Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 407 Grendel, Banshee, Dragon

"One thousand two hundred years!!!"

"Ancestor... Did you see it? We finally arrived, and they finally came back!"

"We didn't break your promise. For one thousand and two hundred years, we finally waited for the Valkyrie, and they finally came to us!"

Elder Axel wept bitterly, as if there were endless grievances, and tears poured out of his eyes together.

The loud cry of the old man, the decaying wooden house could not be cut off at all, attracting other people in the town.

At first, the villagers were shocked as to why there were more than a dozen outsiders here.

However, under the explanation of the little boy Jens, the villagers were in unison after learning that it was the Valkyrie. They were as emotional as the old man, and they burst into tears and screamed into the sky.

For a time, the crying was loud.

Yallweite felt very uncomfortable. From these voices, you could tell how much depression these villagers had accumulated!

As time went by, several people ran to tell each other.

Almost all the people in the town gathered outside this wooden house, and the room was even more crowded.

Hundreds of people were crying and screaming, and even Lord, who was used to seeing strong winds and waves, couldn't help but his eyelids jumped wildly.

"Don't cry!"

A thunderous voice sounded, suppressing the cries of everyone.

I saw a large crowd gathered outside Axel's old man's house. They consciously separated a path and walked out of a rough man with disheveled hair. It was the Viggraf mentioned by Broken Bee.

"Shame on me, shut up!" Wigraf's deep and rich voice sounded like muffled thunder.

Wigraf was obviously quite prestigious in the small town, and when he saw his lion-like eyes swept around, many emotional villagers shut their mouths honestly.

Seeing that the villagers had clearly settled down, Wigraf frowned and waved his hand: "Everyone, please don't gather here, let me chat with these Valkyries."

Although the villagers were unwilling, they did not dare to go against his words, so they had to slowly exit the small wooden house one by one and squatted outside the house.

The house was emptied in an instant, Lorde took a breath,

The humming brain finally calmed down at this moment.

"You...are you really a Valkyrie?"

Wigraf looked at the many Valkyries, still a little unbelievable in his heart, took a deep breath and asked.

"If it's a fake replacement."

Yallweite nodded: "We are indeed the Valkyrie, so...can you tell us the truth about that aurora? There are still 1,200 years to wait. What's going on?"

They have too many questions in their hearts and can't wait to know the truth.

"Before that, please answer me a question first." Wigraf straightened his back and put his hands flat on his knees, exuding a domineering aura, like a glaring lion!

Yallweite said, "Yes."

"Well, what I want to ask is..."

Wigraf nodded slightly and asked, "According to the agreement, you should have returned long ago. Why are you late for a thousand and two hundred years?"


Yallweite sighed: "We have been dead for thousands of years, and our souls have wandered in Helheim until recently."

Afraid that the other party would not believe it, Brunhilde added: "And we didn't know anything about this place before, and all the information was withheld."

"If it wasn't for the escape from Helheim this time, and the chance to see the aurora near Norway, I am afraid that even in another thousand years, we will not know about it."

"You've come back from the dead?"

Hearing this, Wigraf showed a look of surprise on his face. It could be seen that the Valkyrie didn't seem to be lying, so he could only believe this explanation: "You just said, you don't know what this means?"

Brynhilde just wanted to answer, but was grabbed by Yallweite and said first: "Sorry, we can't talk about this matter."


Wigraf took a deep look, as if he understood something, so he didn't continue to ask, but just sighed.

Yallweite said, "Excuse me, can you tell us about the aurora now?"

"Since you don't know, let me tell you all over again, about our ancestor, Beowulf's real story." Wigraf's eyes flashed with memories, and then he slowly told it.

Around the eighth century AD.

In the country of Kitt in modern Sweden, there appeared a prince who was born with divine power, and his name was Beowulf.

When Beowulf was young, his martial arts reached its peak. At that time, everyone in the country was no match for him.

So, at the suggestion of his mother, Beowulf decided to travel around to increase his knowledge and experience.

After going through all kinds of hardships, crossing the Navia Mountains and crossing the Baltic Sea, the young Beowulf came to the country of modern Denmark. He heard that King Hrothgar was issuing a huge bounty to hunt down a man who endangered the people. swamp monster.

Beowulf was young and vigorous, and he believed that he was unparalleled in force, so he volunteered to accept the bounty, and took the fourteen warriors summoned by the king to the swamp deep in the forest, and found the horrible monster that endangered the world—— Grendel!

Grendel was born in a swamp, and is said to be the descendant of Cain, the son of Adam. Because he also has the curse of God, all things wither and wither wherever he goes, and he is jealous of all the good things in the world at will, so it ravages Denmark. The border is twelve years long, and every time it appears, dozens of lives will be lost.

King Hrothgar of Denmark was deeply hurt and sent troops to attack it several times.

However, Grendel is huge and invulnerable to swords and guns, and the mortal army is not its opponent at all.

In the end, with the help of fourteen warriors, Beowulf broke Grendel's arms with his bare hands and stabbed a javelin deeply into the giant's chest.

Grendel rushed back to the depths of the forest in a panic, and after reaching the mother's banshee's lair, he was exhausted and died, so the forest banshee led countless poisonous sea snakes to invade the world in order to avenge her son.

Beowulf then went out to the depths of the forest again, found a silver sword in the banshee's lair, cut off the banshee's head and took it back. After completely eliminating the two evil monsters, he returned to his hometown of Kitland. inherited the throne.

Fifty years after the beheading of Grendel and the Banshee, a powerful fire dragon suddenly appeared in the territory of Kitland, roaring and spewing boundless flames, turning the world into a living purgatory, countless people because of this And tragically die.

The already aged Beowulf, for the sake of the country and the people, resolutely embarked on the journey of hunting monsters again.

Following the traces left by the flaming dragon, he returned to the forest where he killed giants and banshees when he was young. He found the flaming dragon's lair, and found that it was full of broken silver armor and even many It is similar in style to the divine sword in his hand, but the appearance is already damaged and mutilated.

And the flaming dragon he was looking for was entrenched on the hill where countless armors were piled up.

At the same time, among the broken armor, there was a surviving Valkyrie consciousness, which told Beowulf a shocking secret.

In fact, the giant dragon is the giant Grendel who was personally killed by him fifty years ago, but now it has been invaded by another evil force and forcibly transformed into what it is today.

If this evil guy can't be defeated and sealed, then the whole world will be destroyed by that evil force!

After a tragic battle, Beowulf finally stabbed the dragon's abdomen with a sword, and he himself was pierced by the dragon's fangs in the neck, but unfortunately the dragon will not be destroyed. , only temporarily sealed up.

So Beowulf and the Valkyrie swore an oath to guard here for generations before the next Valkyrie came to Midgard, to ensure that the dragon would not break through the seal, come again and destroy the world!

Before his death, Beowulf gave his armor and sword to a young warrior who followed him.

Under the advice of the Valkyrie, the young warrior drank the blood of the dragon and gained a life as long as the Protoss. In the mountains near the seal dragon, he established a small town and village with the descendants of Beowulf. For this reason, it has been guarded here for generations.

At the end of the story, everyone suddenly woke up.

The young warrior who inherited Beowulf's armor and sharp sword is the unkempt Wigraf in front of him!

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