Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 399: Revising History

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Time: 2008.

Location: New York City.

Overview of historical events: Loki Odinson, who was expelled from Asgard, was ordered by Thanos to seize the space gem, which led to the invasion of the earth by the army of Qitarui. In order to protect the earth and human beings, SHIELD formed the Avengers Alliance. The heroes responded for the first time and rallied to fight against the Chitauri army, and finally achieved a difficult victory.

Historical deviation: 90% (severe)

Overview of mission details: The time and space have undergone great changes, and the timeline has been disrupted by unknown existences, making it impossible to observe from the outside. The executor must always pay attention and bring the information back to the headquarters.

Correct the historical process:

①: Launching a nuclear missile at New York inspired Tony Stark's self-sacrificing spirit, forcing him to introduce the missile into a space wormhole, resulting in fear of falling from high altitudes and suffering from severe anxiety.

②: The owner of the space gem is Sol, and the owner of the mind gem is Hydra. If the owner of the gem changes, it needs to be corrected in time.

③: Investigate the causes of space-time aberrations and restore the historical timeline as much as possible.




New York in ruins.

In a dark street corner, two people dressed in fancy clothes, like bystanders, silently observed everything happening.

"Rick...I think we have found the reason for the major shift in the history of this time and space." A white man in his thirties stared at the sky with burning eyes and said.

The woman next to him called Rick, after hearing this, glared at the white man angrily, and cursed: "Chris, I'm not blind, even a fool can guess such a big movement. Okay?!"

"Then what are we going to do now?"

Chris smacked his tongue, looked at the situation in the sky, and said with a little lingering fear: "To be honest, I don't think we can correct this historical event with just a few of us."

"This... is beyond our scope.

A trace of fear appeared in Rick's eyes, pursing his chapped lips, and said, "After Paul launches the nuclear bomb, just let Tony carry the nuclear bomb into the space wormhole and make sure he is suffering from anxiety, and we can leave." "

"You mean... give up the mission?"

Hearing this, Chris's expression changed slightly, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes, and then he said in horror: "Rick, you don't know, if we rashly give up the correction task, what kind of punishment will we be punished?"

"Then you go by yourself?"

Rick sneered and said, "You haven't seen their battle just now, right? The destructive power of a casual blow is comparable to those of the gods at the heavenly father level. Just rely on us cats and dogs to correct history. ?"

"And the degree of mutation of this time and space has completely exceeded the limit of intervention. We just need to bring the information back and how to deal with it next. That is a problem of the three [judges], and it has nothing to do with us little shrimps."

"But even so... just give up the mission and don't even try it. Do you think we can escape the punishment of the three [judges] after we go back?" Chris's expression changed and he seemed a little hesitant.

"Even if I go back and be punished for ten years in the Land of Doom, I don't want to die now!"

Rick snorted coldly and said, "If you really want to die, I will never stop you. Just don't drag me and Paul down. We will retire in three years, and we don't want to have an accident at this juncture."

Seeing his companion's tough attitude, Chris could only explain in a low voice, "You misunderstood, I didn't mean that, in short, I'll just listen to you."

"Idiot, I really don't know how you got in here." Rick rolled his eyes at him, turned his head and tapped the device on his wrist a few times, and said, "Paul, how is your situation?"

"The major historical event has been corrected, the nuclear bomb is being sent to New York, this old man is so weak that he almost died..." An elderly voice came from the watch.

"Received, we are going to retreat, come over there quickly." Rick said.

"Retreat now?" Paul's voice suddenly rose a few degrees, but he immediately understood the worries of his companions, and said solemnly: "But we haven't found out the cause of the space-time mutation and the origins of those people. If we go back directly I am afraid......"

"The remaining two tasks are given up. This is not a situation we can handle." Rick urged: "How long can you come over? We are going to prepare to leave here."

"Rick, what happened on your side?" Paul heard the anxiety in Rick's tone and wondered, "Even if you think the mission is dangerous, we still have plenty of time, so we shouldn't be in such a hurry, right? "

"The mutation of this time and space has exceeded our expectations. The single-person transmission device cannot be used. It is necessary to gather three people's devices to help us get out of this time and space." Rick said quickly while raising his head. Come, look from the dark ruins to those men in black in the sky.

After being silent for a while, Rick's voice trembled slightly and said, "And I have an ominous premonition... Intuition tells me that if I continue to stay, they will probably find out."

"Okay, I see." Paul was suddenly silent for a few seconds, and finally chose to trust his companion's intuition, and said, "Give me another fifteen minutes, I will get out of this old man's body and use the device to rush over."


After Rick said this, he hung up the contact, with a very solemn expression on his face, even a faint trace of... fear.

When Chris heard this, his face instantly turned pale, and his teeth trembled uncontrollably: "You,'re joking, right?"

"I never joke, especially when I'm on a mission." Rick said, exhaling heavily from his lungs, with a worried look on his face, "And I always feel... .. they seem to have spotted us."

"No...Impossible!" Chris panicked completely, swallowed hard, and said with difficulty, "Don't we have a [Time and Space Freeze] device? Those shouldn't be possible. found us?"

"Idiot, look down and see for yourself, is this ghost still useful?" Rick scolded a rookie, raised his hand to show Chris the garbled code on his watch, and gritted his teeth: "Do you see clearly now? This The damn space-time freezing device has long since expired!"

The watch in their hands is the time and space freezing device, which integrates various functions and is a special equipment developed by the bureau.

The biggest function of this device is that it can freeze one's own time and space, so that they can enter a state similar to quantum ghosts.

In this state, they can sneak into any place, ignore the vast majority of attacks, and can be used to forcefully escape from this time and space when completing tasks or dangers.

But now... the device is out of order!

"'s impossible!" Chris looked at his watch and found that, as Rick said, all the functions of the watch had failed, and his heart suddenly panicked: "Time and Space Freezing the device... how could something go wrong?"

"There is only one possibility for the device to fail..."

Rick took a deep breath and said slowly: "That's why we are now in a... frozen time and space, a time and space that has been frozen, naturally cannot be frozen again. ."




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