of the other party!

"Block it, Black Wing Demon!"

Standing on the broken ground, Ulquiorra slowly pulled out the Zanpakutō at his waist and spat out a few cold bytes.


With a crisp sound, the Zanpakutō shattered, and with the boundless black spiritual pressure, it covered the sky like a dark cloud.

The spiritual pressure visible to the naked eye is like a dark green Tianhe, rushing recklessly on the sky covered with dark clouds, and then the incomparably heavy spiritual pressure turned into continuous rainstorms, mixed with boundless fear and coercion, filling all the corners of the space. !

a time.

The air in the whole world suddenly became extremely heavy, as if there were heavy objects squeezing from all directions, making people feel the chest tightness, and even breathing became much more difficult.

Under the dark clouds, a waning moon appeared.

The light of the waning moon echoed with the dark green spiritual child, inspiring a wave enough to shatter the soul, and a black demon figure slowly walked out.


I saw the bat-like black wings flutter, and the black rainstorm that fell from the sky instantly dissipated.

The first thing that appeared in front of everyone was the demon-like bat wing.

Then came the slender and slender white one-piece robe, and Ulquiorra's bone helmet, which had only covered half of it, had now become a complete double-horned helmet like a crown.

At the end of the slender arm whose skin is as pale as ashes, the black nails on the slender fingers have turned into sharp long claws, and even the hair has changed from shattered short hair to waist-length black long hair, rising with the waves. the breeze blows.

The dark green tear-like mark on Ulquiorra's face has become darker and thicker after returning to the blade. From a distance, it seems as if he is crying for something. Combined with the appearance and image of this demon, It makes people feel a kind of indescribable strange beauty!

At this moment, Fenrir's heart suddenly had a little... fear!

It doesn't even need to fight at all, it can be judged just by intuition.

The gap between himself and that person is even greater than the gap between it and the Valkyrie, as if a ravine that cannot be filled at all, like a moat in the middle, can never be crossed!

The only thing that can support its belief in not escaping is the fact that it is immortal!

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